Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Archbishop Vigano, Bishop Schneider and Abbe Barthe are Lefebvrist Cushingites: they interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise and inference and then do not like the non traditional conclusion : they have no concept of the Council interpreted without their error


French priest and liturgist: Abp. Viganò can help other prelates talk about ‘defective points of Vatican II’

Lionel: I don't think so. He is stuck in the Lefbvrist groove. He has absolutely no concept of a Council interpreted without the liberal and Lefebvrist false premise, which creates the New Theology.
There has been an ongoing discussion between Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò and Bishop Athanasius Schneider about the Second Vatican Council.
Lionel: It could be a waste of time as in the past.
Mon Jun 22, 2020 - 3:15 pm EST
After a thoughtful review of the Italian archbishop's arguments in this matter, Abbé Barthe states that “some prelates, above all after the last synodal assemblies, have been led to trace the consequences of the present situation back to their causes, which were established half a century ago. Your example and your encouragement can help them to express, in conscience, for the good of the Church, their disagreement with these causes: the defective points of Vatican II.”
Lionel: Most of them do not know the cause.
 I think the prelates of the Congregation for 
the Doctrine of the Faith and Pope Benedict
would know the cause but they could have 
an interest in keeping the real cause hidden.
It is a secret which is now out. We know
the precise cause of the hermeneutic of rupture.

As we had reported earlier, Archbishop Viganò had thanked Bishop Athanasius Schneider for his June 1 statement, according to which the controversial Abu Dhabi statement signed by Pope Francis – and which states that the “diversity of religions” is “willed by God” – has its roots in the Second Vatican Council's endorsement of a natural right to religious liberty and thus the concept of a natural right to believe in a false religion.
Lionel: The Second Vatican Council II affirms the stict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). This would be beyond the understanding of the Lefebvrists. Since they have been conditioned to reason with the false premise.

Non Catholics are oriented to Hell unless they enter the Catholic Church with faith and baptism (Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II). This is the Conciliar Church for me.Non Catholic religions are not paths to salvation.There is no known salvation outside the Church. The Council cannot and does not mention any known case of a non Catholic saved outside the Church.
Non Catholics have the liberty to follow their religion but this does not prevent Catholics from affirming the truths of the their faith, like the Church having exclusive salvation.
Schneider was responding to an analysis of this Abu Dhabi statement as presented by Cardinal Gerhard Müller. Some of his statements are presented here. The German cardinal had described a way of interpretation of this papal document that could be less controversial. Among other things, he had stressed the important duty of “any religious or civil authority” of accepting “the fundamental, supranational human right to religious freedom,” while at the same time insisting that this does not mean a relativism with regard to the revealed truth. For him, the controversial statement concerning the diversity of religions as willed by God “can” be read in a relativistic manner, but it “must not” be done this way. One should, he explained, “interpret” the text and its hermeneutic and terminology “with a view on the good intention of their authors rather than with a view on the academic precision in its expressions.”
Lionel: Cardinal Muller rejected the dogma EENS. He interpreted Vatican Council II with the false premise to create an artificial rupture with EENS.So his interpretation of the Council is the same as Pope Benedict and Pope Francis.
It was this explicit critique of a statement of the Second Vatican Council – the endorsement of religious liberty – that compelled Archbishop Viganò to publish a June 10 statement strongly criticizing the Second Vatican Council. 
“If we do not recognize,” he then wrote, “that the roots of these deviations are found in the principles laid down by the Council, it will be impossible to find a cure: if our diagnosis persists, against all the evidence, in excluding the initial pathology, we cannot prescribe a suitable therapy.” 
Lionel: He is not aware of Vatican Council II Feeneyite. There is also the  Council interpreted without the false premise and there is no rupture with Tradition.
Lefebvrists do not want to interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise.Since then they would be affirming EENS( Feeneyite).This would be opposed by the Jewish Left. They would be criticized by the SPLC,ADL etc.
The Lepanto Foundation interprets Vatican Council II with the false premise to avoid the Feeneyite label.The false premise is useful for Prof. Roberto dei Mattei.
It is the same with Una Voce and the Latin Mass Societies.The false premise is convenient for Dr. Joseph Shaw.
On June 15, the Italian prelate followed up on his first intervention, coming out even stronger by stating that those “heretical propositions or those which favor heresy” of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) “should be condemned, and we can only hope that this will happen as soon as possible.” He added that the Council should then be altogether “dropped” and “be forgotten.” 
He makes his own the following words of an Italian Law Professor, Paolo Pasqualucci: “If the Council has deviated from the Faith, the Pope has the power to invalidate it. Indeed, it is his duty.” 
Lionel : The Council has not deviated from the faith.Pasqualucci inteprets the Council with a false premise.So the conclusion is a deviation from the Faith.This was not known also to Archbishop Lefebvre.

It is here that Abbé Barthe's own intervention comes in. For this French priest, this last June 15 statement by Archbishop Viganò is of “great interest for the Church.” He then sums up the prelate's own analysis of the Vatican Council, which has to be done in light of what the “preceding doctrine” of the Church has been. Here, especially the conciliar texts Dignitatis Humanae (religious freedom) and Nostra Aetate (new relationship with non-Christian religions) come to mind. 
Lionel: The preceding doctrine of the Church on exclusive salvation has not been contradicted by Nostra Aetate  or  Dignitatis Humanae for me.
Abbé Barthe also discusses Archbishop Viganò’s statement that Vatican II, due to its deviations and ambiguities, should be annulled altogether. For this to be done, explains the priest, one needs to confirm Vatican II was pastoral, not doctrinal, in nature. Here, he is able to show that “the organs of the Council itself (Dz 4351) and all of its successive interpretations held that this Council was of a merely ‘pastoral’ nature, that is, not dogmatic.” 
Lionel: Typical Lefebvrist, Cushingite false analysis.
For him, it would be a way out of our current crisis by insisting again on dogmatic teachings, away from the pastoral ones. He states: “In fact, the great way out of the present magisterial crisis is to come out of what is called the 'pastoral' and to enter once again into dogmatics: that the Pope alone or the pope and the bishops united to him express themselves magisterially and no longer ‘pastorally.’” The pastoral approach, as we might add, has shown to be much more prone to doctrinal heterodoxies, as Amoris Laetitia has shown us clearly. 
Lionel. There is no doctrinal error when the Council is interpreted without the false premise.This is not understood by the Lefebvrists. Vigano will quote Schneider and Mattei will quote Remnant and Michael Matt will  quote another Cushingite Lefebvrist and  Gloria TV will only cite Lefebvrists traditionalists and so they remain in their irrational circle quoting each other in error.

It is here that Abbé Barthe echoes Archbishop Viganò’s call for other prelates to join Bishop Schneider and him in an honest debate about the problems of Vatican II, for the sake of the Church and the salvation of souls.
Lionel: Why should they ? They want to interpret 
Vatican Council II as a rupture with Tradition 
and the false premise is their only hope.

– That which is in direct disagreement with preceding doctrine, such as the religious freedom of the declaration Dignitatis Humanae and the foundations of the new relationship with non-Christian religions of the declaration Nostra Aetate (we could also add the decree on ecumenism, Unitatis Redintegratio, n.3, which introduces the innovation of the idea of the “imperfect communion” that those separated from Christ and from Church are said to have with Christ and the Church,);
Lionel : There is no innovation with Unitatis Redintegratio 3 unless you use the false premise. We do not and cannot know of any one saved in imperfect communion with the Church. This would be an invisible case.But in ignorance it is always an exception to EENS for the Lefebvrists. So it is implied that UR 3 refers to a visible and known non Catholic saved outside the Church.Otherwise it could not be a rupture. This is irrational. But this is common among the Lefebvrists.They follow the bad reasoning of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 (LOHO).
– The ambiguities that can be used in the sense of truth or error, such as the term “subsistit” in n. 8 of the Constitution Lumen Gentium: “The Church of Christ subsists in the Catholic Church” instead of “The Church of Christ is the Catholic Church.”
Lionel. Again a false premise is used here. Lumen Gentium 8 refers to a hypothetical case for me. But it contradicts exclusive salvation for the Lefebvrists. So they imply that this is an objective case of a non Catholic saved outside the Church.
This is false. We do not know any one saved outside the Church where the Catholic Church subsists. This is a non issue.
So they interpret LG 8 and UR 3 with the false premise and inference and then blame the Council.
2) These doctrinal distortions are at the origin of the errors that followed them – the proof of the “spirit of the Council.”
You explain that the deviations or the most harmful elements for the faith of Christians that mark the post-conciliar period (you cite the Abu Dhabi Declaration, but also the Day in Assisi, the liturgical reform, the use of collegiality) have their origins in these distortions.
Further, from this text it clearly emerges that the concept of the “spirit of the Council” confirms the innovative specificity of this assembly, because “there was never talk of a “spirit of the Council of Nicea” or the “spirit of the Council of Ferrara-Florence,” even less the “spirit of the Council of Trent,” just as we never had a“post-conciliar” era after Lateran IV or Vatican I.”
Lionel : The spirit of the Council depends upon the false premise used by the Lefebvrists to create doctrinal deviation which is approved by the liberals and the present two popes.
3) These distortions cannot be corrected.
The efforts to correct the excesses of the Council, you say, are futile:
  1. One such option is to take the insufficient path of the “hermeneutic of continuity.” Much less is this possible since this hermeneutic is not a return to the preceding magisterium but represents the search for a third way between innovation and tradition. Benedict XVI, in his discourse to the Roman Curia of December 22, 2005, proposed a “hermeneutic of renewal in continuity” in opposition to the “hermeneutic of discontinuity and rupture”; but by this latter statement he focused both on “traditionalists” as well as “progressives,” who both hold that Vatican II made a certain rupture.
  2. Lionel: Pope Benedict interprets Vatican Council II with the hermeneutic of rupture. He uses the false premise.
  3. ________________________
  4. Or, one calls upon the Magisterium to “correct” the errors of Vatican II. You rightly show that this project, “even with the best of intentions, threatens the foundation of the Catholic edifice.” In reality, opposing the magisterium of tomorrow against that of today, which in turn contradicts the magisterium of yesterday, would end up meaning that no magisterial act would ever be definitive.
  5. Lionel: The present two pontiffs use the false premise to interpret Magisterial documents. The past Magisterium before the 1930's avoided this error.-Lionel Andrades
Translated by Giuseppe Pellegrino @pellegrino2020
Abbé Barthe is the co-founder of the magazine Catholica; and he runs the newsletter Res novae, which is linked to the magazine L'Homme nouveau, which has an English edition.
He also authored different books, one of them having received a preface of Cardinal Robert Sarah, the Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship. Here are some titles:
Trouvera-t-Il encore la foi sur la terre? Une crise de l’Eglise, histoire et questions, François-Xavier de Guibert, 2006, 3rd edition
Histoire du missel tridentin et de ses origines, 2016
La Messe de Vatican II. Dossier historique, Via Romana, 2018
La Messe, une forêt de symboles. Préface du Cardinal Sarah, Via Romana, dernière édition 2020

Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict used the false premise to interpret Vatican Council II.

Image result for Vatican news logo

The development of doctrine is fidelity in newness

Certain critiques of the current pontificate
challenge the Second Vatican Council
and end up forgetting the Magisterium 
of Saint John Paul II and Benedict XVI.
Lionel: Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict 
 used the false premise to interpret Vatican 
 Council II. It is there in black and white
 before us.
So this is another propaganda-piece.
Sergio Certofanti
Certain doctrinal criticisms of the current
pontificate show a gradual but  increasingly
 clear-cut separation from the Vatican II
Council — not from a certain interpretation
 of some texts, but from the Council
 texts themselves. Some interpretations
that insist on contrasting Pope Francis with
 his immediate predecessors thus end up
 openly criticizing even St John Paul II
and Benedict XVI, or by passing over
in silence some fundamental aspects
 of their  ministry that represent
evident developments of the latest Council.
Lionel: There cannot be a 
development with the use 
of a false premise to create 
a rupture with Traditional 
in exclusive salvation in
 the Catholic
Church.it is unethical for 
Vatican News to ignore
 this point.

The prophecy of dialogue

One example of this was the recent
 25th anniversary of the encyclical 
Ut unum sint, in which Pope St John
 Paul II stated that ecumenical 
commitment and dialogue with non-
Catholics are a priority of
 the Church. This anniversary has
been ignored by those who
 today propose a reductive
interpretation of tradition, closed 
to that “dialogue of love,” beyond
 the doctrinal, which was promoted
 by the Polish Pope in obedience to
our Lord's ardent desire for unity.
Lionel: Ut unum sint called
 for faithfulness to the
 Catholic pope.Obedience 
to the pope. It did 
not contradict the dogma 
extra ecclesiam nulla 

The prophecy of forgiveness

Equally overlooked was another important
anniversary: the request for jubilee forgiveness
strongly desired by St John Paul II on 
12 March twenty years ago. The prophetic
power of this Pontiff who asked forgiveness
 for the sins committed by the children of
the Church was overflowing. And when
one speaks of “children” the popes are also
As we know, those who ask forgiveness
for mistakes made put themselves in a risky
 situation of scrutiny. Saint John Paul II 
prophetically chose the path of truth. The
 Church cannot and must not be afraid of
the truth. The then-Cardinal Joseph
Ratzinger, Prefect of the Congregation
 for the Doctrine of the Faith, underlined
the “novelty of this gesture,” a “public act
of repentance of the Church for the sins of
 the past and today,” a “mea culpa of the
 Pope in the name of the Church,” a truly
“new gesture, but nevertheless
 in profound continuity with the history of
 the Church, and with its self-awareness.”
Lionel: Pope Paul VI chose the 
false interpretation of the 
Council when he had a 
rational option. Cardinal 
Ratzinger  did the same. 
A correction is needed.

The Inquisition and violence: a growing 

consciousness Many dark stories have

 been stirred up about the inquisition,...” 

“With the passage of time,” he said

 ever clearer awareness what she 
needs in order to conform” to
 the Gospel, which rejects the
intolerant and violent methods 
that have disfigured her face in history...
Lionel: By using a false 
premise to interpret 
Vatican Council II Pope
 Paul II created 
division within the Church.
He was in schism 
with the past popes on 
With the false premise
 he brought in a 
new revelation within
 the Church which
 contradicted the past general

  When does tradition stop?

In 1988 the schism of the Lefebvrian
 traditionalists was confirmed. They 
rejected the developments brought
about by Vatican Council II, saying
 that a new Church had been created...
Lionel: Archbishop Marcel 
Lefebvre was correct. 
Vatican Council II interpreted 
with a false
 premise was an artifical
 rupture with Tradition.
Pope John Paul II and 
Cardinal Ratzinger did not
 interpret the Council without
 the false premise.
 Instead they excommunited 
 Archbishop Lefebvre who was 
correct about Vatican Council II.

Pope Francis and my interpretation of the Creeds is different (Graphics)

JUNE 23, 2020

Pope Francis and my interpretation of the Creeds is different.Priests do not say that I am wrong.

Repost : The present two popes and the cardinals and bishops are in heresy for accepting Vatican Council II( Cushingite) and not Vatican Council II( Feeneyite). There is no denial from the Vatican Press Office.

JUNE 7, 2019

The present two popes and the cardinals and bishops are in heresy for accepting Vatican Council II( Cushingite) and not Vatican Council II( Feeneyite). There is no denial from the Vatican Press Office.
So it is false for cardinals to cite Vatican Council II, to justify Pope Francis and Pope Benedict heresy.Since the popes refer to Vatican Council II (Cushingite), which is irrational, non traditional and heretical.They are both automatically excommunicated. According to Pope John Paul's Veritatis Splendor  the lesser of two evils is still evil
I have mentioned this many times before and no one disagrees with me.For political reasons they continue with the heresy.
They do not want to accept Vatican Council II( Feeneyite) since Vatican Council II(Feeneyite) would indicate that the members and religious leaders of other religions are oriented to Hell.They have died  without faith and baptism(AG 7).While LG 8, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc are only hypothetical cases  and so are not exceptions to AG 7.
It also means that LG 8 etc are not exceptions to the strict interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).So Fr. Leonard Feeney of Boston was correct and the Holy Office 1949 was wrong. 
It is also difficult for the traditionalists to accept that the baptism of desire(BOD) etc is always hypothetical for us human beings. This is a given.So BOD never ever was an exception to Feeneyite EENS.
The Society of St. Pius X(SSPX) has interpreted LG 16( invincible ignorance), LG 8(elements of sanctification and truth),LG 14( case of the unknown catechumen) as being exceptions to Feeneyite EENS.These are not hypothetical cases for them in 1965-2019.Now for political reasons, and   self interest the SSPX will not proclaim the Catholic faith and affirm Feeneyite EENS.
Their condition has deteriorated, it is so bad, that they could not state that the Open Letter to the Bishops was correct and Pope Francis had committed mortal sins of faith and morals.Over the years,they made it appear that doctrine was important for them  and they wanted doctrinal talks   on Vatican Council II, without making the distinction between Vatican Council II(Cushingite) and Vatican Council II(Feeneyite).
Fr. Jean Marie Gleize  of the SSPX does not want to say in public that according to Vatican Council II(Feeneyite),Mohammad is lost forever.Since he died without faith and baptism(AG 7), he did not enter the Church even though he knew about it (LG 14) and LG 8, LG 16 etc are not exceptions to AG 7.He did not  want to say that Vatican Council II is Feeneyite.
When Michael Voris went to the St. Benedict Center, New Hampshire, he was affirming traditional Feeneyite doctrine. It was not the common Cushingite heretical version of today.No cardinal, bishop or traditionalist commented,neither did the SSPX.Since they interpret EENS and Vatican Council II with Cushingism, just like the liberals and the Masons.
Similarly none of them commented when the Secretaries of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) heretically interpreted Vatican Council II and EENS with Cushingism.It is public on the diocese of Manchester website.This is a manifest mortals sin of faith.
Since the cardinals, bishops and traditionalists, for political reasons,also interpret Vatican Council II and EENS with Cushingism, as does Archbishops Morandi and Di Noia at the CDF, they have ignored this heresy of the CDF Secretaries.
They too assume unknown non Catholics referenced in LG 16, CCC 847-848 (invincible ignorance) are exceptions to EENS.So it cannot be said,for them, that in Heaven there are only Catholics.
When a pope assumes unknown cases of LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3,NA 2, GS 22 etc are known and objective examples of salvation in 2019 and so are practical exceptions to 16th century  EENS, it is irrational-but it is also heresy.The pope who supports heresy is a heretic.
The popes who call for mission-along with Lutherans and Methodists and who do not affirm the dogma EENS, are heretics. They rejects the Athanasius Creed, which says outside the Church there is no salvation.This is a mortal sin of faith.He also changes the meaning of the Nicene and Apostles Creed and re-interprets Vatican Council II ( Cushingite) as a rupture with the Creeds, Catechisms and EENS.This is first class heresy on faith ( salvation) according to the hierarchy of truths of Pope John Paul II.
Vatican Council II( Feeneyite) is telling us that Muslims and Lutherans do not have Catholic faith,needed to avoid Hell.Similarly members of the Jewish Left are outside the Church. But in the present general apostasy predicted by Our Lady at Fatima, even the traditionalists do not want to affirm Vatican Council II (Feeneyite).They are comfortable with the Council interpreted with Cushingism.
Sedevacantis Bishop Donald Sanborn who has property in Florida will not affirm Vatican Council II(Feeneyite).
Similarly journalists with Vatican Insider, the Italian media, Commonweal, National Catholic Reporter, National Catholic Register and the The Tablet will choose not to affirm Vatican Council II( Feeneyite).They choose to interpret all magisterial document's with Cushingism.This is heresy and it is public.-Lionel Andrades 

JUNE 2, 2019




Individual Catholics need to determine when something is magisterial and when it is not.The useful help is Sacred Tradition.If a pope opposes the past popes and rejects Tradition on de fide teachings he is in heresy and we are not obliged to follow him on that particular issue 



JUNE 3, 2019

A false concept of mission and salvation is expected to be announced this June 29th, the feast of St. Peter and St. Paul.It will be heretical. All Catholics will have to follow it or be legally declared non Catholic


JUNE 5, 2019

Fr. Gabriele Rossi, who has a doctorate in Canon Law has signed the Open Letter to the Bishops accusing Pope Francis of heresy 


 JUNE 23, 2020

Pope Francis' and my interpretation of the Creeds is different.Priests do not say that I am wrong.https://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2020/06/pope-francis-and-my-interpretation-of.html

Repost : SSPX begin negotiations with Abp. Guido Pozzo : ask if Vatican Council II can be interpreted with the Lionel Andrades model.


FEBRUARY 24, 2018

SSPX begin negotiations with Abp. Guido Pozzo : ask if Vatican Council II can be interpreted with the Lionel Andrades model.

The Society of St. Pius X(SSPX) should re-begin negotiations with Archbishop Guido Pozzo,Secretary of Ecclesia Dei,Vatican and ask him if the SSPX can accept Vatican Council II as interpreted by Lionel Andrades on the blog Eucharist and Mission(Lionel's Blog).
Tell Archbishop Guido Pozzo that Lionel's interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) is the same as that of the SSPX General Chapter Statement 2012.
Howevever he considers Archbishop Guido Pozzo in heresy and in schism with the past popes and  Magisterium.

Pope Benedict confirmed this in March 2016(Avvenire).He said that EENS today, for him, was not the same as it was for the missionaries in the 16th century.For Lionel, EENS is the same as in the past since he re-interprets Vatican Council II differently.There are no exceptions mentioned in the Council to EENS for him, since LG 16, LG 8, LG 14, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc all refer to hypothetical cases, invisible people in the present times(2018).For Archbishop Pozzo they are not invisible but known people in the present times saved outside the Catholic Church.It's with this irrationality that he and Pope Benedict interpret Vatican Council II as a rupture with Tradition and in particular the dogma EENS.
So Archbishop Guido Pozzo is using the same irrational premise approved by Pope Benedict and Cardinal Luiz Ladaria sj to interpret EENS and Vatican Council II.

Like  Pope Benedict, he creates a rupture with the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church and the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX.So Pope Benedict and Archbishop  Pozzo will not affirm Feeneyite EENS or the Syllabus of Errors. Since Vatican Council II with the premise is a development for them. Also the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I), interpreted with the irrational premise, is a rupture with EENS for them. For Lionel Andrades BOD, BOB and I.I are not a rupture with Feeneyite EENS since he does not use the irrational premise.Invisible cases of BOD,BOB and I.I cannot be visible exceptions to Feeneyite EENS. The Holy Office 1949 and the Archbishop of Boston were wrong in the Fr. Leonard Feeney case. It was the courageous priest from Boston who was teaching orthodox Catholic doctrine, for Lionel.
The SSPX could begin talks with Archbishop Guido Pozzo and ask him if he could interpret Vatican Council II like Lionel Andrades .The conclusion would be in harmony with EENS, the Syllabus of Errors, the Nicene Creed and the past Catechisms including the present Catechism of the Catholic Church.The ecclesiology of the Church before and after Vatican Council II will be the same.
So the SSPX would be meeting Archbishop Pozzo's demand to accept Vatican Council II.
The SSPX could also ask Rome to come back to the faith as Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre wanted them to do so.Archbishop Pozzo and the popes must  also interpret Vatican Council II in harmony with EENS as it as known to the Magisterium of the 16th century. 

They can use Lionel's model to go back to the old theology and traditional doctrines of the Church in harmony with Vatican Council II( premise-free).
So with Vatican Council II as a condition for reconciliation being met, the SSPX can be granted canonical recognition and a personal prelature.
Also the Conference of Catholic Bishops in Europe and the USA could be asked to interpret Vatican Council II in harmony with the Nicene Creed, Athanasius Creed,EENS, Syllabus of Errors and the Catechisms including the Council of Trent and that of Pope Pius X.They must choose the hermeneutic of continuity and not rupture.
This should be expected of all Catholics.This is a rational, traditional and non heretical interpretation. There is no schism with the past popes and Church Councils on EENS etc.-Lionel Andrades

FEBRUARY 24, 2018

Cardinal Luiz Ladaria s.j is in schism error needs to be recanted : Catholics have to affirm heresy and schism of the present Magisterium in the name of Vatican Council II interpreted with a false premise to elicit a non traditional and heretical conclusion which is a break with the past Magisterium of the Church.

FEBRUARY 23, 2018

Cardinal Luiz Ladaria s.j in schism : enforcing it on the whole Church

FEBRUARY 24, 2018

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF),Vatican has no objections if all Catholic religious communities affirm Vatican Council II without the irrational premise : information exclusively on Lionel's Blog


Tell Card.Marx that you affirm Vatican Council II according to Lionel Andrades.There is no known salvation outside the Church. So Protestants cannot receieve the Eucharist (Graphics)


JULY 4, 2017

CDF asks SSPX to interpret Vatican Council II with irrational Cushingism and reject traditional Feeneyismhttp://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2017/07/cdf-wants-sspx-to-interpret-vatican.html

MAY 18, 2017

Image result for Photo of Bishop Fellay Church Militant TV agreement

No canonical status for the SSPX this year.Reconciliation talks have failed.Doctrine divides for a corrupt magisterium


MAY 12, 2017

Ecclesia Dei ask the Bishops Conferences to affirm Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) 


NOVEMBER 14, 2017

Once they correct this error the SSPX could tell Archbishop Guido Pozzo that they affirm Vatican Council II( premise free).

OCTOBER 30, 2017

Double- speak continues with Ecclesia Dei and the CDF : Vatican Council II is not the real issue for the SSPX reconciliation

 OCTOBER 13, 2017

SSPX has to show Abp.Pozzo that 'the dogma of the faith' has not been lost : it's in harmony with Vatican Council II (premise-free)


OCTOBER 12, 2017

Five months and no concrete dialogue between the SSPX and Ecclesia Dei on Vatican Council II (premise-free) and EENS(premise-free)

OCTOBER 4, 2017

SSPX must continue to reject Vatican Council II (Cushingite) : do not compromise like Card. Raymond Burke, Michael Voris and others  http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2017/10/sspx-must-continue-to-reject-vatican.html 

AUGUST 29, 2017
SSPX can correct the Wikipedia error in the interpretation of Vatican Council II related to canonical status for them http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2017/08/sspxcan-correct-wikipedia-error-related.html

Cardinal Luiz Ladaria S.J uses the false premise : here is the proof!

Cardinal Luiz Ladaria S.J Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is still in heresy :visible to us baptism of desire and invincible ignorance contradicts a defined dogma http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2013/06/cardinal-luiz-ladaria-sj-secretary-of.html

THERE IS AMBIGUITY IN VATICAN COUNCIL II ONLY WITH THE FALSE PREMISE: THE COUNCIL IS TRADITIONAL OTHERWISE http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2013/06/there-is-ambiguity-in-vatican-council.html

Archbishop Di Noia's the Church is always right is becoming controversial: How can the Holy Spirit say that we can see the deceased saved?  http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2012/11/archbishop-di-noias-church-is-always.html#links
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

January 13, 2013
