Sunday, July 10, 2022

Dovevo uccidere Chiara e distruggere Nuovi Orizzonti

Fr.Georges de Laire is not infoming the New Hampshire Union Leader and Catholic Herald, U.K whom he has given statements that without the False Premise in the interpretation of LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Councl II he would be affirming the strict interpretation of EENS like that of the St. Benedicr Center, New Hampshire


    -Lionel Andrades

Archbshop Augustine Di Noia Assistant Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith tells Brother Andre Marie MICM Prior at the St. Benedict Center that CCC 847-848 ( invincible igorance ) are visible exceptions for Feeneyite EENS. The same for LG 14 and LG 16. Bishop Athanasius Schnedier says "No" they are not pratical exceptions.



-Lionel Andrades

Anthony Stine continues to post new videos while interpreting Vatican Council II with the Irrational and not Rationa Premise

Ho preso più Comunioni a Medjugorje che in tutta la mia vita : è una chiamata, cè una Presenza qui! : venga dieci volta . cè una pace non so come descrive

"Supplica all'Angelo Custode" (da recitare tutti i giorni)