Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Phil Lawler contradicts William and Amy Fahey on the faculty of Thomas More College of Liberal Arts :Nicene Creed changed

Phil Lawler and Anthony Esolen are on the faculty at the Thomas More College (TMC) of Liberal Arts and I have been sending them,and the rest of the faculty, posts from this blog, which say that they support public heresy and sacrilege.

Phil Lawler it has been reported many times on the Internet, elsewhere, supports the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). So the baptism of desire (BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) would not be exceptions to the dogma EENS for him.They are not visible non Catholics saved outside the Church in 2018.
I do not know Anthony Esolen's position on this issue, I am waiting for his clarification.
However William Edmund Fahey, the President of TMC would need the approval of Cardinal Sean O'Malley, the Archbishop of Boston and the bishops of New England to continue to be a tutor and President at TMC.So he would have to teach the students at TMC that BOD, BOB and I.I are examples of non Catholics saved outside the Church.So he would reject the strict interpretation of EENS which Phil Lawler supports.
So this is a faculty divided on doctrine and faith like the rest of the Catholic Church in New England.
Amy Fahey, a tutor at TMC and wife of the President, William Fahey has not responded.
William and Amy Fahey would be interpreting the Catechism of Pope Pius X as a rupture with the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX( ecumenism of return ect). Since invincible ignorance, for example, mentioned in the Catechism of Pope Pius X, would refer to visible and known people saved outside the Church.
Meanwhile Phil Lawler would support the Syllabus of Errors on an ecumeism of return and no salvation outside the Catholic Church.Since BOD, BOB and I.I do not refer to known people saved outside the Church for him.They are not exceptions to EENS and the past ecclesiology of the Church.
The Nicene Creed will have been changed for the Faheys, as it is for Cardinal Sean O'Malley and the bishops of Worcester and Manchester, USA, but  it would still be the same for Lawler.
William and Amy Fahey have not denied what I keep repeating on this blog.Since if there was a denial it would mean they support the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS and BOD, BOB and I.I are not exceptions.This would not be politically correct with the Left.
It would also be saying that Fr. Leonard Feeney was correct in the Boston Case and the Holy Office 1949 made an objective mistake, violating the Principle of Non Contradiction.
It would mean the St. Benedict Center of Fr. Leonard Feeney, persecuted by Cardinal Cushing and the Jesuits, was orthodox  and Pope Pius XII was in heresy on EENS, with his silence.He did not support Fr. Leonard Feeney in public.
Heresy and sacrilege is being maintained by Cardinal Sean O'Malley and William and Amy Fahey have to  support it. It is irrational, non traditional and heretical but it is also the teaching of the present two popes.
-Lionel Andrades

The President of Pakistan, wants the United Nations to place restrictions on Catholic beliefs and its proclamation

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 The President of Pakistan Imran Khan does not want me to hold the Catholic Faith in its entirety.He has already criticized Jesus, which would be blasphemy for Catholics.Now he wants the United Nations, to implement blasphemy laws which are already underway in Canada, Britain etc.
As a Catholic I believe outside the Church there is no salvation( Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II) and that all need faith and baptism for salvation(AG 7). Jesus said those who do not believe in Him  in the only Church he founded , would be condemned ( Mk.16:16).Every one needs the baptism of water( John 3:5) in the Catholic Church to avoid Hell. This has been the teaching of the popes and saints over the centuries. So the Catholic Church today indicates most people are in Hell, without 'faith and baptism'(AG 7) and this would include all non Catholics.
The Catholic Church is telling us today that the status of all Muslims,like their prophet, is everlasting fire.This is the teaching of the Catholic Church which Khan and Muslims clerics there,consider blasphemous, but it is the Catholic Faith for me.
As a Catholic, who does not reject Vatican Council II or the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS), I believe all Muslims like Imran Khan need to convert into the Catholic Church to save their soul.
The President of Pakistan, wants the United Nations to place restrictions on my Catholic beliefs.
Christians are not free to follow and proclaim their religion in Pakistan, as they are in Europe, and now he wants restrictions placed on Christians throughout the world and he is supported by the Left , which generally support Satan.-Lionel Andrades

God has no favourites and every one needs to be a member of the Catholic Church for salvation.

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God has no favourites but Hell exists and most people are going there the Catholic Church teaches in Vatican Council II.
All need faith and baptism for salvation(AG 7, Vatican Council II) and mosts people on earth die without it and go straight to Hell.
The norm for salvation is faith and baptism  the catechisms tells us and we know of only one known baptism for the forgiveness of sins ( Nicene Creed) it is the baptism of water.So outside the Church there is no salvation(Athanasius Creed).This is how the 'Holy Spirit,' guides ' the Holy Catholic Church' (Apostles Creed) in the present times ( 2018-2019).
This is not just a personal view but the teaching of the Magisterium guided by the Holy Spirit.God has no favourites and Jesus died for all but to receieve this salvation all need to be members of the Catholic Church ( Dominus Iesus 20,Catechism of Pope Pius X etc.) -Lionel Andrades


 Dio non ha preferenze, ma l'inferno esiste e la maggior parte della gente si reca lì, la Chiesa cattolica insegna nel Concilio Vaticano II.

'Tutti' hanno bisogno della 'fede e del battesimo' per la 'salvezza' (Ad Gentes 7, Concilio Vaticano II) e la gente sulla terra muore senza di essa e va dritta all'Inferno.

La norma per la salvezza è la fede e il battesimo  i catechismi dicono:Sappiamo di un solo battesimo conosciuto per il perdono dei peccati (Credo di Nicea), è il battesimo dell'acqua. Fuori dalla Chiesa non c'è salvezza (Credo di Atanasio). è come lo 'Spirito Santo' guida 'la Santa Chiesa Cattolica' (Credo Apostoli) nei tempi presenti (2018-2019).

Questo non è solo un punto di vista personale, ma l'insegnamento del Magistero guidato dallo Spirito Santo. Dio non ha preferenze e Gesù è morto per tutti, ma per ricevere questa salvezza tutti hanno bisogno di essere membri della Chiesa Cattolica (Dominus Iesus 20, Catechismo del Papa Pio X ecc.)-L.A


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Dio e grande ma l'inferno esiste.
Dio e amore ma l'inferno esiste.
Non c'e nessuno conosciuto che ha ricevuto salvezza fuori dell a Chiesa Cattolica nel 2018.'Tutti' bisogna 'fede e battesima' ( Ad Gentes 7, Concilio Vaticano II ) per salvezza.Questo e l'insegnamento della Chiesa Cattolica, fuori di qui non c'e salvezza ( Concilio di Firenza,1441,extra ecclesiam nulla salus).
-Lionel Andrades


God is great but Hell exists.
God is love but Hell exists.
There is no known person who has received salvation outside the Catholic Church in 2018.'All' need 'faith and baptism'(Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II, for 'salvation'.This is the teaching of the Catholic Church outside of which there is no salvation.( Council of Florence 1441, extra ecclesiam nulla salus).
-Lionel Andrades