Saturday, May 21, 2022

The laity and priests in the Diocese of St. Augustine, USA must appeal to the bishop Felipe de Jesus Estevez to also accept Vatican Council II and interpret it with the Rational and not False Premise, at every liturgy : this will form the lex orandi and lex credendi of the people


The laity and priests in the Diocese of St. Augustine, USA must appeal to the bishop Felipe de Jesus Estevez, in Miami, USA to also accept Vatican Council II and interpret it with the Rational and not False Premise, at every liturgy in the diocese.

Also those who attend Holy Mass in Latin or the vernacular must be catechised according to only Vatican Council II interpreted with the Rational Premise. This must be the norm at every Mass.

When the Council is interpreted with LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc as referring to only hypothetical cases in 2022, there is no theological or doctrinal rupture with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, as it was interpreted by the missionaries at the Traditional Latin Mass in the 16th century. 

Since LG 8 etc would refer to only hypothetical and invisible cases in the present times. They could not be practical exceptions for the ecclesiocentrism of the Roman Missal ( 1580).So there is nothing in the Council –text to contradict the Athanasius Creed and the Catechism of Pope Pius X ( 24 Q, 27Q).This is using the Rational Premise ( invisible people are invisible in 2022).

Bishop Felipe de Jesus Estevez has a moral obligation to interpret Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise only and this will form the lex orandi and lex credendi of the people today, in harmony with the Magisterium over the centuries.Before the 1940's they only used the Rational Premise to interpret Magisterial Documents.

Presently the bishop interprets Vatican Council II with the Irrational Premise. So LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc, refer to visible and known non Catholics saved outside the Catholic Church, without faith and baptism (AG 7, LG 14). So they are projected as practical exceptions for 16th century EENS and the past ecclesiocentric ecclesiology. This is a New Theology it says outside the Church there is known salvation and so all do not need to be Catholic to go to Heaven and avoid Hell.This New Theology has a false theological base. It is built upon a False Premise ( invisible cases are visible), False Inference ( these visible cases contradict the dogma EENS and the past ecclesiology) and a False Conclusion ( Vatican Council II is a break with the past, the Syllabus of Errors etc are now obsolete).

This is the false reasoning of the bishop at St. Augustine and he needs to publically correct the error. He has a moral obligation to choose the Rational Premise and avoid the Unethical Premise.It would be dishonesty to continue to interpret Vatican Council II with the artificial irrationality. -Lionel Andrades

Tu Sia lodato e glorificato per sempre mio Gesù, voglio servire Te e nessun altro

For me Vatican Council II is not a break with Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus. So I do not have to go into sedevacantism.Also the present two popes are interpreting Vatican Council II with the False Premise, just like the sedevacantists.


For me Vatican Council II is not a break with Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus, I was telling someone. So I do not have to go into sedevacantism.Also the present two popes are interpreting Vatican Council II with the False Premise, just like the sedevacantists.

The liberals and traditionalists are re-interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally like Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and Fr. Anthony Cekada.

There is a rational choice and I am taking it.I don't have a problem with Vatican Council II.

The popes may come and go but the teachings of the Catholic Church on faith and morals do not change. So I am in the true Church, still, irrespective of what the ecclesiastics say and do.

I am in the Conciliar Church which is 

traditionalist and exclusivist in its ecclesiology. I have a Catholic Identity.It is the same as in the time of St. Robert Bellarmine since the Magisterium of the Catholic Church does not change - even if a pope does not follow the Magisterium.

- Lionel Andrades