Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Evangelization and Doctrine: Two Sides of the Same Coin Matthew Plese, Fatima Center

Evangelization and Doctrine: Two Sides of the Same Coin

Catholic Apologetics #15

“Going therefore, teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world” (Matthew 28:20-21).

Evangelization Necessitates Doctrine

As reported by news outlets including LifeSiteNews on April 29th, Pope Francis plans to put in place a reorganization of Vatican agencies which will place evangelization in priority ahead of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.[i] Such a claim is unfortunately not a satirical headline but an actual initiative by the Vatican. Despite what these so-called reformers claim, evangelization and doctrine are two sides of the same coin. It is impossible to please God without the Faith (cf. Hebrews 11:6) and it is impossible to spread the Faith and save souls without teaching them sound doctrine (2 Timothy 4:3).
Concerning the virtue of Faith, the Catechism of St. Thomas Aquinas, composed by the Angelic Doctor himself, expounds on this notion when he writes, “The first thing that is necessary for every Christian is faith, without which no one is truly called a faithful Christian.” To be a Christian it is necessary to possess faith – faith in God and in all that His Holy Church teaches. Those who reject certain dogmatic teachings (e.g. Purgatory, the necessity of Confession to a priest, Transubstantiation, et cetera) reject the entirety of the Faith since to reject part of what is necessary for salvation is to reject it wholly. To be a Catholic, one must profess faith in all that the Church teaches, since to reject one dogma is to reject them all, as St. Thomas explains: “…a heretic with regard to one article has no faith in the other articles, but only a kind of opinion in accordance with his own will.”[ii]
As further defined in the Church’s 1983 Code of Canon Law:
“A person must believe with divine and Catholic faith all those things contained in the word of God, written or handed on, that is, in the one deposit of faith entrusted to the Church, and at the same time proposed as divinely revealed either by the solemn magisterium of the Church or by its ordinary and universal magisterium which is manifested by the common adherence of the Christian faithful under the leadership of the sacred magisterium; therefore all are bound to avoid any doctrines whatsoever contrary to them…therefore, one who rejects those propositions which are to be held definitively is opposed to the doctrine of the Catholic Church.”[iii]
As such, to claim one may evangelize without prioritizing doctrine is nonsensical! It is not possible to win over souls with anything less than the full and complete Catholic Faith. The Catholic Faith in its entirety is the complete truth, and it is by this truth alone that we can be saved (cf. John 8:31).

The Catholic Faith Is Necessary for Salvation

A fundamental error with Modernism and those who have succumbed to it, is that they refuse to embrace extra ecclesiam nulla salus (“outside of the Church there is no salvation”). Pope Innocent III formally declared at the Fourth Lateran Council in 1215: “There is but one universal Church of the faithful, outside which no one at all is saved.” His Holiness Innocent III unequivocally declared that all men must belong to the Church founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ in order to be saved. And how can adult converts truly belong to the Church if they have not been taught what a Catholic believes? They can’t!
Subsequently, Pope Boniface VIII made the matter even more clear when in 1302 he proclaimed, “We declare, say, define, and pronounce that it is absolutely necessary for the salvation of every human creature to be subject to the Roman Pontiff” (Unam Sanctam, 1302).And these pronouncements are not the only ones issued by the Holy Catholic Church. The Church continues to teach that outside of the Church there is no salvation. Period. The Church is unchanging in matters of Faith and Doctrine. If it is true that in the past salvation was possible only for Catholics and if this is not true now, then the Faith has changed. But the Faith cannot change because God doesn’t change. As the Scriptures affirm: “Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrew 13:8).
Back when Catholic Bishops better proclaimed the Catholic Faith, Archbishop John Hughes of New York, who was Archbishop from 1842 until 1864, said: “The goal of the Catholic Church is to convert all pagan nations and protestant nations.  There is no secrecy in this; it is the commission of God to His one true Church. Everyone should know that we have for our mission to convert the world, including the inhabitants of the United States: the people of the cities, the peoples of the country, the officers of the Navy and the Marines, the commanders of the Army, the Legislature, the Senate, the Cabinet, the President and all.”
And we do this because Our Lord commanded us to convert all peoples and nations.  Why?  Because He is the only means to be saved.  “For there is no other name under heaven given to men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).  Sadly, with the crisis in the Church only intensifying, we must take a firm and unwavering stand to boldly uphold all doctrines possible. As Our Lord reminds us, “He therefore that shall break one of these least commandments, and shall so teach men, shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven. But he that shall do and teach, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:19).

[ii] Summa Theologiae, II-II, q. 5, art. 3 (http://www.newadvent.org/summa/3005.htm#article3).
[iii] 1983 Code of Canon Law, Can. 750 §1-2 (http://www.vatican.va/archive/ENG1104/__P2H.HTM).

How can I choose The Fatima Center over the Pope?

The Parlavra Viva Catholic religious community of young women are now in Rome

The Palavra Viva Catholic Community was founded in Brazil in 1995 by Alysson Norberto.Their charism is to proclaim Jesus to the world.They reach out especially to young people and families.They defend the faith in total obedience to the Magisterium of the Church and to the Holy Father,said Sister Mirella, the young Brazilian coordinator for the women's section of the Parlavra Viva community.She was speaking yesterday at the Basilica of San Andrea della Fratte in Rome.She introduced her community before Holy Mass which was offered in Italian by Bishop Gianrico Ruzza, the General Secretary of the Vicariate in Rome. The Mass was also con- celebrated by Fr.Francesco Trebisonda, Parish Priest, San Andrea della Fratte and Mons. Natale Loda, Rector, San Giuseppe a Capo le Case.
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Sister Mirella and her community now organize the church of San Giuseppe in Capo le Case, near Piazza Spagna, Rome. The church is near where St. Therese of Lisseax stayed with her parents, when she first visited Rome.
The community is missionary in the parish. They evangelize young people in universities and schools.They hold meetings for young people and their families.At their programs there are testimonies, music, retreats and pilgrimages to  shrines.They announce the  kerygma to those who have not yet found a personal encounter with Jesus Christ.
Their mother house is located in the south-east of Brazil in the state of Minas Gerais and they are also present in eight other cities in Brazil.In Europe they are active in Switzerland (Lugano), Italy (Palestrina and Rome) and France (Lyon, Avignon, Bayonne and Perigueux). 
They are consecrated young people in Europe who renew their vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.Some of them have also made their  final profession. A young religious community full of enthusiasm, they are waiting for the Church to give them full canonical recognition as a religious community.In Rome they are a lay association.
These young women,in their twenties,study Philosophy at the St. John Lateran University and will  go on to study theology there.
During the day from eight a.m to 10 a.m and four a.m to seven p.m they have the Blessed Sacrament Exposed for Adoration.The church is open for all. They have the recitation of the Rosary and the Divine Office.After Sunday evening Mass they also have the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
The community already has a mens section in Rome with a religious priest as one of their members.
-Lionel Andrades

Comunità Cattolica religiosa feminile Palavra Viva a Roma

Comunità Cattolica Palavra Viva

“ La Chiesa non evangelizza se non si lascia continuamente evangelizzare”. (Papa Francesco, Evangelii Gaudim, 174)
La comunità religiosa cattolica di giovani donne di Parlavra Viva è ora a Roma

La comunità cattolica Palavra Viva è stata fondata in Brasile nel 1995 da Alysson Norberto. Il loro carisma è di annunciare Gesù al mondo. Si rivolgono soprattutto ai giovani e alle famiglie. Difendono la fede in totale obbedienza al Magistero della Chiesa e il Santo Padre, ha detto Suor Mirella, la giovane coordinatrice brasiliana per la sezione femminile della comunità. Ha parlato ieri alla Basilica di San Andrea della Fratte a Roma. Ha presentato la sua comunità prima della Santa Messa che è stata offerta in italiano da Mons. Gianrico Ruzza, Segretario Generale del Vicariato di Roma. La Messa è stata anche celebrata da don Francesco Trebisonda, Parroco, San Andrea della Fratte e mons. Natale Loda, Rettore, San Giuseppe a Capo le Case.
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Suor Mirella e la sua comunità organizzano ora la chiesa di San Giuseppe a Capo le Case, vicino a Piazza Spagna, a Roma. La chiesa è vicino dove Santa Teresa di Lisseax rimase con i suoi genitori, quando visitò per la prima volta Roma.
La comunità è missionaria nella parrocchia. Evangelizzano i giovani nelle università e nelle scuole. Organizzano incontri per i giovani e le loro famiglie. Nei loro programmi ci sono testimonianze, musica, ritiri e pellegrinaggi ai santuari. Annunciano il kerygma a coloro che non hanno ancora trovato un incontro personale con Gesù Cristo.
La loro casa madre si trova nel sud-est del Brasile, nello stato del Minas Gerais, e sono presenti anche in altre otto città del Brasile. In Europa sono attive in Svizzera (Lugano), Italia (Palestrina e Roma) e Francia ( Lione, Avignone, Bayonne e Perigueux).
Sono giovani consacrati in Europa che rinnovano i loro voti di povertà, castità e obbedienza. Alcuni di loro hanno anche fatto la loro professione finale. Una giovane comunità religiosa piena di entusiasmo, stanno aspettando che la Chiesa dia loro pieno riconoscimento canonico come comunità religiosa. A Roma sono un'associazione laica.
Queste giovani donne, ventenni, studiano filosofia presso l'Università di San Giovanni in Laterano e continueranno a studiare teologia lì.
Durante il giorno dalle 8 alle 10 e dalle 4:00 alle 23:00 hanno il Santissimo Sacramento esposto per l'adorazione. La chiesa è aperta a tutti. Hanno la recita del Rosario e dell'Ufficio Divino. Dopo la messa della domenica sera, hanno anche l'adorazione del Santissimo Sacramento.

La comunità ha già una sezione per gli uomini a Roma con un sacerdote religioso come uno dei loro membri.-Lionel Andrades

Next month Pope Francis will announce a new dicastery( Vatican office) which will support official heresy and support mortal sins of faith among Catholics

Next month Pope Francis will announce a new dicastery( Vatican office) which will support official heresy and support mortal sins of faith among Catholics.On the feast of St. Peter and St. Paul the pope will call to proclaim Jesus without  the necessity of membership in the Catholic Church. So he will negate the ex cathedra dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS), change the Nicene Creed, re-interpret the Apostles Creed and reject the Athanasius Creed which says outside the Church there is no salvation.He uses Cushingite theology, which creates a rupture with Tradition.
When questioned about it he will refer to Vatican Council II interpreted with an irrational premise and inference.Meanwhile the cardinals and bishops will not tell him that in Vatican Council II there is nothing  to contradict the strict interpretation of EENS and the past ecclesiastics  of the Church.Since hypothetical and theoretical cases of LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II, cannot be objective exceptions to the dogmatic teaching on all needing to enter the Catholic Church to avod Hell( for salvation).But he will not use rational Feeneyism as a theology but will choose irrational Cushingism which makes Vatican Council II a rupture with EENS.

He will be supported by Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti and  Cardinal  Cardinal Lorenzo Baldiserri ,President and Secretary of the Italian Bishops Conference(CEI) respectively.They will call this new doctrine magisterial and not expect Pope Francis to interpret Vatican Council II  in harmony with EENS, the past ecclesiology, an ecumenism of return and the Syllabus of Errors.
This public and and official modernism will mislead many Catholics who will follow the public heresy of the ecclesiastics, under pressure from the Left.
Rome has already lost the Faith, as Our Lady at La Saletter predicted. Next month there will be another official stamp of approval and the cardinals and bishops will remain in a mute mode.
Image result for Photo SERMIS( Servizio Missionario)

When St. Peter and St.Paul proclaimed the Gospel they called for belief in Jesus, within a community, within the Church.It was not an independent Jesus without the necessity of baptism and the faith-teaching.At that time there was no sola scriptura of the Protestants, no pro abortion and pro-contraception of the evangelicals, or the consensual homosexual marriages of the episcopalians.There were only the doctrines of the one Church Jesus founded, the Catholic Church.
At the basilica of San Andrea della Fratte, Alphonse Ratisbonne was shown the importance of the Catholic Church for the salvation of all people.So he became a missionary and a priest.
Today's offices for Pastoral Mission in Italy have rejected Ratisbonne's doctrine on Mission.They say that salvation is open to all but do not say that all need to enter the Church for this salvation.
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The episcopal office for mission among the churches, whose President is Cardinal Francesco Becchiu, is heretical.
All the members of the Conferenza Istututi Missionarie in Italia (C.I.M.I) are falling this false doctrine which negates exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church and simply calls  to believe in Jesus without the moral teachings of the Catholic Church.
Image result for sInstututi Soci della Coop. SERMIS( Servizio Missionario)Image result for sInstututi Soci della Coop. SERMIS( Servizio Missionario)
The Instututi Soci della Coop. SERMIS( Servizio Missionario) is imposing their new doctrines on mision based upon their being exceptions to EENS allegedly in Vatican Council II. This is the new revelation to the Church for them.
Image result for Photo SERMIS( Servizio Missionario)
They will not tell the people in the Amazon that they only need to believe in Jesus with the necesity of the Sacraments of the Church, for salvation.
The Jewish Left rabbis do not object to this mission.

Bishop calls to proclaim Jesus without the necessity of membership in the Catholic Church

Image result for Bishop Ruzza Vicariato

At Fatima Our Lady said that the dogma of the faith will be lost( except in Portugal) .It was lost yesterday evening at the Basilica of San Andrea della Fratte, Rome.Bishop Gianrico Ruzza called to proclaim Jesus without  the necessity of membership isn the Catholic Church for salvation.This new doctrine , approved by Pope Francis, negates  the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS), defined by three Church Councils, ex cathedra and which Pope Pius XII called 'an infallible teaching'.
The Italian bishop, the Secretary General of the Rome Vicariate, was introducing  a young Brazilian community,Parlavra Viva, a lay association of Catholics, who also in mission do not proclaim Jesus and the necessity of the Catholic Church for salvation. Since the bishop and the Left do not permit it.
It may be mentioned that  Cardinal Lorenzo Baldiserri  misuses the word Magisterium.  Since it is not magisterial to suggest that  unknown cases of the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and invincible ignorance( I.I) and Lumen Gentium 8, Lumen Gentium 14, Lumen Gentium 16, Unitatitis Redintigratio 3, Nostra Aetate  2, Gaudium et Spec 22 etc in Vatican Council II are known exceptions to the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) which he will not affirm.This is also the irrationality of the present two popes. Image result for Cardinal Baldisseri and Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti PhotosImage result for Cardinal Baldisseri and Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti Photos Cardinal Baldiserri and Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti, President of the Italian Episcopal Conference,cannot support the moral errors mentioned in the Open Letter to the Bishops and then brush it all off as the pope being always magisterial.This is not true.Since the pope also goes for Confession. He acknowledges that he makes mistakes and is a sinner. 1
-Lionel Andrades


Pray the Rosary daily for peace in the world -Our Lady of Fatima



On this 102nd Anniversary of Her First Apparition, May 13, 1917!

Repost : Fr.Nicholas Gruner has only to interpret Vatican Council II without the irrational premise and the Council becomes traditional


  Photo of The Fatima Crusader Magazine

November 11, 2014

Fr.Nicholas Gruner has only to interpret Vatican Council II without the irrational premise and the Council becomes traditional

Fr.Nicholas Gruner assumes that the deceased now saved in Heaven are visible to us on earth and are explicit exceptions to all needing to convert into the Church with faith and baptism. So for him Vatican Council II contradicts the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
The fault is not with Vatican Council.He wrongly infers that there are known exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council to the dogma.The  text of the Council does not state that there are exceptions to the dogma or that LG 16,LG 8,NA 2,UR 3 etc refer to explicit- for- us cases.
The cardinals and bishops at the Vatican are also using this irrational inference and so Vatican Council II is  projected as a break with Tradition; extra ecclesiam nulla salus,the Syllabus of Errors, the Catechism of Pope Pius X etc.Cardinal Innocenti, Cardinal Sanchez, Cardinal Agustoni, Archbishop Sepe, Archbishop Grochelewski, and Bishop Forte are using the same irrational premise. Fr.Nicholas Gruner has only to interpret Vatican Council II without the irrational premise and the Council becomes traditional.-L.A

 Fatima Center Advisory Council of Priests