Saturday, September 29, 2012

Encyclopedias at the Angelicum University library provide false reference information for researching students

Students at the University of St.Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum), Rome have thumbed through a page of an encyclopedia at the entries Salvation Outside the Church and Fr.Leonard Feeney.They have left marks and stains on the paper.
The researching student at the Angelicum University collects wrong information from two American encyclopedias.It is used in writing  a thesis. It is used in writing on a subject related to salvation or Fr.Leonard Feeney.The faculty professor approves the work with the false information.One of them is Fr. Robert Christian O.P an American who teaches ecclesiology at the Angelicum.

Whatever is the opinion expressed by the writers in the encyclopedia entry, they all are factually incorrect when they assume that implicit desire/baptism of desire is an exception to the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

The editors of these two encylopedias in English take it for granted that those saved with the baptism of desire or in invincible ignorance are exceptions to Fr.Leonard Feeney's  literal interpretation of the dogma.

So the students copy this error and then use this information. They assume there is salvation outside the church since superficially implicit desire etc seem exceptions to the traditional interpretation of the dogma defined by three Church Councils.

The Angeliucm has announced new courses in English this academic year, which cost 1000 euros a semester. One of them is on Ecumenism and Inter religious dialogue. Students will have access to these encyclopedias with the false information on Catholic salvation.They will assume that there is known salvation outside the church in the present times.

The errors are there in the Our Sunday Visitor's Catholic Encylopedia.(Editor. Rev.Peter M.J Stravinskas) and Encyclopedia of Catholicism (Editor Fr. Richard P.McBrien) and are available in the reference section of the Angelicum library. -Lionel Andrades

American Catholic encyclopedias assume invincible ignorance cases are exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and to Fr.Leonard Feeney!.

Fr. Richard McBrien did not know that the baptism of desire and invincible cases are not known to us

Friday, September 28, 2012

Fr. Richard McBrien did not know that the baptism of desire and invincible cases are not known to us

Fr. Richard P.McBrien, Editor of the Encyclopaedia of Catholicism also assumes we can see the dead. We can see the dead on earth saved in Heaven.

The dissenting priest who is the Editor of the little known  Encylopedia of Catholicism on P.5222 has a report under the title Feeney, Leonard.

It says:

‘According to Feeney only Catholics could be saved. The Vatican’s Holy Office rejected his view by distinguishing between those who “rally” (Lat. In re) belong to the Church by explicit faith and baptism for those who belong to the church “by desire” (in voto).

So what?

Those who belong to the Church “by desire” are only known to God. They are irrelevant to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus,which says all need to convert into the Church. One cannot convert 'by desire’ or give anyone the baptism of desire.

It is always implicit for us and explicit only for God, we can affirm, and so could Fr.McBrien if he wanted to, the literal interpretation of Fr. Leonard Feeney along with implicit baptism of desire. It does not violate the Principle of Non Contradiction.

Since for McBrien the baptism of desire is visible and known in real life, it contradicts the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.So he concludes there is salvation outside the Church even though we may not know a single exception in this year or the last 100 years.

According to the University of Notre Dame. Department of Theology, he has been president of the Catholic Theological Society of America (1973-74) and winner of its John Courtney Murray Award "for outstanding and distinguished achievement in Theology" (1976). He has written a syndicated weekly theology column for the Catholic press since 1966, and is a frequent on-air network commentator for Church-related events. He is a priest of the Archdiocese of Hartford, Connecticut. He is on sabbatical leave during the current academic year writing a one-volume ecclesiology, which will be published by HarperSanFrancisco in early 2008.
-Lionel Andrades

American Catholic encyclopedias assume invincible ignorance cases are exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and to Fr.Leonard Feeney!

The encyclopedia authors do not realize that we do not know any one  saved in invincible ignorance or implicit desire. So rationally there cannot be an exception to Fr.Leonard Feeney's traditional interpretation of the dogma.

Even the Our Sunday Visitor encyclopedia which has a foreward by two American Archbishops, overlooks this error.

Today morning at a Pontifical University library in Rome I was browsing through some Catholic encyclopedias. They have overlooked the same error.

In Our Sunday Visitor's Catholic Encylopedia.(Editor. Rev.Peter M.J Stravinskas) on page 862 under the title Salvation Outside the Church is a report which assumes that Pope Pius IX in Singulari quidem, states that invincible ignorance is an exception to the dogma. The pope does not make this claim in the text.

This encyclopedia like the other American Catholic encyclopedias  just assume that those saved in invincible ignorance are known to us. After making this superficial  observation, they believe that the dogma on salvation and Fr.Leonard Feeney are corrected.

'This understanding of the Church's place in the economy of salvation is also found in the Second Vatican Council II. (p.862 Our Sunday Visitor encyclopedia ). Then it is assumed that Lumen Gentium 16 is an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

Vatican Council II cannot contradict the dogma since we do not know of any explicit exceptions.

We do not know any one in 2012 saved in invincible ignorance or a good conscience. Fr. Stravinsky assumes we do.

There is an Introductory Remark in the encyclopedia by Archbishop Anthony J. Bevilaqua and Archbishop Theodore E.McCarrick.

Stravinsky acknowledges 'equivocation' and 'apparent antimony' which he bravely tries to resolve.-Lionel Andrades

Thursday, September 27, 2012


On a pro-Fr.Leonard Feeney Catholic forum there are posts under the heading Can there be exceptions to Dogma?

Can there be exceptions to Catholic dogmatic teachings of the Church?

What say you? And if you say there cannot be any exceptions, then are you a Baptism of Desire or Baptism of Blood believer? If so, then how do you square that baptism of desire/baptism of blood belief with your claim that there are no exceptions whatsoever to Catholic dogma?

Just so you know,.. Catholic dogma teaches that "only through the sacrament of baptism does one enter the Church" and "there is no salvation outside the Church"

The sacrament of baptism is not "Baptism of Desire", but instead is only "WATER BAPTISM", so therefore the dogmatic statement is saying "Only through WATER baptism does one enter the Church"

So of you are a baptism of desire/baptism of blood believer, then aren't you claiming that there can be exceptions to that infallible statement?

Here it assumed that the baptism of desire is known to us in the present time and so is an exception to the infallible teaching on outside the church there is no salvation.

How can the baptism of desire be an exception when we do not know of a single case ?

Then there is a response:

No, there can be no exceptions and that is why I don't believe in baptism of desire or baptism of blood.
She does not believe in the baptism of desire and baptism of blood since she assumes that these cases are explicit to us, they are known in the present times (2012) and they can be seen and repeated just as the baptism of water.

A third view is posted.It says:

Those who believe in baptism of desire are saying that they 'do' know of another means besides water Baptism that can assure salvation even though the Church doen't know of this means.
On the contrary those who believe in implicit desire are saying that they do not know of any explicit-implicit  case in the present times who can be saved with the baptism of desire /implicit desire. However in faith, in principle they accept this possibility and it would be known only to God. So the baptism of desire does not contradict the literal interpretation of the dogma by Fr.Leonard Feeney.The possibility is a reality only for God. The possibility is not a reality for us.So it is not an exception to the dogma. This was the error Cardinal Richard Cushing and the Jesuits at Boston.-Lionel Andrades


Padre Pio saw a non Catholic saved. This  does not contradict the 'rigorist interpretation' of extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

Superficially it may seem an exception to the rigorist interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. It is not.Since for centuries the Church has held that a non Catholic could be saved with implicit desire  and this did not contradict the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. It is the sedevacantists like the Most Holy Family Monastery,USA who assume that implicit desire is explicit and so an exception to the dogma on salvation. They reject the baptism of desire of the Council of Trent.

The Council of Trent affirmed being saved with implicit desire and also cited text from Cantate Domino, Council of Florence 1441 on extra ecclesiam nulla salus. It was not in contradiction.

The Catholic Church accepts that these possibilities are known only to God. They are not the ordinary means of salvation for all which is Catholic Faith and the baptism of water.

So a non Catholic saved could have had an angel give him the baptism of water or God could have sent someone to baptize him. This would not be known to us.

So there are no known exceptions on earth of non Catholics saved with the baptism of water or in invincible ignorance. Since none of these cases are visible to us, we cannot assume that any non Catholic is in Heaven without the baptism of water.

Also we cannot judge beforehand that any non Catholic on earth will be saved in invincible ignorance or the baptism of desire. We do not know the future.

There could be someone with a special charism or gift who does know however in general we do not know.

When St. Francis of Assisi met the Sultan in Jerusalem he told the Sultan that before he died he would be baptized. This happened when a group of Franciscan Friars met the Sultan at his death bed. The Sultan would be in Heaven as a Catholic. St. Francis of Assisi had the charism to know.

There are only Catholics in Heaven. So the person Padre Pio saw saved is now a Catholic and had to expiate for his sins in Purgatory.

In this case may be Padre Pio made it possible for this lady’s non Catholic husband to convert and be saved.-Lionel Andrades


According to Fr.Franz Schmidberger German matematician and District Superior of the Society of St.Pius X (SSPX) (1) the SSPX  asked at the Vatican if Pope Benedict  personally approved the new theological requirements the SSPX had to accept. The answer was yes. The new demands were from the pope and not one of the Vatican Curia cardinals, Fr. Schmidber said.

They have their lines of communication open and this is good.Now Fr.Schmidberger could ask the pope the following questions which are relevant to the SSPX-Vatican talks and the theological conditions:

1. The baptism of desire is not an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus ?

2. Vatican Council II does not contradict the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus ?

3. So if Fr.Leonard Feeney of Boston supported or rejected the baptism of desire it makes no difference?

4.If the Holy Office in 1949 in the Letter to the Archbishop of Boston assumed that the baptism of desire was an exception to extra ecclesiam nulla salus then they made an objective error ?

5.We do not know any case of the dead saved on earth in 2012 who are visible to us?

6.If the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance are not exceptions to the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church, then there is no theological basis for the theology of religions and ecclesiology of communion which the pope wants the SSPX to accept ?


1.If the pope responds to Question N.1 and says that the baptism of desire is not an exception to the dogma it means Vatican Council II is a traditional council just like Trent. The entire interpretation of the Council changes.

2.If he then realizes that  Vatican Council II does not contradict extra ecclesiam nulla salus it means the Council is in agreement with St.Robert Bellarmine and  the Syllabus of Errors.

3.If Fr.Leonard Feeney supported or rejected the baptism of desire and  makes no difference, then the pope is still saying Vatican Council II says outside the church there is no salvation and it is in agreement with Fr.Leonard Feeney's literal interpretation.

4.If the Letter of the Holy Office lends itself to confusion then the confusion needs to be removed. An objective error is obvious to all.It is not theology.A Vatican spokesman could deal with the confusion by announcing that the baptism of desire is known only to God and we do not know any case which could be an explicit exception to the dogma.

5.That we cannot see the dead is an objective fact on which the pope must agree.

6.According to the International Theological Commission posiiton paper Christianity and the World Religions and The Hope of Salvation for Infants who die without baptism the ITC assumes there is salvation outside the Church. This is  due to its interpretation of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 with reference to Fr.Leonard Feeney.This error of being able to see the dead and then assuming that these 'ghosts' were exception to the dogma was was the theological basis for the 'theology of religions' and 'ecclesiology of communion' in  the two  ITC papers.

We now know that this was a factual error. It was the Archbishop of Boston Richard Cushing who was wrong in assuming that the baptism of desire etc was an explicit exception to the literal and traditional interpretation of Fr.Leonard Feeney.

The SSPX could ask someone to  sponsor a large announcement/advertisment in the newspapers in Rome in the Year of the Faith, with the following logic.

1. The dead are not visible to us.

2. We cannot see the dead saved in invincible ignorance or the baptism of desire in the present times (2012).

3.We do not know any non Catholic who does not need to convert into the Catholic Church because of the baptism of desire or being saved in potential invincible ignorance.

4.We cannot meet such cases on the street and neither telephone them.

5.Since we cannot know such cases or meet them the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance are not known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

6.Since we cannot know anyone on earth saved in invincible ignorance,the baptism of desire, a good conscience, seeds of the Word, imperfect communion with the Church, elements of sanctification etc, there are no exceptions  in Vatican Council II to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

7.Vatican Council II does not contradict the dogma on salvation.

8.Vatican Council II is in agreement with the dogma on salvation as interpreted by St.Robert Bellarmine.It is in agreement with the Syllabus of Errors and  Sacred Tradition.

9.Vatican Council II is in agreement with SSPX values on other religions, ecumenism and religious liberty when the false and irrational theory,of being able to see the dead alive and saved on earth in the present times,is omitted.

10.Vatican Council II is a traditional Council with a traditional understanding of Church (ecclesiology). So there can be no theological basis for the 'theology of religions' and an 'ecclesiology of communion'.
-Lionel Andrades

PIUSFILM of the SSPX's German District has posted a brief video interview of Fr. Franz Schmidberger (conducted by Fr. Andreas Steiner) that discusses the current situation between the Society and Rome

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Here is another web blog, a new one with more of the same on the baptism of desire. They have gone to great lengths to cite that the baptism of desire is a teaching of the Church. Agreed . Agreed. Agreed!

Then they assume that the baptism of desire is an exceptions to the dogma! Where in all those quotations is it said that the baptism of desire is an exception to the dogma?

Then they begin to criticize Fr.Leonard Feeney for rejecting the baptism of desire being an exception to the dogma.

There is no church text which says that the baptism of desire is an exception to the dogma and rationality tells us that we do not know any case in 2012. So what difference does it make if Fr. Leonard Feeney rejected or accepted the baptism of desire?

Since there is no known baptism of desire  there is no salvation outside the church. Every one needs to enter the Church for salvation . (extra ecclesiam nulla salus, Vatican Council II (AG 7), Catechism of the Catholic Church 845,846 etc)
-Lionel Andrades


Vatican Council II also does not clash with the CDF Notification on Fr.Jacques Dupuis S.J.

How long more before the Society of St.Pius X (SSPX) priests and theologians point out to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican that their position on other religions , at least, is in agreement with Vatican Council II ?

We just have to wait until someone figures out that :

1) The baptism of desire is not an exception to extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

2) Vatican Council II does not contradict extra ecclesiam nulla salus – and they were all mistaken over so many years.

The SSPX Chapter communiqué (July 19,2012) shows that they understand the baptism of desire is not an exception to anything.

But someone from the SSPX has to say it aloud so that Archbishop Muller can hear it.

Something like, “ Archbishop Muller there is no explicit invincible ignorance and being saved with a good conscience (LG 16). So Vatican Council II agrees with the SSPX position on other religions!”

The Emperor has no clothes!!!!

“Do you accept a Vatican Council II which says Jews have to convert with Catholic Faith and the baptism of water (AG 7) for salvation? LG 16 is not a known exception? Will you accept this interpretation of Vatican Council II ?

“Please stop saying that the SSPX does not accept Vatican Council II . It is you Archbishop Di Noia and Cardinals Ladaria and Koch who do not accept Vatican Council II when you all say that Jews do not have to convert in the present times!!”
-Lionel Andrades


What has been declared at the second Vatican Council is no new dogma, but merely the reassertion of an ancient truth, and it in no way affects the dogma of "no salvation outside the Church".- Brian Hughes



Traditionalists still can't accept that we do not know any case of the baptism of desire

Fr. Francois Laisney indicates that for the SSPX the Church is no more ecclesiocentric since there are explicit exceptions to the dogma on salvation




'Even those who do not actually belong to the visible Church, they are objectively oriented towards her - Raffaello Martinelli


However because of the Richard Cushing error he also says that we can hope for the salvation of all infants who die before baptism.

In his leaflet, ‘Why baptize my child?’ (1) he states that the Catholic Church knows of no means to go to Heaven and avoid Hell other than the baptism of water. (CCC1257)

• Through its doctrine and practice, the Church has demonstrated that it doesn’t know any other means, other than baptism, for assuring children access to the eternal beatitude. –Bishop.Raffalo Martinelli

This is the traditional teaching of the Church and also that of Vatican Council II. (AG 7).There are two options. It’s either Hell or Heaven, water baptism of no baptism.

We cannot administer the baptism of desire or blood (martyrdom).

The general, ordinary means of salvation is the baptism of water and if someone is saved with the baptism of desire we wouldn’t know.The ordinary means of salvation is not the baptism of desire.

Then being a member of the Catholic Church darkened  by the Richard Cushing error, he also says that we can hope for the salvation of all infants who will die without the baptism of water. He cites the International Theological Commission (ITC).

The bishop has to contradict himself since the ITC indicates that the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance are exceptions to the traditional teaching on baptism.
In other words we can see the dead saved. The dead are visible to us on earth.

Since they are allegedly visible to us the ITC assumes there is salvation outside the Church in the present times. We know such cases saved in 2012 according to the ITC.

So they assume that infants can also be saved in general. The traditional interpretation of the dogma on extra ecclesiam nulla salus is contradicted. Vatican Council II (AG 7) is also contradicted.

Hence the pamphlets say it’s either the baptism of water or Hell and it also says we can hope for the salvation of infants in general who have not been baptized with water and they will go to Heaven and not Limbo or Hell.

The ‘Yes and No’ confusion in the pamphlet , the Catechism of the Catholic Church and Vatican Council II can be eliminated by acknowledging that the dead are not visible in the present times (2012).

So there are no exceptions to the traditional understanding of the Catholic Faith.-Lionel Andrades



Sister Faustina's Vision of Hell

"I, Sister Faustina Kowalska, by the order of God, have visited the Abysses of Hell so that I might tell souls about it and testify to its existence...the devils were full of hatred for me, but they had to obey me at the command of God, What I have written is but a pale shadow of the things I saw. But I noticed one thing: That most of the souls there are those who disbelieved that there is a hell." (Diary 741)

"Today, I was led by an angel to the Chasms of Hell. It is a place of great torture; how awesomely large and extensive it is! The kinds of tortures I saw:

The First Torture that constitutes hell is:

The loss of God.

The Second is:

Perpetual remorse of conscience.

The Third is

That one's condition will never change.

The Fourth is:

The fire that will penetrate the soul without destroying it. A terrible suffering since it is a purely spiritual fire, lit by God's anger.

The Fifth Torture is:

Continual darkness and a terrible suffocating smell, and despite the darkness, the devils and the souls of the damned see each other and all the evil, both of others and their own.

The Sixth Torture is:

The constant company of Satan.

The Seventh Torture is:

Horrible despair, hatred of God, vile words, curses and blasphemies.

These are the Tortures suffered by all the damned together, but that is not the end of the sufferings.

Indescribable Sufferings

There are special Tortures destined for particular souls. These are the torments of the senses. Each soul undergoes terrible and indescribable sufferings related to the manner in which it has sinned.

I would have died

There are caverns and pits of torture where one form of agony differs from another. I would have died at the very sight of these tortures if the omnipotence of God had not supported me.

No One Can Say There is No Hell

Let the sinner know that he will be tortured throughout all eternity, in those senses which he made use of to sin. I am writing this at the command of God, so that no soul may find an excuse by saying there is no hell, or that nobody has ever been there, and so no one can say what it is terribly souls suffer there! Consequently, I pray even more fervently for the conversion of sinners. I incessantly plead God's mercy upon them. O My Jesus, I would rather be in agony until the end of the world, amidst the greatest sufferings, than offend you by the least sin." (Diary 741)

St. Theresa of Avila's vision of hell...

"A long time after the Lord had already granted me many of the favors I've mentioned and other very lofty ones, while I was in prayer one day, I suddenly found that, without knowing how, I had seemingly been put in hell. I understood that the Lord wanted me to see the place the devils had prepared there for me and which I merited because of my sins. This experience took place within the shortest space of time, but even were I to live for many years I think it would be impossible for me to forget it. The entrance it seems to me was similar to a very long and narrow alleyway, like an oven, low and dark and confined; the floor seemed to me to consist of dirty, muddy water emitting foul stench and swarming with putrid vermin. At the end of the alleyway a hole that looked like a small cupboard was hollowed out in the wall; there I found I was placed in a cramped condition. All of this was delightful to see in comparison with what I felt there. What I have described can hardly be exaggerated.

"What I felt, it seems to me, cannot even begin to be exaggerated; nor can it be understood. I experienced a fire in the soul that I don't know how I could describe. The bodily pains were so unbearable that though I had suffered excruciating ones in this life and according to what doctors say, the worst that can be suffered on earth for all my nerves were shrunken when I was paralyzed, plus many other sufferings of many kinds that I endured and even some as I said, caused by the devil, these were all nothing in comparison with the ones I experienced there. I saw furthermore that they would go on without end and without ever ceasing. This, however, was nothing next to the soul's agonizing: a constriction, a suffocation, an affliction so keenly felt and with such a despairing and tormenting unhappiness that I don't know how to word it strongly enough. To say the experience is as though the soul were continually being wrested from the body would be insufficient, for it would make you think somebody else is taking away the life, whereas here it is the soul itself that tears itself in pieces. The fact is that I don't know how to give a sufficiently powerful description of that interior fire and that despair, coming in addition to such extreme torments and pains. I didn't see who inflicted them on me, but, as it seemed to me, I felt myself burning and crumbling; and I repeat the worst was that interior fire and despair.

Being in such an unwholesome place, so unable to hope for any consolation, I found it impossible either to sit down or to lie down, nor was there any room, even though they put me in this kind of hole made in the wall. Those walls, which were terrifying to see, closed in on themselves and suffocated everything. There was no light, but all was enveloped in the blackest darkness. I don't understand how this could be, that everything painful to see was visible."

Sr.Lucia's Vision of Hell.
"She opened Her hands once more, as She had done the two previous months. The rays [of light] appeared to penetrate the earth, and we saw, as it were, a vast sea of fire. Plunged in this fire, we saw the demons and the souls [of the damned]. The latter were like transparent burning embers, all blackened or burnished bronze, having human forms. They were floating about in that conflagration, now raised into the air by the flames which issued from within themselves, together with great clouds of smoke. Now they fell back on every side like sparks in huge fires, without weight or equilibrium, amid shrieks and groans of pain and despair, which horrified us and made us tremble with fright (it must have been this sight which caused me to cry out, as people say they heard me). The demons were distinguished [from the souls of the damned] by their terrifying and repellent likeness to frightful and unknown animals, black and transparent like burning coals. That vision only lasted for a moment, thanks to our good Heavenly Mother, Who at the first apparition had promised to take us to Heaven. Without that, I think that we would have died of terror and fear."

Sister Josefa Menendez's Description of Hell

One of the greatest mystics of this century was Sister Josefa Menendez, who died in 1923 at the age of 33. This young Spanish sister, who had a short religious life of great suffering, experienced revelations throughout much of her life, compiled in The Way Of Divine Love. More than once, she was taken to Hell to witness and feel the suffering first-hand. Sister Josefa was reluctant to write on the subject of Hell, and did so only to conform to Our Lord's wishes. Sister Josefa repeatedly dwelt on what she described as the greatest torment of Hell, namely, the soul's inability to love. One of these damned souls cried out: "This is my torture...that I want to love and cannot; there is nothing left me but hatred and despair. If one of us could so much as make a single act of love...But we cannot, we live on hatred and malevolence..." (March 23, 1922).

She records, too, the accusations made against themselves by these unhappy souls: "Some yell because of the martyrdom of their hands. Perhaps they were thieves, for they say: 'Where is our loot now?' ...Cursed hands... Others curse their tongues, their eyes...whatever was the occasion of sin... 'Now, O body, you are paying the price of the delights you granted yourself!...and you did it of your own free will...'" (April 2, 1922).

"I saw several souls fall into Hell, and among them was a child of fifteen, cursing her parents for not having taught her to fear God nor that there was a Hell. Her life had been a short one, she said, but full of sin, for she had given in to all that her body and passions demanded in the way of satisfaction..." (March 22, 1923).

"My soul fell into abysmal depths, the bottom of which cannot be seen, for it is immense. . . ; Then I was pushed into one of those fiery cavities and pressed, as it were, between burning planks, and sharp nails and red-hot irons seemed to be piercing my flesh. I felt as if they were endeavoring to pull out my tongue, but could not. This torture reduced me to such agony that my very eyes seemed to be starting out of their sockets. I think this was because of the fire which burns, burns. . . not a finger nail escapes terrifying torments, and all the time one cannot move even a finger to gain some relief, not change posture, for the body seems flattened out and [yet] doubled in two. Sounds of confusion and blasphemy cease not for an instant. A sickening stench asphyxiates and corrupts everything, it is like the burning of putrefied flesh, mingled with tar and sulfur. . . a mixture to which nothing on earth can be compared. . . although these tortures were terrific, they would be bearable if the soul were at peace. But it suffers indescribably. . . All I have written," she concluded, "is but a shadow of what the soul suffers, for no words can express such dire torment." (September 4, 1922).

"Today, I saw a vast number of people fall into the fiery pit . . . they seemed to be worldlings and a demon cried vociferously: 'The world is ripe for me . . . I know that the best way to get hold of souls is to rouse their desire for enjoyment . . . Put me first . . . me before the rest . . . no humility for me! but let me enjoy myself . . . This sort of thing assures victory to me . . . and they tumble headlong into hell.' " (October 4, 1923)

"Tonight I was transported to a place where all was obscure. . . Around me were seven or eight people; I could see them only by the reflections of the fire. They were seated and were talking together. One said: 'We'll have to be very careful not to be found out, for we might easily be discovered.'

"The devil answered: 'Insinuate yourselves by inducing carelessness in them. . . but keep in the background, so that you are not found out. . . by degrees they will become callous, and you will be able to incline them to evil. Tempt these others to ambition, to self-interest, to acquiring wealth without working, whether it be lawful or not. Excite some to sensuality and love of pleasure. Let vice blind them. . . As to the remainder. . . get in through the heart . . . you know the inclinations of their hearts. . . make them love. . . love passionately. . . work thoroughly. . . take no rest . . . have no pity. Let them cram themselves with food! It will make it all the easier for us. . . Let them get on with their banqueting. Love of pleasure is the door through which you will reach them . . .' " (February 3, 1923).


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Ghost busters needed at the Vatican

Strange happenings.

A Cardinal writes that those saved in invincible ignorance are exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. These exceptions must be alive for him to see them. Cardinal Luiz Ladaria S.J is saying that he can see ghoooooooooooooosts!!

Ghostbusters are needed.

Since they can see ghosts cardinals and bishops at the Vatican come to different conclusions.

Cardinal Kurt Koch says Jews do not have to convert in the present times. Since we know of exceptions to the dogma. It means those dead and saved are known to him. Perhaps he sees them during the day and night. At night it could be a typical ghost.

Since they are so sure that there is salvation outside the Church, since they can see the dead saved, they now are saying that infants who die without the baptism of water go to Heaven. If there can be the dead saved who are visible to us then why cannot all babies who die without the baptism of water also be saved they ask. Such an important conclusion is made on the ability of being able to see ghosts who are exceptions to the defined dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

The ghost problem has grown over time. Now even Vatican Council II (LG 16) is interpreted based on the ability of all to see ghosts. Ghosts saved in invincible ignorance and a good conscience are visible to us on earth!

Ask at the Vatican- they will not deny what I am saying here. They have even written about it in theological papers and explainations of Vatican Council II.--Lionel Andrades


It's remarkable how many religions and denominations take swipes at the Catholic Church -- from Muslims in the Middle East and Hindus in India to large cult-like "Christian" religions that go door to door and Evangelicals and those who state themselves as "born again" in the United States (never mind the non-religious).

When a religion is under constant such attack, and yet remains the most visible religious force on earth (and has -- for 2,000 years, as the world's oldest institution), and never retaliates in kind (having only good words for others, and reaching out, ecumenically), you know you are dealing with authenticity.

You also know you are dealing with real things when this Church -- with the special help of the Virgin Mary and the Archangel Michael (whom we celebrate with the other angels Saturday) -- is named as the most powerful and only fully effective weapon against the devil by an ex-satanist.

And so it is that a woman named Deborah Lipsky from Maine who spent years in actual satanic rituals and other forms of the occult grants us sharp insight into the power of the Church, which she witnessed first-hand as she sought escape from a world of incredible, ferocious darkness.

"After I left Satanism I joined a religious cult and spent the next eighteen years denouncing the Catholic faith and proclaiming that the Blessed Mother was nothing more than a demon in disguise," she writes in a new book. "It wasn't until 2011 when Our Lady made herself known to me in a very personal way that I saw her love and compassion. Even for me, someone who had made it a point to ridicule her in the name of Christianity. She delivered me from my personal demons and the hope she gave back to me is to be shared with all who read this book."

When she was a practicing Satanist, says Lipsky:

"I used to take pleasure bringing born-again Christians to their knees if they tried either 'exorcising' my demons or speaking to me of Jesus' love. Protestants of all denominations were also 'sport' as they quickly buckled under my power when they tried to convert me. However even back then I feared the Catholic priest as I knew, as did my demons, that I was no match for the power that came through him from God."

Lipsky, who speaks at churches and also gives presentations on autism (she has a master's degree in education), warns that born-againers who declare themselves immune from evil are deceiving themselves -- and that Mary, so often disparaged by denominations that seek to put down Catholicism (and thereby bolster their enrollment), has indeed been granted extraordinary powers against the evil one.

"In 2009 I started to have these unshakeable feelings to return to the Catholic Church," writes the former occultist, who was born Catholic but left after a horrible, abusive upbringing. "The more I tried to ignore these urges, the more intense this longing became. I didn't know what to do as I didn't believe in the Blessed Mother, so these feelings weren't rational. To make matters more confusing, the demonic torment that had lain dormant for many years resurfaced. The more I entertained the thought of rediscovering Catholicism, the worse the nightly torments became. The torment no doubt was a result of fear on the part of demons. My prior interests in various denominations posed no threat to them so they basically left me alone. The Catholic Church, however, was another story. Demons know the power of Christ that the Church has inherited. In a last ditch effort they employed the same tactics as before in an attempt to derail my fledgling desire to return home to the Church."

At several points, says Lipsky in A Message of Hope (Confessions of an Ex-Satanist), she was deeply disappointed by the reaction of priests who were not familiar with evil or who didn't believe in the devil -- or in the case of one, rejected her because he didn't believe the Satanist had converted. But the Church is the Church (founded not by men but by Jesus) and the Power behind it prevailed. "It took time and lots of patience," says Lipsky, "but the closer I drew to the Blessed Mother in heartfelt prayers for deliverance, the more the demonic attacks lessened. This sparked a reverence deep within my heart for her title, 'Queen of Heaven.'"

How do demons afflict us? Through negative thoughts, says Lipsky. Through lying. Through anger. Through horror movies. Even a small leak in a boat can eventually sink it, she points out. "Demons 'feed' (figuratively) on negative thoughts which in turn excite them," she says. "Once you produce a negative thought, it has a frequency level that easily connects with a demon because like attracts like. This gives the demon access to your thoughts where he will plant similar thoughts so as to stay in your space. Isn't it amazing how one negative thought 'triggers' another and then another? Demons have an insatiable 'hunger' for negativity."

They also are attracted by "unresolved hurts" that fester over time like ugly wounds and "become like perfume that attracts demons." They love fear and anxiety because it gives them energy, and they hover around youngsters because teens are hormonally charged and prone to demonic lyrics that further rouse energy by evoking anger, defiance, lust, and rebellion.

Also: "The quickest way a demon gains entrance is through occult involvement of any type," she writes. "It doesn't matter whether you practice black magic or just go to the latest three-d horror movie; both are an open invitation to demons that they don't refuse."

This from an educated woman who -- while still very new to real Catholicism -- has the insight of one who conjured various entities and on occasion even saw them physically manifest.

"Love is a powerful emotion, especially pure Godly love, which when demons are exposed to it, causes them to flee writhing in pain," notes Lipsky. "Love torments a demon! Love reminds us that we are children of God and no slaves of the devil."

[resources: A Message of Hope (Confessions of an Ex-Satanist]
[spiritual warfare retreats, Michael Brown: September 29: Chicago, October 13: Northern New Jersey-New York; and November 3, Minneapolis]
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