Sunday, September 27, 2020

A Protestant Asks Bishop Barron if He should become Catholic and he interprets Vatican Council II with the false premise and avoids the rad trad label

"Does that mean that I am damned ? No, no that is not Catholic teaching", remarks Bishop Robert Barron.(0.29 time on video)
Yes it means he is damned since faith and baptism is the ordinary means of salvation. Invincible ignorance (Lumen Gentium 16) is not the norm.
Also when Vatican Council II mentions LG 16 it is a reference to a hypothetical case only in the present times (1965-2020). So it is not an objective exception to the norm ( Ad Gentes 7, extra ecclesiam nulla salus, Athanasius Creed, Syllabus of Errors etc. )
But LG 16 is an exception to the traditional norm for Barron and in his mind it refers to a known person, a visible person saved outside the Church. So it is an exception to exclusive salvation in the Church. His premise is wrong( invisible is visible) and inference is wrong( exclusive salvation is contradicted) and his conclusion is non traditional (outside the Church there is salvation and EENS etc are obsolete).So for him the Protestant is not going to Hell.
Even if a non Catholic or non Christian can be saved he is referring to a hypothetical case. This invisible case must not be projected as an exception to the norm.
(Time 1.07) He refers to Lumen Gentium 16 and says that this is Catholic teaching which inspires him to say that the person before him will not be damned.
(time 1:16) He refers to Jesus as the fullness of salvation and if every one is saved he is saved through Christ and Bishop Barron does not mention the necessity of the Church for salvation. Since LG 16 is an exception to exclusive salvation for him. He has used the false premise like the liberals and Lefebvrists.
(1.22) He says there are participations in the grace of Christ in non Christian religions as if he knows of someone who will be saved outside the Church in these religions. What is hypothetical and theoretical has become real and known for him.
(1:30) Even a non believer of good will(GS 22), he says, he projects as a  non hypothetical case. For him it is a known non Catholic saved outside the Church without faith and baptism, as if he could meet them or know their name.It is as if he knows of an atheist who will go to Heaven.
(2:00) He concludes that one can be saved in these other religions as 'a participation in the grace of Christ' and thid is Catholic teaching.
This is the New Theology.
First Bishop Barron supposes that there is known salvation outside the Church and then he concludes that there are known non Catholics saved outside the Church in other religions and this is the new norm for him.
(2:13) He does not say that Protestants cannot receive the Eucharist since they are outside the Church and outside the Church there is no salvation(AG 7 etc).
He uses the false premise to intepret Vatican Council II and so does not have to affirm exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church. 
Now what if Bishop Robert Barron did not use the false premise to interpret Vatican Council II ? He would then be affirming exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church and would have to say that the Protestant before him would be oriented to Hell unless he did not convert into the Catholic Church with faith and the baptism of water. He would be called a radical traditionalist.
The false premise in the interpretation of th Council saves him from this label which he uses against conservative Catholics. -Lionel Andrades

Our Lady changed my heart too at Medugorje

The young lady in the video Mariela says that Our Lady changed her heart at Medugorje. It struck a note. The same thing happened to me.
It was when I was at home that I realized what had happened.
I was a teacher of oriental meditation, heavy into New Age in a big way.I would organise inter faith meetings.I would like to quote Vatican Council II with the false premise.
I left all that.
 It just fell off. It was there before me but I felt an aversion for it.I knew something big had happened and the change was  permanent.It was consistent.
Our Lady had changed my heart at Medugorje.There was something special about that place. This was also the experience of non Catholics.
In these videos on Medugorge which I have been posting on this blog and watching,I notice that the same thing happened to countless pilgrims at Medugorje.  
When I went home I tried to convince my relatives to visit Medugorje. I would say that it is a special place but they would say that Our Lady was everywhere and they did not have to go to Medugorje. 
But this is not true.
 Our Lady is at Medugorje in a special way. 
There is something supernatural about the place. As someone said, it was a little piece of Heaven brought to the earth. It was a gift of God.
It still is there - a  gift from God for those who visit the site.
Go there even if you do not meet or see the visionaries. Go to the church.Stay there for a week at Medugorje and participate in the prayers at the church of St. James.Something will happen.
I did not have a problem with drugs. But I saw drug addicts cured. 
I saw people exposed to the occult who were healed.
Another theme I see in these videos is pilgrims saying they were called (una chiamata).
This too was my experience.A young lady said that Our Lady caught her by the scruf of her collar and dumped her at Medugorje. This was a description of my experience.Our Lady got me there in spite of so many obstacles.She wanted me there. 
It was the first time for me in Europe.
Then yesterday  Marija in her conversation with Radio Maria remarked-that she thought the late
Fr. Slavko Barbaric OFM, was a saint. I thought the same too. This is something I cannot describe completely. But I know he was always available for me. He would fight to have me accomadated in a cottage or a prayer meeting which was packed. 
I was there for four weeks at the Domus Pacis and every week a new group of pilgrims would come there for the fasting program. Fr. Slavo would be regular early in the morning at about 6 a.m to lead the pilgrims up Mount Krizevac for the Stations of the Cross.How did he have all that energy ? From where did he get that drive? I suspected that Our Lady was appearing to him in a special way.
Our Lady told the visionaries that he was in Heaven.
I realized that the same feelings on Fr. Slavko were also drawn by many other pilgrims including a seminarian at the Beda Pontifical College, Rome. He too felt the same way about Fr. Slavko. He framed a large picture of this priest in his seminary room and once called me to view it.
He was a liberal, like my former self, while I had changed.I could be tolerant with the liberals and not judge and condemn them since I knew from where they were coming.
Not all the liberals who go to Medugorje are changed. But something special happened to me there.
Our Lady gave me a new heart and she taught me also how to pray from the heart. When I said a Hail Mary and was not in the present moment , with Jesus and Her, I would go back and pray that bead again.It was someting spontaneous.I knew something was not correct. I had become so sensitive.
I hope you have a chance to visit Medugorje. Don't say Our Lady is every where.
And when you are there, if your are there, because of this report, say an Ave Maria, for me.
-Lionel Andrades

When Pope Benedict says that the present Orthodox Christians cannot be blamed for the sins of the past, he is presenting an arguement to support his New Ecumenism based on the false premise. So he does have to ask Orthodox Christians to enter the Catholic Church for salvation

 When Pope Benedict says that the present Orthodox Christians cannot be blamed for the sins of the past, he is presenting an arguement to support his New Ecumenism based on the false premise. So he does have to ask Orthodox Christians to enter the Catholic Church for salvation. -Lionel Andrades

APRIL 23, 2018

New Catholic ecumenical groups must be formed which do not interpret Vatican Council II as a rupture with Tradition, affirm the old traditional ecumenism in harmony with the Council and the old exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church

New Catholic ecumenical groups must be formed which do not interpret  Vatican Council II  as a rupture with Tradition.They  participate in ecumenical meetings along side the present Catholic ecumenical groups, for example, in England,where they interpret Vatican Council II as a rupture with Tradition.The new ecumenical groups  would affirm the old traditional ecumenism of the Catholic Church in harmony with Vatican Council II and the old exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church.The present ecumenism of the Catholic Church in Britain is based on the new ecumenism which assumes there is known salvation outside the Catholic Church. So there are exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus for them.

Possibilities of salvation in Christian religions are assumed to be de facto, concrete and known cases of people saved outside the Church.This is the reasoning which is the foundation of the New Ecumenism and New Ecclesiology created with a New Theology, which is irrational.
These new ecumenical groups, pro-EENS, pro-Syllabus of Errors and pro-Vatican Council II,  would include all Catholics, those  who attend Mass in different Rites and who even belong to the Lay Catholic Movements.
At ecumenical gatherings other Christians must know that 
Vatican Council II is not a rupture with an ecumenism of return.The Catholic Church is the ordinary means of salvation.Other Christians are invited to enter the Catholic Church as members to avoid Hell ( for salvation).Since without Catholic faith there is no salvation.

So when it is known that "There are no physically visible cases of the BOD,BOB and I.I in 2018" and " LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, NA 2, UR 3, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II refer to only hypothetical cases "Vatican Council II would not be a rupture with the past exclusivist ecclesiology, which was the traditional basis for an ecumenism of conversion into the Catholic Church.
These new Catholic ecumenical groups affirming the old ecumenism must also be there to witness to traditional Catholic teachings without rejecting Vatican Council II.
The new ecumenical groups would work to create local political parties and proclaim the Social Reign of Christ the King, a priority, in political legislation.Since the old ecclesiology would be intact Vatican Council II would not contradict the teachings on the Social Reign of Christ the King over all political legislation.All need faith and baptism for salvation(AG 7, LG 14) and Vatican Council II 's Lumen Gentium  8, Lumen Gentium  16, Unitatis Redintigratio 3, Nostra Aetate 2, Gaudium et Spec  22 etc, do not contradict the dogma outside the Church there is no salvation(Cantate Domino, Council of Florence 1441).-Lionel Andrades


APRIL 23, 2018

 A battle is raging about the life of terminally ill Alfie Evans
Catholic political party needed in England

APRIL 21, 2018

Fr.Chad Ripperger and FSSP priests still not permitted by the Vatican to affirm the traditional teaching on salvation : positivism towards magisterialism

APRIL 8, 2018

Fr.Paul McDonald is really saying he supports an exclusivist ecclesiology with no dual conclusions, heterodox passages, no passages against EENS

APRIL 7, 2018

Even Vatican II says every one on the face of the earth is called to become a member of the Mystical Body ( the Catholic Church)- Fr.Paul McDonald , Fatima Center

APRIL 5, 2018

Conferences must criticize the March 1 and 30th statements of Cardinals Ladaria and Nicols : affirm exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church, there are billions of non Catholics in Hell today.It is important to be a Catholic and to follow the teachings of the Catholic Church to avoid Hell.



Now once we correct this error then today for us there is no 'magnificent movement of approach begun with the ecumenism of Vatican Council II'. Since we would be back to the old theology.

The Phineus Report: How the Catholic Church was hijacked...

..and was made into something that appears hideous and deranged, lacking credibility, and no longer useful for the original intention of it's Founder.

But, how did we get here?  What mechanism was utilized to so effectively convince Catholics of the pre-1950's to accept what has turned out to be one of, if not the greatest revolution in human history, after the Fall of Adam in the garden?  What genius was employed? What machinations and trickery, sleight of hand maneuvers were set in motion to produce such a monstrous outcome?
Lionel: In one word, Cushingism.
Can this be reversed. Yes. In one word, Feeneyism.

We do have most certain clues, that are "hidden in plain sight", such as....

Lionel : They are not clues. The clues are the false premises and inferences which have created a New Theology. The New Theology is based on the conclusion that there is known salvation outside the Church. This conclusion emerges by inferring that hypothetical and invisible cases are objectively visible.The theoretical case of the unknown catechumen who dies before receiving the baptism of water which he desired, is assumed to be a known case.
Since there is salvation outside the Church with this reasoning, there is the new ecumenism etc.UR 3 for example comes to us in Vatican Council II with the use of the false premise and inference.

Yves Marsaudon of the Scottish Rite, in his book Ecumenism Viewed by a Traditional Freemason praised the ecumenism nurtured at Vatican II. He said:

       Catholics ... must not forget that all roads lead to God. And they will have to accept that this courageous idea of freethinking, which we can really call a revolution, pouring forth from our Masonic lodges, has spread magnificently over the dome of St. Peter's. One can say that ecumenism is the legitimate son of Freemasonry.” 
Lionel : Only with the false premise and inference do we have the new ecumenism.Without this false reasoning  there is no  new ecumenism and we simply return to the old ecumenism of return and the outside the Church there is no salvation, without adding any thing new.
So even today the error can be avoided and we return to the  past ecclesiology without making any change in Vatican Council II. The Masons will be horrified.
Yves Marsaudon does not mention the false philosophy and false theology which has created the new ecumenism.If he did it would be possible to change it. 

French Freemason Jacques Mitterand, who wrote approvingly:

       "Something has changed within the Church, and replies given by the Pope to the most urgent questions such as priestly celibacy and birth control, are hotly debated within the Church itself; the word of the Sovereign Pontiff is questioned by bishops, by priests, by the faithful. For a Freemason, a man who questions dogma is already a Freemason without an apron." 
Lionel: The attitude is that if the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) can be changed or rejected then why not other teachings of the Catholic Church
Marcel Prelot, a senator for the Doubs region in France, is probably the most accurate in describing what has really taken place. He wrote:

       "We had struggled for a century and a half to bring our opinions to prevail within the Church and had not succeeded. Finally, there came Vatican II and we triumphed. From then on the propositions and principles of liberal Catholicism have been definitively and officially accepted by Holy Church." 
Lionel : They can also be officially rejected by the Catholic Church today once the false premise and inference is identified.

Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre was the sole Catholic Prelate who led traditionalist opposition to the conciliar liberals and had militated for a conciliar condemnation of Communism.  
Lionel: He was rejecting the interpretation, or conclusion of an interpretation, of Vatican Council II.
If he had interpreted Vatican Council II it with Feeneyism, it would be the end of the farce, the great facade.No one in the SSPX is still doing it today after 50  years.

What has happened to his work? It was condemned, marginalized, ostracized, demonized (one NO FSSP zealot priest even has gone so far as to claim the SSPX are Satanic. Such a priest is suspiciously reminiscent of a wolfe in sheep's clothing, if not a Hebrew plant spoken of by Bella Dodd.) and made out to appear schismatic, in order to scare the sheep away from the truth once taught by the Catholic Church.  These sheep then run into the open arms of the conciliar Church which deceives them with their false ecumenism and watered down gospel, which is less effective in the work of their salvation. 
Lionel: The SSPX priests are interpreting Vatican Council II with Cushingism just as those who offer Mass in the vernacular. The SSPX is still part of the problem.

The Traditional Latin Mass is simply not enough to gain eternal life. One must also believe correctly...and this belief is hard pressed to be found, if not outright banned in the TLM locations, authorized and approved by the Vatican II Bishops. 
Lionel: The Traditional Latin Mass is being offered by priests who will not affirm Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) and EENS ( Feeneyite).So they have rejected the past ecclesiology associated with the Traditional Latin Mass. The TLM is today offered with the new ecclesiology and this Latin Mass in its theology is not that of the TLM in the 16th century for example. So today liberal bishops and the Vatican encourage the TLM without the past ecclesiology.The ecclesiology is the same as the Mass in vernacular and in other rites.

Remember, the pre-Vatican II Catholics had only the Traditional Latin Mass, and most of them fell far short of heaven's gate.  The Traditional Latin Mass is not enough, my friends. We must have the orthodoxy of the ancient Church, as well as the purity of the worship of God, which includes the exposing of the perennial enemies of Christ. 

Where do we find such a priest who teaches "the whole counsel of God"? They are "as hen's teeth".  If we cannot find one, then we must educate ourselves on what the true gospel is, and then adhere to it and disseminate it. In this we have a greater ability to be saved, as opposed to holding hands with the murderers of Christ.

  L'Unita, the official publication of the Italian Communist Party, brazenly gave advice to Pope Paul VI regarding Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. It said to him....“Be conscious of the danger that Lefebvre represents. And continue the magnificent movement of approach begun with the ecumenism of Vatican II.”
Lionel : It can all be changed. We have to understand that , for example, the baptism of desire can be interpreted literally or theologically. Literally there are no baptism of desire cases. This is something obvious. There is no baptism of desire case for us human beings since only God can recognise it. There is no such thing as a baptism of desire.However if you tell me, like many  have that the Church teaches that there is a baptism of desire, then you are looking at this issue theologically. I would agree with you. The Church does teach it.
But it means that a theology was created at some time when no case of the baptism of desire existed.The baptism of desire was seen as an exception to EENS when there were no baptism of desire cases.
There was no such thing as a baptism of desire for Fr. Leonard Feeney.He denied it.
So now we have a false theology. How can we today say that there is salvation outside the Church when there are no known exceptions to the dogma EENS for us? Where are the practical exceptions today?
Yet this is what was done by the liberal theologians , in 1949 and they were supported by the Masons and the secular media. Pope Pius XII and his cardinals did not issue a correction.Even Archbishop Lefebvre did not object. The error was then repeated as a kind of theme in Vatican Council II.
Now once we correct this error then today for  us there is no 'magnificent movement of approach begun with the ecumenism of Vatican Council II'. Since we would be back to the old theology.-L.A

Does not this advice directly from Communists, give you even a hint about the SSPX?

The Communists were elated with the results of the Council. 

The Italian Communist Party declared at its 11th Party Congress in 1964: “The extraordinary ‘awakening’ of the Council, which is rightly compared with the Estates General of 1789, has shown the whole world that the old politico-religious Bastille is shaken to its foundations.” 

In by-gone days of Catholic orthodoxy, we were taught by Pope Pius XI
"By pretending to desire only the betterment of the condition of the working classes, by urging the removal of the very real abuses chargeable to the liberalistic economic order, and by demanding a more equitable distribution of this world’s goods (objectives entirely and undoubtedly legitimate), the Communist takes advantage of the present world-wide economic crisis to draw into the sphere of his influence even those sections of the populace which on principle reject all forms of materialism and terrorism."

With our present pope, we see the revolution of communism within the Church declared openly and without shame.... "The root of all social evil is inequality" [ Pope Francis I ]

So, what are we, who cherish, jealously, the one, true Faith, outside of which there is no salvation?

 I think I know....Catholics must continue to educate each another in this fight against the new religion and this delusion of "absolute equality".

 We have Our Lady, the Rosary, the Scapular, we have the Sacraments and the Sacred Heart of Christ, therefore, all we need further is only one thing, which we can get, simply by asking...………..courage!

In the article below, I have, for your convenience, highlighted a few things that we MUST take note of if we are to successfully extricate ourselves from this web of deceit.


Bella Dodd - The "New World Order" is Communism

Bella Dodd-06.jpg

Radio Padania in the north of Italy does not tell Catholics that Vatican Council II, quoted by the popes, really says outside the Church there is no salvation. Instead, like the secular politicians, the Lega Nord politicians interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise

 Radio Padania in the north of Italy does not tell Catholics that Vatican Council II, quoted by the popes, really says outside the Church there is no salvation. Instead, like the secular politicians, the Lega Nord politicians interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise. -Lionel Andrades

When Catholics understand that according to the Second Vatican Council II the Church is still saying outside the Church there is no salvation, their political concepts change.

 When Catholics understand that according to the Second Vatican Council II the Church is still saying outside the Church there is no salvation, their political concepts change. They realize the importance of the Catholic Faith, as Our Lady showed Alphonse Ratisbonne in Rome.

 He became a Catholic priest and founded two missionary communities in the Middle East. Outside the Church there is no known salvation according to Vatican Council II. -Lionel Andrades

 Image result for Photo of Alphonse Ratisbonne

Alphonse Ratisbonne saw the beauty of the Catholic religion said Fr. Francesco Trebionda, Parish Priest at the Basilica of Andrea delle Fratte, Rome. He was speaking yesterday evening before the solemn Mass offered by Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco. It was the 177 th anniversary of Our Lady's apparitions at the Altar of the Miracle, to the Jewish financier.
Cardinal Bagnasco said that Ratisbonne was a Jew and he chose to become a Catholic.He was speaking at a basilica full of the faithful.
There were three Masses yesterday evening and the Church was packed, probably it was the same in the morning.
For Ratisbonne there were only Catholics in  Heaven and you were either a Catholic or in Hell.
Our Lady didn't tell him to remain a Jew, but to choose her Son, the promised Jewish Messiah, in the religion which is a continuation of the Jewish religion- the Catholic Church.
Ratisbonne knew that everyone must convert into the Catholic Church to avoid Hell, and so he went as a missionary priest to the Middle East. He wanted all Jews and Muslims to discover the beauty he was shown.
Years later at the Altar of the Miracle St. Maximillian Kolbe would offer his first Holy Mass and St. Teresa of Liseux would pray, when she first visited Rome and lived on the street leading to the  basilica.
In 1965, Vatican Council II like Ratisbonne, would say all need faith and baptism for salvation(Ad Gentes 7) and in 1994  the Catechism of the Catholic Church would repeat the same message - there are only Catholics in Heaven( CCC 846).Catholics are the new people of God, the new Chosen People (Nostra Aetate 4), they have not rejected the Messiah nor his Mother, conceived without sin.
It is necessary to follow the traditional teachings of the Catholic Church on faith and morals for salvation.
The Bible is Catholic and the Eucharist is the actual Presence of Jesus, which it is necessary to receive to be saved, the Bible tells us( John 6).
Jesus cannot be separated from His Mystical Body the Catholic Church, which is the narrow gate (Matt.7:13),the pearl of great price(Mat.13:45-46), it is Jesus Himself, who identified with the Church during the persecution of Saul.'He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying, "Saul, Saul why do you persecute me?" '.(Acts.9:4)
The Jesus, whom Ratisbonne preached will return again and it will be a pure remnant in the Catholic Church who will welcome him.Her Immaculate Heart will Triumph in the end, even in Rome, after a persecution.
The Catholic Church will once again be evangelical and missionary, with traditional doctrines and theology. The 'dogma of the faith', which Alphonse Ratisbonne defended,  will no more be lost.
-Lionel Andrades


FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 2019

Alphonse Ratisbonne wanted to know when he could receive baptism, without which he would not know how to live..."

Image result for Photo Alphonse Ratisbonne
Ratisbonne, Baptism

Hello MHFM,

After re-reading the article on the conversion of Fr. Ratisbonne, it looks like his conversion would refute baptism of desire. Fr. Ratisbonne was given by Our Lady the gift of Infused Knowledge about the Catholic faith.

On page 19 of the testimony of baron de Bussière about Fr. Ratisbonne, who helped his conversion: "Ratisbonne wants to know when he can receive baptism, without which he would not know how to live..."

Fr. Ratisbonne himself said on p. 29 in his own relation about what he learned at the very moment the blessed Mother graced him with the gift: "Alas! So many men... are wrapped in horrible darkness;... and my family, my fiancee, my poor sisters!!!!... It is to you, whom I thought of, whom I love that I gave my first prayers!... the Savior of the world, whose Blood has wiped away the original sin! Oh, how the mark of this stain is hideous! It renders completely unrecognizable the creature which was created in the image of God!... I was asked how I learned those truths because I never opened any religious book..."

Out of all of the knowledge, why was this particularly the one given by Our Lady, and one especially highlighted by the Fr., if it is not the necessity of the baptism itself!  Later on, when his baptism was to be delayed, he insisted: "What?! The Jews who heard the apostles' preaching were immediately baptized, and you want to delay mine, after I heard the Queen of Apostles!"

I find that interesting. Thank you for putting the story online!



The Minim priests pretend, with the support of their Superiors,that LG 16, GS 22 etc refer to physically visible people.Then they do not have to affirm the past missionary ecclesiology of Alphonse Ratisbonne, Theodore Ratisbonne, St. Maximillian Kolbe and St. Francis of Paula.

Image result for Basilica of Sant'andrea della Fratte Rome Photos
There was the feast of the Miraculous Medal last Wednesday and I found myself kneeling below the statue of St. Maximilian Kolbe, near the Altar of the Miracle, in the Basilica of San Andrea delle Fratte, Rome.The church was full.They prayed the full four Mysteries of the Rosary. All four Mysteries, one after another.They have been doing this on every 27th of the month, at the basilica.
For me it was just like at Medugorje.
Image result for Basilica of Sant'andrea della Fratte Rome Photos
After every one of the 20 decades there would be a prayer calling upon Our Lady to help us convert.She was Our Lady of Conversion.
By conversion they meant a change of heart towards God, in all aspects of life.
They could even have meant a conversion into the Catholic Church, to escape Hell, as St. Maximillian Kolbe and Alphonse Ratisbonne would teach.
When there is a true conversion of heart in a non Catholic, he will enter the Catholic Church and remain in it to avoid Hell. 
The Gospel of John 3:16-18 says all  need to convert to Jesus and into the Church his Mystical Body. Vatican Council II says all need to convert with faith and baptism(AG 7).The Catechisms say all need to convert into the Catholic Church for salvation(1257,845,846)
Alphonse Ratisbonne converted into the Catholic Church and so did his brother Theodore. They became missionaries and priests.
Our Lady showed Alphonse Ratisbonne the beauty and importance of the Catholic  Church for the salvation of all people.He converted at that moment, near the Altar of the Miracle in the church, where I was kneeling.
Our Lady did not tell Ratisbonne that he only needed to believe in Jesus and he could remain a Jew.
She showed him the importance of being a member of the Catholic Church.
But for the Minim Fathers, of St. Francis of Paola, at the basilica, every one does not need to convert into the Catholic Church.Invisible cases of LG 16, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II are visible exceptions, to St. Francis of Paola's teaching on there being exclusive salvation in only the Catholic Church.
How can invisible people be visible exceptions to all needing to enter the Church for salvation? I once asked an Italian Minim priest at the basilica.
Where are the people saved in invincible ignorance(LG 16) or with good will(GS 22) outside the Church?, I asked him.
Consacriamoci a Maria.
For him too faith and baptism was the norm for salvation. He agreed.But for him there still were practical exceptions to the norm.This was non traditional and irrational for me. He contradicted the Bible( John 3:5, Mark 16:16) and the popes over the centuries.This was not the theology of Catherine Laboure,when Our Lady asked her to have a Miraculous Medal made.
She held the strict interpretation of EENS and she could not see someone saved in invincible ignorance or with good will outside the Church.Physically it was not possible.
So the Minim priests pretend, with the support of their Superiors,that LG 16, GS 22 etc refer to physically visible people.Then they do not have to affirm the past missionary ecclesiology of Alphonse Ratisbonne,  Theodore Ratisbonne, St. Maximillian Kolbe and St. Francis of Paula.-Lionel Andrades