Thursday, July 30, 2020

LG 16 is an exception to EENS, Syllabus etc for Pope Francis.So God wills a plurality of religions for salvation for him

-Lionel Andrades

JULY 30, 2020

Bishop Schneider could interpret Vatican Council II like me. It's rational and traditional. It's without the false premise

Catholic Herald, U.K and Judician Vicar, Diocese of Manchester, USA in an interview interpreted Magisterial documents with a false premise

-Lionel Andrades

I do not interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise and so the Council is in harmony with EENS. Syllabus etc.

-Lionel Andrades

The Archbishop of Palermo and Fr. Alessandro Minutella interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise.

-Lionel Andrades

The Chancellor in the Diocese of Manchester, USA and the Judicial Vicar use a false premise to interpret Magisterial documents. This is not professional.

-Lionel Andrades

La veggente Marija con Padre Livio commentano il messaggio del 25 luglio...

Ora siamo in alto mare e bisogna nuotare, senza perdere la Fede e la Spe...

Bishop Schneider interprets the Creeds with the false premise and then offers Holy Mass. He does not end the scandal.

-Lionel Andrades

Preghiera di Guarigione - Medjugorje 29 luglio 2020

Bishop Schneider could interpret Vatican Council II like me. It's rational and traditional. It's without the false premise

-Lionel Andrades

If you consider LG16 explicit and I consider it implicit our interpretation of Vatican Council II will be different.

-Lionel Andrades

Ci vuole sia il lavoro che la preghiera, motivati dall'amore- OMELIA 29 ...

Perchè la Madonna è venuta come Regina della PACE a Medjugorje

Medjugorje. Raffaella, 16 anni, vede il sole pulsare e roteare e guarisce al suo occhio cieco

Raffaella Mazzocchi
Medjugorje. Raffaella, 16 anni, vede il sole pulsare e roteare e guarisce al suo occhio cieco

In Medjugorje, She Was Healed From Blindness

La Madonna sta cercando in mille modi di avvicinarci a suo Figlio