Sunday, December 1, 2019

Rwy'n cadarnhau Cyngor Credo a Fatican Athanasius II

TACHWEDD 30, 2019
Rwy'n cadarnhau Cyngor Credo a Fatican Athanasius II
Rwy'n Babydd yn Rhufain yn byw fy nghredoau Catholig yn heddychlon. Nid wyf yn eu gorfodi ar unrhyw un. Felly byddwn yn disgwyl i eraill fod yn oddefgar i mi fel yr wyf fi ohonynt. Rwy'n cadarnhau Cyngor Fatican II, wedi'i ddehongli heb y rhagosodiad ffug cyffredin. Rwyf hefyd yn cadarnhau ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS), heb yr afresymoldeb cyffredin, fel y gwnaeth y Magisterium yn yr 16eg ganrif a Thadau'r Eglwys.
Rwy’n derbyn achosion damcaniaethol o fedydd awydd (BOD), bedydd gwaed (BOB) a chael fy achub mewn anwybodaeth anorchfygol, fel rhywbeth damcaniaethol yn unig. Nid ydynt yn bobl wrthrychol ac yn bersonol hysbys yn yr amseroedd presennol (2019). Felly nid ydyn nhw'n enghreifftiau gwrthrychol o iachawdwriaeth y tu allan i'r Eglwys. Ni all pobl anweledig fod yn enghreifftiau gweladwy o iachawdwriaeth y tu allan i'r Eglwys.
Felly nid wyf yn rhagamcanu BOD, BOB ac I.I fel eithriadau gwrthrychol i Ad Gentes 7, Cyngor y Fatican II, sy'n dweud bod angen ffydd a bedydd ar bawb er iachawdwriaeth. I gyd.
Y norm ar gyfer iachawdwriaeth, i mi, yw ffydd a bedydd dŵr, yn yr Eglwys Gatholig. Dyma ddysgeidiaeth yr Eglwys Gatholig yng Nghyngor y Fatican II (AG 7), Catecism yr Eglwys Gatholig (845,846,1257) ac eraill dogfennau magisterial, yr wyf yn eu dehongli heb ddrysu'r hyn sy'n anweledig fel bod yn weladwy, ymhlyg fel bod yn eglur, yn oddrychol fel gwrthrychol.
I mi mae'r Eglwys yn nodi yn ei dogfennau magisterial, gan gynnwys Cyngor y Fatican II, fod pawb sydd y tu allan i'r Eglwys ar y ffordd i Uffern. Mae hyn yn cynnwys y rhai sy'n gwybod neu ddim yn gwybod am Iesu a'r Eglwys a'r angen am aelodaeth er iachawdwriaeth .
I mi nid yw LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 ac ati yn eithriadau ymarferol i EENS neu AG 7.
Os achubir unrhyw un byddent ond yn hysbys i Dduw. Ni allwn farnu rhywun penodol ar y ddaear a honni y bydd ef neu hi yn cael ei achub, fel eithriad, i iachawdwriaeth unigryw yn yr Eglwys Gatholig.
Felly i mi, mae'r rhan fwyaf o bobl ar y ddaear yn ganolog i Uffern. Felly maen nhw'n marw heb ffydd a bedydd dŵr (AG 7, LG 14).
Dyfynnir Ad Gentes 7 yn Catecism yr Eglwys Gatholig o dan yr is-deitl Y tu allan i'r Eglwys nid oes iachawdwriaeth. Mae pob un sy'n cael ei achub yn cael ei achub trwy Iesu a'r Eglwys. Nid yw hyn yn gwrthddweud y ddysgeidiaeth ar bawb sydd angen bod yn aelodau ohoni yr Eglwys Gatholig er iachawdwriaeth (AG 7). Yr Eglwys yw Sacrament iachawdwriaeth. Mae angen dod yn aelodau â ffydd a bedydd, er iachawdwriaeth ac nid oes unrhyw eithriadau yn yr amseroedd presennol.
Mae gan grefyddau eraill bethau da a sanctaidd (NA 2) ond mae ganddyn nhw aneffeithlonrwydd, ofergoeliaeth a gwallau hefyd (Dominus Iesus). Ni ellir eu hystyried yn llwybrau cyfartal i iachawdwriaeth gyda'r Eglwys Gatholig. Mae eu haelodau wedi'u gogwyddo i'r Eglwys ac fe'u gelwir i gyd i ddod yn rhan o'r Eglwys Gatholig. (CDF, ​​Hysbysiad, Fr.Jacques Dupuis, 2001)
Mae Cyngor y Fatican II mewn cytgord â'r cysyniad o iachawdwriaeth unigryw, fel y mae St. Maximilian Kolbe, Alphonse Ratisbonne, St.Francis o Assisi, St. Catherine of Sienna, Padre Pio a nifer o seintiau eraill. Mae'r Beibl yn dweud wrthym fod y Catholig Yr Eglwys yw Corff Cyfriniol Iesu. Y tu allan i'r Eglwys Gatholig nid oes iachawdwriaeth (Ioan 3: 5, Marc 16:16 ac ati).
Rwy'n cadarnhau bod Credo Nicene a'r Apostolion a ddehonglwyd gydag achosion damcaniaethol yn bod yn ddamcaniaethol yn unig. Byddwn yn barod i wneud Proffesiwn Ffydd. Rwy'n cadarnhau'r Credo Athanasius sy'n dweud y tu allan i'r Eglwys nad oes iachawdwriaeth.
Nid wyf mewn schism gyda'r popes yn y gorffennol ar EENS (Cantate Domino, Cyngor Fflorens 1441), eciwmeniaeth dychwelyd (yr wyf yn cadarnhau gydag Unitatis Redintigratio, Cyngor y Fatican II wedi'i ddehongli'n rhesymol) ac eglwysig ecsgliwsif (gyda chefnogaeth Lumen Gentium wedi'i ddehongli'n rhesymol. , heb y rhagosodiad ffug).
Nid wyf yn sedevacantydd ac nid wyf ychwaith yn draddodiadolwr sy'n mynychu'r Offeren Ladin yn unig. Mae eglwysig yr Offeren, i mi, ym mhob defod, yr un peth cyn ac ar ôl Cyngor y Fatican II. Rwy'n mynychu'r Offeren yn y cynhenid ​​gydag eglwysig cenhadon yr Oesoedd Canol, a oedd yn gyfnod euraidd yn hanes yr Eglwys Gatholig.
Gan nad oes iachawdwriaeth hysbys y tu allan i'r Eglwys ac nid oes unrhyw eithriadau hysbys i'r dehongliad caeth o EENS, i mi, dim ond Catholigion sydd yn y Nefoedd. Maen nhw yno gyda ffydd a bedydd dŵr a heb bechodau marwol ar eu henaid.
Gan nad oes unrhyw achosion sy'n hysbys yn bersonol, o bobl nad ydynt yn Babyddion wedi'u hachub y tu allan i'r Eglwys, nid oes sail ddiwinyddol i'r Diwinyddiaeth Newydd, Eciwmeniaeth Newydd, Ecclesioleg Newydd, Efengylu Newydd ac ati.
Rwyf wedi bod yn weithgar, ers blynyddoedd lawer, gyda'r Focolares, Adnewyddu Carismatig, Ffordd Neo Catechumenal Kiko Arguello a Lleng Mair.
Rwyf wedi trefnu cyfarfodydd rhyng-ffydd ynghyd â ffrind ac offeiriad Ffransisgaidd, y Tad. Rasheed.
Heddiw byddai cyfarfodydd o'r fath yn rhan o genhadaeth, i mi, ac yn gyfle i gyhoeddi'r ffydd. Byddwn yn goddef barn eraill. Byddai'n gyhoeddiad gan fy mod i'n hoffi cyhoeddi'r Efengyl. Ddim o reidrwydd yn disgwyl trosiad, sy'n dibynnu ar y person a Duw.
Cefais fy ngeni mewn teulu Catholig a chefais fy medyddio yn faban. Rwy'n ffan o Teresa o Avila. -Lionel Andrades

NOVEMBER 30, 2019

I affirm the Athanasius Creed and Vatican Council II

I am a Catholic in Rome peacefully living my Catholic beliefs. I do not force them on anyone.So I would expect others to be tolerant of me as I am of them. I affirm Vatican Council II, interpreted  without the common false premise. I also affirm extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS), without the common irrationality, as did the Magisterium in the 16th century and the Church Fathers.
I accept hypothetical cases of the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB)and being saved in invincible ignorance, as being just hypothetical. They are not objective and personally known people in the present times(2019). So they are not objective examples of salvation outside the Church.Invisible people cannnot be visible examples of salvation outside the Church.
So I do not project BOD,BOB and I.I as objective exceptions to Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II, which says all need faith and baptism for salvation. All.
The norm for salvation, for me, is faith and the baptism of water, in the Catholic Church.This is the teaching of the Catholic Church in Vatican Council II(AG 7), Catechism of the Catholic Church(845,846,1257) and other magisterial documents, which I interpret without confusing what is invisible as being visible, implicit as being explicit, subjective as being objective.
For me the Church indicates in its magisterial documents, including Vatican Council II, that all who are outside the Church are on the way to Hell.This includes those who know or do not know about Jesus and the Church and the necessity of membership for salvation.
For me LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc are not practical exceptions to EENS or AG 7.
If anyone is saved they would only be known to God. We cannot judge a particular person on earth and claim he or she will be saved , as an exception, to exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.
So for me, most people on earth are oriented to Hell.Since they die without faith and the baptism of water(AG 7, LG 14).
Ad Gentes 7 is quoted in the Catechism of the Catholic Church under the sub-title Outside the Church there is no salvation.All who are saved are saved through Jesus and the Church.This does not contradict the teaching on all needing to be members of the Catholic Church for salvation (AG 7).The Church is the Sacrament of salvation.All need to become members with faith and baptism, for salvation and there are no exceptions in the present times.
Other religions have good and holy things(NA 2) but they also have inefficiencies, superstition and errors ( Dominus Iesus). They cannot be considered equal paths to salvation with the Catholic Church.Their members are oriented to the Church and are all called to become a part of the Catholic Church.(CDF, Notification,Fr.Jacques Dupuis,2001)
Vatican Council II is in harmony with the concept of exclusive salvation, as held by St. Maximilian Kolbe, Alphonse Ratisbonne, St.Francis of Assisi, St. Catherine of Sienna, Padre Pio and numerous other saints.The Bible tells us that the Catholic Church is the Mystical Body of Jesus.Outside of the Catholic Church there is no salvation( John 3:5, Mark 16:16 etc).
I affirm the Nicene and Apostles Creed interpreted with hypothetical cases just being hypothetical.I would be ready to make a Profession of Faith.I affirm the Athanasius Creed which  says outside the Church there is no salvation.
I am not in schism with the past popes on EENS( Cantate Domino, Council of Florence 1441),an ecumenism of return( which I affirm with Unitatis Redintigratio, Vatican Council II interpreted rationally) and an exclusivist ecclesiology( supported by Lumen Gentium interpreted rationally , without the false premise).
I am not a sedevacantist and nor am I a traditionalist who only attends the Latin Mass. The ecclesiology of the Mass, for me, in all rites, is the same before and after Vatican Council II. I attend Mass in the vernacular with the ecclesiology of the missionaries of the Middle Ages, which was a golden period in the history of the Catholic Church.
Since there is no known salvation outside the Church and there are no known exceptions to the strict interpretation of EENS, for me, there are only Catholics in Heaven.They are there with faith and the baptism of water and without mortal sins on their soul.
With there being no personally known cases, of non Catholics saved outside the Church, there is no theological basis, for the New Theology, New Ecumenism, New Ecclesiology, New Evangelisation etc.
I have been active , for many years, with the Focolares, Charismatic Renewal, Neo Catechumenal Way of Kiko Arguello and the Legion of Mary.
I have organized inter faith meetings along with a Franciscan friend and priest, Fr. Rasheed.
 Today such meetings would be a part of mission, for me, and an opportunity to proclaim the faith.I would tolerate the views of others. It would be a proclamation since I like to proclaim the  Gospel.Not necessarily expecting a conversion, which  depends upon the person and God.
I was born in a Catholic family and was baptised as an infant. I am a fan of Teresa of Avila.  -Lionel Andrades

J'affirme le credo d'Athanase et le concile Vatican II

30 NOVEMBRE 2019
J'affirme le credo d'Athanase et le concile Vatican II
Je suis catholique à Rome et vis pacifiquement mes convictions catholiques. Je ne les force pas sur qui que ce soit. Je m'attendrais donc à ce que les autres me tolèrent comme je le suis. J'affirme le Concile Vatican II, interprété sans la fausse prémisse commune. J'affirme également extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS), sans l'irrationalité commune, à l'instar du Magistère du XVIe siècle et des Pères de l'Église.
J'accepte les cas hypothétiques du baptême de désir (BOD), du baptême de sang (BOB) et d'être sauvé dans une ignorance invincible, comme étant simplement hypothétiques. Ce ne sont pas des personnes objectives et personnellement connues dans le temps présent (2019). Ce ne sont donc pas des exemples objectifs de salut en dehors de l'Église. Les personnes invisibles ne peuvent pas être des exemples visibles de salut en dehors de l'Église.
Je ne projette donc pas BOD, BOB et I.I comme exceptions objectives à Ad Gentes 7, Concile Vatican II, qui stipule que tous ont besoin de foi et de baptême pour être sauvés. Tout.
La norme pour le salut, pour moi, est la foi et le baptême d'eau, dans l'Église catholique. C'est l'enseignement de l'Église catholique dans le concile Vatican II (AG 7), Catéchisme de l'Église catholique (845 846 1257) et autres. documents magistraux, que j'interprète sans confondre ce qui est invisible comme visible, implicite comme explicite, subjectif comme objectif.
Pour moi, l'Église indique dans ses documents ministériels, y compris le Concile Vatican II, que tous ceux qui sont en dehors de l'Église sont sur le chemin de l'enfer. Cela inclut ceux qui connaissent ou ne connaissent pas Jésus et l'Église et la nécessité de devenir membre pour le salut. .
Pour moi, LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22, etc. ne sont pas des exceptions pratiques à EENS ou AG 7.
Si quelqu'un est sauvé, il ne sera connu que de Dieu. Nous ne pouvons pas juger une personne en particulier sur la terre et prétendre qu'il sera sauvé, à titre d'exception, au salut exclusif dans l'Église catholique.
Donc pour moi, la plupart des gens sur terre sont orientés vers l'enfer. Depuis leur mort sans la foi et le baptême de l'eau (AG 7, LG 14).
Ad Gentes 7 est cité dans le Catéchisme de l'Église catholique sous le sous-titre. En dehors de l'Église, il n'y a pas de salut. Tous ceux qui sont sauvés sont sauvés par Jésus et l'Église. Cela ne contredit pas l'enseignement sur tous ceux qui ont besoin d'être membres de l'Église catholique pour le salut (AG 7). L'Église est le sacrement du salut. Tous doivent devenir membres avec foi et baptême, pour le salut et il n'y a pas d'exception dans le temps présent.
Les autres religions ont de bonnes et saintes choses (NA 2), mais aussi des inefficacités, des superstitions et des erreurs (Dominus Iesus). Ils ne peuvent pas être considérés comme des chemins égaux pour le salut avec l’Église catholique.Ses membres sont orientés vers l’Église et sont tous appelés à devenir membres de l’Église catholique (CDF, ​​Notification, P. Jacques Dupuis, 2001).
Le Concile Vatican II est en harmonie avec le concept de salut exclusif, tel que défendu par saint Maximilien Kolbe, Alphonse Ratisbonne, saint François d'Assise, sainte Catherine de Sienne, Padre Pio et de nombreux autres saints.La Bible nous dit que L’Église est le corps mystique de Jésus. En dehors de l’Église catholique, il n’ya pas de salut (Jean 3: 5, Marc 16:16, etc.).
J'affirme le credo de Nicée et des apôtres interprété avec des cas hypothétiques qui ne sont qu'hypothétiques. Je serais prêt à faire une profession de foi. J'affirme le credo d'Athanase qui dit qu'il n'y a pas de salut en dehors de l'Église.
Je ne suis pas en désaccord avec les anciens papes sur EENS (Cantate Domino, concile de Florence 1441), un œcuménisme de retour (que j'affirme avec Unitatis Redintigratio, Concile Vatican II interprété rationnellement) et une ecclésiologie exclusiviste (soutenue par Lumen Gentium interprétée rationnellement). , sans la fausse prémisse).
Je ne suis pas un sédévacant ni un traditionaliste qui n'assiste qu'à la messe en latin. L'ecclésiologie de la messe est la même pour tous les rites avant et après le concile Vatican II. J'assiste à la messe en langue vernaculaire avec l'ecclésiologie des missionnaires du Moyen Âge, période d'or dans l'histoire de l'Église catholique.
Puisqu'il n'y a pas de salut connu en dehors de l'Église et qu'il n'y a pas d'exception connue à l'interprétation stricte de EENS, pour moi, il n'y a que des catholiques au ciel. Ils sont là avec la foi et le baptême d'eau et sans péchés mortels sur leur âme.
En l'absence de cas personnellement connu de non catholiques sauvés en dehors de l'Église, il n'y a aucune base théologique pour la nouvelle théologie, le nouvel œcuménisme, la nouvelle ecclésiologie, la nouvelle évangélisation, etc.
Je suis actif depuis de nombreuses années auprès des Focolares, du Renouveau charismatique, du Chemin néo-catéchuménal de Kiko Arguello et de la Légion de Marie.
J'ai organisé des rencontres interconfessionnelles avec un ami franciscain et un prêtre, le p. Rasheed.
Aujourd'hui, de telles réunions feraient partie de la mission, pour moi, et constitueraient une occasion de proclamer la foi. Je tolérerais les vues des autres. Ce serait une proclamation puisque j'aime bien proclamer l'Evangile. Nous ne nous attendons pas nécessairement à une conversion, qui dépend de la personne et de Dieu.
Je suis né dans une famille catholique et j'ai été baptisé en bas âge. Je suis fan de Thérèse d'Avila. -Lionel Andrades

 NOVEMBER 30, 2019

I affirm the Athanasius Creed and Vatican Council II

I am a Catholic in Rome peacefully living my Catholic beliefs. I do not force them on anyone.So I would expect others to be tolerant of me as I am of them. I affirm Vatican Council II, interpreted  without the common false premise. I also affirm extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS), without the common irrationality, as did the Magisterium in the 16th century and the Church Fathers.
I accept hypothetical cases of the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB)and being saved in invincible ignorance, as being just hypothetical. They are not objective and personally known people in the present times(2019). So they are not objective examples of salvation outside the Church.Invisible people cannnot be visible examples of salvation outside the Church.
So I do not project BOD,BOB and I.I as objective exceptions to Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II, which says all need faith and baptism for salvation. All.
The norm for salvation, for me, is faith and the baptism of water, in the Catholic Church.This is the teaching of the Catholic Church in Vatican Council II(AG 7), Catechism of the Catholic Church(845,846,1257) and other magisterial documents, which I interpret without confusing what is invisible as being visible, implicit as being explicit, subjective as being objective.
For me the Church indicates in its magisterial documents, including Vatican Council II, that all who are outside the Church are on the way to Hell.This includes those who know or do not know about Jesus and the Church and the necessity of membership for salvation.
For me LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc are not practical exceptions to EENS or AG 7.
If anyone is saved they would only be known to God. We cannot judge a particular person on earth and claim he or she will be saved , as an exception, to exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.
So for me, most people on earth are oriented to Hell.Since they die without faith and the baptism of water(AG 7, LG 14).
Ad Gentes 7 is quoted in the Catechism of the Catholic Church under the sub-title Outside the Church there is no salvation.All who are saved are saved through Jesus and the Church.This does not contradict the teaching on all needing to be members of the Catholic Church for salvation (AG 7).The Church is the Sacrament of salvation.All need to become members with faith and baptism, for salvation and there are no exceptions in the present times.
Other religions have good and holy things(NA 2) but they also have inefficiencies, superstition and errors ( Dominus Iesus). They cannot be considered equal paths to salvation with the Catholic Church.Their members are oriented to the Church and are all called to become a part of the Catholic Church.(CDF, Notification,Fr.Jacques Dupuis,2001)
Vatican Council II is in harmony with the concept of exclusive salvation, as held by St. Maximilian Kolbe, Alphonse Ratisbonne, St.Francis of Assisi, St. Catherine of Sienna, Padre Pio and numerous other saints.The Bible tells us that the Catholic Church is the Mystical Body of Jesus.Outside of the Catholic Church there is no salvation( John 3:5, Mark 16:16 etc).
I affirm the Nicene and Apostles Creed interpreted with hypothetical cases just being hypothetical.I would be ready to make a Profession of Faith.I affirm the Athanasius Creed which  says outside the Church there is no salvation.
I am not in schism with the past popes on EENS( Cantate Domino, Council of Florence 1441),an ecumenism of return( which I affirm with Unitatis Redintigratio, Vatican Council II interpreted rationally) and an exclusivist ecclesiology( supported by Lumen Gentium interpreted rationally , without the false premise).
I am not a sedevacantist and nor am I a traditionalist who only attends the Latin Mass. The ecclesiology of the Mass, for me, in all rites, is the same before and after Vatican Council II. I attend Mass in the vernacular with the ecclesiology of the missionaries of the Middle Ages, which was a golden period in the history of the Catholic Church.
Since there is no known salvation outside the Church and there are no known exceptions to the strict interpretation of EENS, for me, there are only Catholics in Heaven.They are there with faith and the baptism of water and without mortal sins on their soul.
With there being no personally known cases, of non Catholics saved outside the Church, there is no theological basis, for the New Theology, New Ecumenism, New Ecclesiology, New Evangelisation etc.
I have been active , for many years, with the Focolares, Charismatic Renewal, Neo Catechumenal Way of Kiko Arguello and the Legion of Mary.
I have organized inter faith meetings along with a Franciscan friend and priest, Fr. Rasheed.
 Today such meetings would be a part of mission, for me, and an opportunity to proclaim the faith.I would tolerate the views of others. It would be a proclamation since I like to proclaim the  Gospel.Not necessarily expecting a conversion, which  depends upon the person and God.
I was born in a Catholic family and was baptised as an infant. I am a fan of Teresa of Avila.  -Lionel Andrades

Kinumpirma ko ang Athanasius Creed at Vatican Council II

NOVEMBER 30, 2019
Kinumpirma ko ang Athanasius Creed at Vatican Council II
Ako ay isang Katoliko sa Roma tahimik na nabubuhay ang aking paniniwala sa Katoliko. Hindi ko sila pinipilit sa kahit sino.So Inaasahan kong ang iba ay mapagparaya sa akin tulad ng sa kanila. Kinumpirma ko ang Vatican Council II, binibigyang kahulugan nang walang karaniwang maling saligan. Pinagtibay ko rin ang labis na ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS), nang walang karaniwang hindi makatwiran, tulad ng ginawa ng Magisterium noong ika-16 na siglo at ang mga Church Fathers.
Tumatanggap ako ng mga hypothetical na kaso ng pagbibinyag ng pagnanais (BOD), pagbibinyag ng dugo (BOB) at nai-save sa walang talo ng kamangmangan, bilang hypothetical lamang. Hindi sila layunin at personal na kilalang tao sa kasalukuyang panahon (2019). Kaya't hindi sila mga layunin na halimbawa ng kaligtasan sa labas ng Simbahan. Ang mga taong hindi nakikita ay hindi makikita ang mga halimbawa ng kaligtasan sa labas ng Simbahan.
Kaya hindi ko sinisikap ang BOD, BOB at I.I bilang mga pagbubukod sa layunin sa Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II, na nagsasabing ang lahat ay nangangailangan ng pananampalataya at binyag para sa kaligtasan. Lahat.
Ang pamantayan para sa kaligtasan, para sa akin, ay ang pananampalataya at ang pagbibinyag ng tubig, sa Simbahang Katoliko.Ito ang turo ng Simbahang Katoliko sa Vatican Council II (AG 7), Katekismo ng Simbahang Katoliko (845,846,1257) at iba pa mga mahiwagang dokumento, na binibigyang kahulugan ko nang hindi nakalilito kung ano ang hindi nakikita bilang nakikita, walang pahiwatig na tahasang, subjective bilang isang layunin.
Para sa akin ang Iglesya ay nagpapahiwatig sa mga mahiwagang dokumento nito, kasama na ang Vatican Council II, na ang lahat ng nasa labas ng Simbahan ay papunta sa Hell.Ito ay kasama ang mga nakakaalam o hindi nakakaalam tungkol kay Jesus at sa Simbahan at ang pangangailangan ng pagiging kasapi para sa kaligtasan .
Para sa akin LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 atbp ay hindi praktikal na mga pagbubukod sa EENS o AG 7.
Kung may nai-save na sila ay makikilala lamang sa Diyos. Hindi namin maaaring hatulan ang isang partikular na tao sa mundo at inaangkin na siya ay maliligtas, bilang eksepsiyon, sa eksklusibong kaligtasan sa Simbahang Katoliko.
Kaya para sa akin, ang karamihan sa mga tao sa mundo ay nakatuon sa Impiyerno.Siguro namatay sila nang walang pananampalataya at pagbibinyag ng tubig (AG 7, LG 14).
Ang Ad Gentes 7 ay sinipi sa Catechism ng Simbahang Katoliko sa ilalim ng sub-pamagat na Labas ng Simbahan walang kaligtasan.Ang lahat na naligtas ay nai-save sa pamamagitan ni Hesus at ng Simbahan.Hindi ito sumasalungat sa turo sa lahat ng kailangan na maging mga kasapi ng ang Simbahang Katoliko para sa kaligtasan (AG 7) .Ang Simbahan ay ang Sakramento ng kaligtasan.Ang lahat ay kailangang maging mga miyembro na may pananampalataya at binyag, para sa kaligtasan at walang mga pagbubukod sa kasalukuyang panahon.
Ang iba pang mga relihiyon ay may mabuti at banal na mga bagay (NA 2) ngunit mayroon din silang mga kahusayan, pamahiin at mga pagkakamali (Dominus Iesus). Hindi sila maaaring ituring na pantay na landas sa kaligtasan kasama ang Simbahang Katoliko. Ang kanilang mga miyembro ay nakatuon sa Simbahan at lahat ay tinawag na maging bahagi ng Simbahang Katoliko. (CDF, ​​Notification, Fr.Jacques Dupuis, 2001)
Ang Vatican Council II ay kasuwato ng konsepto ng eksklusibong kaligtasan, tulad ng hawak ni San Maximilian Kolbe, Alphonse Ratisbonne, St.Francis of Assisi, St. Catherine ng Sienna, Padre Pio at maraming iba pang mga banal. Sinasabi sa atin ng Bibliya na ang Katoliko Ang Simbahan ay ang Mystical Body ni Jesus.Outside of the Catholic Church walang kaligtasan (Juan 3: 5, Marcos 16:16 atbp).
Pinagtibay ko ang Nicene at Apostol Creed na binibigkas na may mga hypothetical na kaso lamang na hypothetical.Ihanda akong gumawa ng isang Propesyon ng Pananampalataya.Kinumpirma ko ang Athanasius Creed na nagsasabing sa labas ng Simbahan walang kaligtasan.
Hindi ako wala sa schism kasama ang mga nakaraang mga papa sa EENS (Cantate Domino, Council of Florence 1441), isang ekumenismong pagbabalik (na pinatunayan ko kay Unitatis Redintigratio, Konseho ng Vatican II na binibigkas nang may katwiran) at isang eksisistang eksklusibo (suportado ni Lumen Gentium na binibigyang kahulugan ng rasyonal) , nang walang maling saligan).
Hindi ako isang sedevacantist at hindi rin ako isang tradisyonalista na dumadalo lamang sa Latin Mass.Ang ecclesiology ng Mass, para sa akin, sa lahat ng mga ritwal, ay pareho bago at pagkatapos ng Vatican Council II. Dumalo ako sa Mass sa vernacular kasama ang ecclesiology ng mga misyonero ng Middle Ages, na isang gintong panahon sa kasaysayan ng Simbahang Katoliko.
Dahil walang nalalaman na kaligtasan sa labas ng Simbahan at walang mga kilalang pagbubukod sa mahigpit na pagpapakahulugan ng EENS, para sa akin, mayroon lamang mga Katoliko sa Langit. Nariyan sila na may pananalig at pagbibinyag ng tubig at walang mortal na mga kasalanan sa kanilang kaluluwa.
Kung walang mga personal na kilalang kaso, ng mga hindi Katoliko na nai-save sa labas ng Simbahan, walang teolohikal na batayan, para sa New Theology, New Ecumenism, New publisherology, New Evangelization atbp.
Ako ay naging aktibo, nang maraming taon, kasama ang Focolares, Charismatic Renewal, Neo Catechumenal Way ni Kiko Arguello at ang Legion ni Mary.
Inayos ko ang mga inter-miting na pagpupulong kasama ang isang kaibigan at pari ng Franciscan na si Fr.Rasheed.
Ngayon ang mga nasabing pagpupulong ay magiging isang bahagi ng misyon, para sa akin, at isang pagkakataon upang maipahayag ang pananampalataya.Ititiyagaan ko ang mga pananaw ng iba. Ito ay isang pagpapahayag mula noong gusto kong ipahayag ang Ebanghelyo. Hindi kinakailangang umaasa ng pagbabalik-loob, na nakasalalay sa tao at Diyos.
Ipinanganak ako sa isang pamilyang Katoliko at nabautismuhan bilang isang sanggol. Isa akong tagahanga ni Teresa ng Avila. -Lionel Andrades

NOVEMBER 30, 2019

I affirm the Athanasius Creed and Vatican Council II

I am a Catholic in Rome peacefully living my Catholic beliefs. I do not force them on anyone.So I would expect others to be tolerant of me as I am of them. I affirm Vatican Council II, interpreted  without the common false premise. I also affirm extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS), without the common irrationality, as did the Magisterium in the 16th century and the Church Fathers.
I accept hypothetical cases of the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB)and being saved in invincible ignorance, as being just hypothetical. They are not objective and personally known people in the present times(2019). So they are not objective examples of salvation outside the Church.Invisible people cannnot be visible examples of salvation outside the Church.
So I do not project BOD,BOB and I.I as objective exceptions to Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II, which says all need faith and baptism for salvation. All.
The norm for salvation, for me, is faith and the baptism of water, in the Catholic Church.This is the teaching of the Catholic Church in Vatican Council II(AG 7), Catechism of the Catholic Church(845,846,1257) and other magisterial documents, which I interpret without confusing what is invisible as being visible, implicit as being explicit, subjective as being objective.
For me the Church indicates in its magisterial documents, including Vatican Council II, that all who are outside the Church are on the way to Hell.This includes those who know or do not know about Jesus and the Church and the necessity of membership for salvation.
For me LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc are not practical exceptions to EENS or AG 7.
If anyone is saved they would only be known to God. We cannot judge a particular person on earth and claim he or she will be saved , as an exception, to exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.
So for me, most people on earth are oriented to Hell.Since they die without faith and the baptism of water(AG 7, LG 14).
Ad Gentes 7 is quoted in the Catechism of the Catholic Church under the sub-title Outside the Church there is no salvation.All who are saved are saved through Jesus and the Church.This does not contradict the teaching on all needing to be members of the Catholic Church for salvation (AG 7).The Church is the Sacrament of salvation.All need to become members with faith and baptism, for salvation and there are no exceptions in the present times.
Other religions have good and holy things(NA 2) but they also have inefficiencies, superstition and errors ( Dominus Iesus). They cannot be considered equal paths to salvation with the Catholic Church.Their members are oriented to the Church and are all called to become a part of the Catholic Church.(CDF, Notification,Fr.Jacques Dupuis,2001)
Vatican Council II is in harmony with the concept of exclusive salvation, as held by St. Maximilian Kolbe, Alphonse Ratisbonne, St.Francis of Assisi, St. Catherine of Sienna, Padre Pio and numerous other saints.The Bible tells us that the Catholic Church is the Mystical Body of Jesus.Outside of the Catholic Church there is no salvation( John 3:5, Mark 16:16 etc).
I affirm the Nicene and Apostles Creed interpreted with hypothetical cases just being hypothetical.I would be ready to make a Profession of Faith.I affirm the Athanasius Creed which  says outside the Church there is no salvation.
I am not in schism with the past popes on EENS( Cantate Domino, Council of Florence 1441),an ecumenism of return( which I affirm with Unitatis Redintigratio, Vatican Council II interpreted rationally) and an exclusivist ecclesiology( supported by Lumen Gentium interpreted rationally , without the false premise).
I am not a sedevacantist and nor am I a traditionalist who only attends the Latin Mass. The ecclesiology of the Mass, for me, in all rites, is the same before and after Vatican Council II. I attend Mass in the vernacular with the ecclesiology of the missionaries of the Middle Ages, which was a golden period in the history of the Catholic Church.
Since there is no known salvation outside the Church and there are no known exceptions to the strict interpretation of EENS, for me, there are only Catholics in Heaven.They are there with faith and the baptism of water and without mortal sins on their soul.
With there being no personally known cases, of non Catholics saved outside the Church, there is no theological basis, for the New Theology, New Ecumenism, New Ecclesiology, New Evangelisation etc.
I have been active , for many years, with the Focolares, Charismatic Renewal, Neo Catechumenal Way of Kiko Arguello and the Legion of Mary.
I have organized inter faith meetings along with a Franciscan friend and priest, Fr. Rasheed.
 Today such meetings would be a part of mission, for me, and an opportunity to proclaim the faith.I would tolerate the views of others. It would be a proclamation since I like to proclaim the  Gospel.Not necessarily expecting a conversion, which  depends upon the person and God.
I was born in a Catholic family and was baptised as an infant. I am a fan of Teresa of Avila.  -Lionel Andrades

Dearbhaím an Athanasius Creed agus Comhairle na Vatacáine II

Samhain 30, 2019
Dearbhaím an Athanasius Creed agus Comhairle na Vatacáine II
Is Caitliceach mé sa Róimh ag maireachtáil go síochánta mo chreideamh Caitliceach. Ní féidir liom iad a chur i bhfeidhm ar dhuine ar bith. Dá mbeinn ag súil le daoine eile a bheith fulangach liomsa mar atá mé. Dearbhaím Comhairle na Vatacáine II, a léirítear gan an comhbhrí bréagach. Dearbhaím freisin ecclesiam nulla salus breise (EENS), gan an neamhréasúnachas coiteann, mar a rinne an Magisterium sa 16ú haois agus na hAithreacha Eaglais.
Glacaim le cásanna hipitéiseacha de bhaisteadh dúil (BOD), baisteadh fola (BOB) agus glacadh le haineolas dofheicthe, mar ní amháin hipitéiseach. Níl siad ina ndaoine oibiachtúla agus ar eolas go pearsanta faoi láthair (2019). Mar sin, ní samplaí oibiachtúla iad de shlánú taobh amuigh den Eaglais. Ní féidir le daoine dofheicthe a bheith ina samplaí infheicthe de shlánú lasmuigh den Eaglais.
Mar sin ní dhéanaim tionscadal BOD, BOB agus I.I a mharú mar eisceachtaí oibiachtúla do Ghéinmhínithe 7, Comhairle na Vatacáine II, a deir go dteastaíonn creidimh agus baisteadh uathu go léir do shlánú. Gach.
Is é an norm do shlánú, domsa, creideamh agus baisteadh uisce, san Eaglais Chaitliceach. Is é seo teagasc na hEaglaise Caitlicí i gComhairle na Vatacáine II (AG 7), Catechism na hEaglaise Caitlicí (845,846,1257) agus eile cáipéisí maorga, a thuigim gan mearbhall a chur ar an méid atá dofheicthe, intuigthe mar chuspóir follasach, suibiachtúil.
Maidir liom féin, tugann an Eaglais le fios ina cáipéisí maorga, lena n-áirítear Comhairle na Vatacáine II, go bhfuil gach duine atá lasmuigh den Eaglais ar an mbealach go hIfreann. Áirítear leis seo iad siúd a bhfuil aithne acu nó nach bhfuil a fhios acu faoi Íosa agus faoin Eaglais agus faoin ngá atá le ballraíocht a shlánú .
Maidir liom féin, ní eisceachtaí praiticiúla do EENS nó AG 7 iad LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 srl.
Más rud é go sábhálfar duine ar bith ní bheadh ​​a fhios ag Dia ach dóibh. Ní féidir linn duine áirithe a mheas ar domhan agus a éileamh go sábhálfar é, mar eisceacht, chun slánú eisiach san Eaglais Chaitliceach.
Mar sin de, tá an chuid is mó de na daoine ar domhan dírithe ar Hell. Ó tharla go bhfaigheann siad bás gan creideamh agus baisteadh an uisce (AG 7, LG 14).
Tá Ad Gentes 7 luaite i dTacacism na hEaglaise Caitlicí faoin bhfo-theideal Lasmuigh den Eaglais níl aon slánú ann. Sábháltar iad uile trí Íosa agus an Eaglais. an Eaglais Chaitliceach le haghaidh slánú (AG 7). Is é an Eaglais ná Sacraimint an tSlánaithe. Caithfidh gach duine a bheith ina mbaill le creideamh agus le baisteadh, le haghaidh slánú agus níl aon eisceachtaí ann faoi láthair.
Tá rudaí maithe agus naofa ag reiligiúin eile (NA 2) ach tá neamhéifeachtúlachtaí, piseog agus earráidí acu freisin (Dominus Iesus). Ní féidir iad a mheas mar chosáin chomhionanna le slánú leis an Eaglais Chaitliceach. Tá a mbaill dírithe ar an Eaglais agus glaoitear orthu go léir a bheith ina gcuid den Eaglais Chaitliceach (CDF, ​​Fógra, an tAth .Jacques Dupuis, 2001)
Tá Comhairle na Vatacáine II ar aon dul leis an gcoincheap maidir le slánú eisiach, mar atá i St Maximilian Kolbe, Alphonse Ratisbonne, St.Francis as Assisi, Naomh Caitríona de Sienna, Padre Pio agus go leor naomh eile. Is é an Eaglais Comhlacht Mystical Íosa. Níl aon slánú taobh amuigh den Eaglais Chaitliceach (Eoin 3: 5, Marc 16:16, srl.).
Dearbhaím Creed Nicene agus Apostles a léirmhínítear le cásanna hipitéiseacha atá díreach mar hipitéiseach.Ba mhaith liom a bheith ullamh chun Gairm ar Chreidimh a dhéanamh. Dearbhaím an Athanasius Creed a deir lasmuigh den Eaglais nach bhfuil aon slánú ann.
Nílim i scátar leis an am atá thart agus tá sé ar EENS (Cantate Domino, Comhairle Florence 1441), éacúiméineachas tuairisceáin (a dhearbhaím le Unitatis Redintigratio, Comhairle na Vatacáine II arna léiriú go réasúnach) agus eaglasc eisialach (arna léiriú ag Lumen Gentium arna léiriú go réasúnach , gan an mbonn bréagach).
Ní sedvacantist mé agus ní traidisinéir traidisiúnta mé agus ní fhreastalaíonn mé ach ar an Aifreann Laidin. Is é eaglasta an Aifrinn, domsa, i ngach deasghnáth, mar an gcéanna roimh agus i ndiaidh Chomhairle na Vatacáine II. Freastalaíonn mé ar an Aifreann sa dúchasacht le heaglaisíocht na misinéirí sna Meánaoiseanna, a bhí ina thréimhse órga i stair na hEaglaise Caitlicí.
Ós rud é nach bhfuil aon slánú ann taobh amuigh den Eaglais agus nach bhfuil aon eisceachtaí ann don léirmhíniú dian ar EENS, domsa, níl ann ach Caitlicigh ar neamh. Tá siad ann le creideamh agus le baisteadh uisce agus gan peacaí marfach ar a n-anam.
Toisc nach bhfuil aon chásanna a bhfuil aithne phearsanta orthu, daoine neamhchaitliceacha a sábháladh lasmuigh den Eaglais, níl aon bhonn diagachta ann, don Diagacht Nua, don Éacúimeachas Nua, don Nua-Éiceolaíocht, don Soiscéal Nua etc.
Bhí mé gníomhach, le blianta fada, leis an Focolares, Athnuachan Charismatic, Neo Catechumenal Way de Kiko Arguello agus Léigiún Mhuire.
Tá cruinnithe idirchreidmheacha eagraithe agam chomh maith le cara agus sagart Proinsiasach, an tAth. Rasheed.
Sa lá atá inniu ann is cuid de mhisean a bheadh i gcruinnithe den sórt sin, domsa, agus deis chun an creideamh a fhógairt. Forógra a bheadh ann ós rud é gur mhaith liom an Soiscéal a fhógairt. Ní gá go mbeadh tiontú ann, a bhraitheann ar an duine agus ar Dhia.
Rugadh mé i dteaghlach Caitliceach agus baisteadh mé mar naíonán. Is lucht leanúna Teresa Avila mé.-Lionel Andrades

 NOVEMBER 30, 2019

I affirm the Athanasius Creed and Vatican Council II

I am a Catholic in Rome peacefully living my Catholic beliefs. I do not force them on anyone.So I would expect others to be tolerant of me as I am of them. I affirm Vatican Council II, interpreted  without the common false premise. I also affirm extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS), without the common irrationality, as did the Magisterium in the 16th century and the Church Fathers.
I accept hypothetical cases of the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB)and being saved in invincible ignorance, as being just hypothetical. They are not objective and personally known people in the present times(2019). So they are not objective examples of salvation outside the Church.Invisible people cannnot be visible examples of salvation outside the Church.
So I do not project BOD,BOB and I.I as objective exceptions to Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II, which says all need faith and baptism for salvation. All.
The norm for salvation, for me, is faith and the baptism of water, in the Catholic Church.This is the teaching of the Catholic Church in Vatican Council II(AG 7), Catechism of the Catholic Church(845,846,1257) and other magisterial documents, which I interpret without confusing what is invisible as being visible, implicit as being explicit, subjective as being objective.
For me the Church indicates in its magisterial documents, including Vatican Council II, that all who are outside the Church are on the way to Hell.This includes those who know or do not know about Jesus and the Church and the necessity of membership for salvation.
For me LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc are not practical exceptions to EENS or AG 7.
If anyone is saved they would only be known to God. We cannot judge a particular person on earth and claim he or she will be saved , as an exception, to exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.
So for me, most people on earth are oriented to Hell.Since they die without faith and the baptism of water(AG 7, LG 14).
Ad Gentes 7 is quoted in the Catechism of the Catholic Church under the sub-title Outside the Church there is no salvation.All who are saved are saved through Jesus and the Church.This does not contradict the teaching on all needing to be members of the Catholic Church for salvation (AG 7).The Church is the Sacrament of salvation.All need to become members with faith and baptism, for salvation and there are no exceptions in the present times.
Other religions have good and holy things(NA 2) but they also have inefficiencies, superstition and errors ( Dominus Iesus). They cannot be considered equal paths to salvation with the Catholic Church.Their members are oriented to the Church and are all called to become a part of the Catholic Church.(CDF, Notification,Fr.Jacques Dupuis,2001)
Vatican Council II is in harmony with the concept of exclusive salvation, as held by St. Maximilian Kolbe, Alphonse Ratisbonne, St.Francis of Assisi, St. Catherine of Sienna, Padre Pio and numerous other saints.The Bible tells us that the Catholic Church is the Mystical Body of Jesus.Outside of the Catholic Church there is no salvation( John 3:5, Mark 16:16 etc).
I affirm the Nicene and Apostles Creed interpreted with hypothetical cases just being hypothetical.I would be ready to make a Profession of Faith.I affirm the Athanasius Creed which  says outside the Church there is no salvation.
I am not in schism with the past popes on EENS( Cantate Domino, Council of Florence 1441),an ecumenism of return( which I affirm with Unitatis Redintigratio, Vatican Council II interpreted rationally) and an exclusivist ecclesiology( supported by Lumen Gentium interpreted rationally , without the false premise).
I am not a sedevacantist and nor am I a traditionalist who only attends the Latin Mass. The ecclesiology of the Mass, for me, in all rites, is the same before and after Vatican Council II. I attend Mass in the vernacular with the ecclesiology of the missionaries of the Middle Ages, which was a golden period in the history of the Catholic Church.
Since there is no known salvation outside the Church and there are no known exceptions to the strict interpretation of EENS, for me, there are only Catholics in Heaven.They are there with faith and the baptism of water and without mortal sins on their soul.
With there being no personally known cases, of non Catholics saved outside the Church, there is no theological basis, for the New Theology, New Ecumenism, New Ecclesiology, New Evangelisation etc.
I have been active , for many years, with the Focolares, Charismatic Renewal, Neo Catechumenal Way of Kiko Arguello and the Legion of Mary.
I have organized inter faith meetings along with a Franciscan friend and priest, Fr. Rasheed.
 Today such meetings would be a part of mission, for me, and an opportunity to proclaim the faith.I would tolerate the views of others. It would be a proclamation since I like to proclaim the  Gospel.Not necessarily expecting a conversion, which  depends upon the person and God.
I was born in a Catholic family and was baptised as an infant. I am a fan of Teresa of Avila.  -Lionel Andrades

Potwierdzam Credo Atanazy i Sobór Watykański II

Potwierdzam Credo Atanazy i Sobór Watykański II
Jestem katolikiem w Rzymie, pokojowo żyjącym swoimi katolickimi przekonaniami. Nie zmuszam ich do nikogo, więc oczekiwałbym, że inni będą wobec mnie tolerancyjni tak jak ja. Potwierdzam Sobór Watykański II, interpretowany bez wspólnej fałszywej przesłanki. Potwierdzam także dodatkowe ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS), bez wspólnej irracjonalności, podobnie jak Magisterium w XVI wieku i Ojcowie Kościoła.
Akceptuję hipotetyczne przypadki chrztu pożądania (BZT), chrztu krwi (BOB) i bycia ocalonym w niezwyciężonej ignorancji, jako po prostu hipotetyczne. Nie są to osoby obiektywne i znane osobiście w obecnych czasach (2019). Nie są więc obiektywnymi przykładami zbawienia poza Kościołem. Niewidzialni ludzie nie mogą być widocznymi przykładami zbawienia poza Kościołem.
Nie projektuję więc BZT, BOB i I.I jako obiektywnych wyjątków od Ad Gentes 7, Soboru Watykańskiego II, który mówi, że wszyscy potrzebują wiary i chrztu dla zbawienia. Wszystko.
Dla mnie normą zbawienia jest wiara i chrzest wody w Kościele katolickim. Jest to nauczanie Kościoła katolickiego na Soborze Watykańskim II (AG 7), Katechizm Kościoła Katolickiego (845 846 1257) i inne dokumenty magisterskie, które interpretuję, nie myląc tego, co niewidoczne jako bycie widocznym, domyślnie jako wyraźne, subiektywne jako obiektywne.
Dla mnie Kościół wskazuje w swoich dokumentach magisterskich, w tym na Soborze Watykańskim II, że wszyscy spoza Kościoła są w drodze do piekła, w tym ci, którzy wiedzą lub nie wiedzą o Jezusie i Kościele oraz o konieczności członkostwa dla zbawienia .
Dla mnie LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 itp. Nie są praktycznymi wyjątkami od EENS lub AG 7.
Jeśli ktoś zostanie zbawiony, będzie znany tylko Bogu. Nie możemy osądzać konkretnej osoby na ziemi i twierdzić, że zostanie ona zbawiona, w drodze wyjątku, do wyłącznego zbawienia w Kościele katolickim.
Dla mnie większość ludzi na ziemi jest zorientowana na piekło, ponieważ umierają bez wiary i chrztu wodnego (AG 7, LG 14).
Ad Gentes 7 jest cytowany w Katechizmie Kościoła Katolickiego pod podtytułem Poza Kościołem nie ma zbawienia. Wszyscy, którzy są zbawieni, są zbawieni przez Jezusa i Kościół. Nie jest to sprzeczne z nauką o wszystkich, którzy muszą być członkami Kościół katolicki dla zbawienia (AG 7). Kościół jest sakramentem zbawienia. Wszyscy potrzebujemy stać się członkami wiary i chrztu, dla zbawienia i w obecnych czasach nie ma wyjątków.
Inne religie mają dobre i święte rzeczy (NA 2), ale mają także nieefektywność, przesądy i błędy (Dominus Iesus). Nie można ich uważać za równe ścieżki zbawienia z Kościołem katolickim. Ich członkowie są zorientowani na Kościół i wszyscy są powołani, aby stać się częścią Kościoła katolickiego (CDF, ​​Notification, Fr. Jacques Dupuis, 2001)
Sobór Watykański II jest zgodny z koncepcją wyłącznego zbawienia, którą prowadzą św. Maksymilian Kolbe, Alphonse Ratisbonne, św. Franciszek z Asyżu, św. Katarzyna z Sienny, Ojciec Pio i wielu innych świętych. Biblia mówi nam, że katolik Kościół jest mistycznym ciałem Jezusa. Poza Kościołem katolickim nie ma zbawienia (Jana 3: 5, Marka 16:16 itd.).
Potwierdzam Credo Nicejskie i Apostolskie interpretowane hipotetycznymi przypadkami, które są jedynie hipotetyczne. Byłbym gotowy na wyznanie wiary. Potwierdzam Credo Atanazy, które mówi, że poza Kościołem nie ma zbawienia.
Nie popadam w schizmę z przeszłymi papieżami na temat EENS (Cantate Domino, Sobór Florencki 1441), ekumenizm powrotu (który potwierdzam racjonalnie interpretowany Unitatis Redintigratio, Sobór Watykański II) i eklezjologię eksluzywistyczną (popieraną przez Lumen Gentium interpretowaną racjonalnie , bez fałszywej przesłanki).
Nie jestem sedewakantystą i nie jestem tradycjonalistą, który uczęszcza tylko na Mszę łacińską. Eklezjologia Mszy, dla mnie, we wszystkich obrzędach, jest taka sama przed II Soborem Watykańskim i po nim. Uczęszczam na mszę w języku narodowym z eklezjologią misjonarzy średniowiecza, co było złotym okresem w historii Kościoła katolickiego.
Ponieważ nie ma znanego zbawienia poza Kościołem i nie ma żadnych wyjątków od ścisłej interpretacji EENS, dla mnie w niebie są tylko katolicy, którzy są z wiarą i chrztem wody i bez grzechów śmiertelnych w ich duszy.
Ponieważ nie ma osobiście znanych przypadków nie-katolików ocalonych poza Kościołem, nie ma podstaw teologicznych dla nowej teologii, nowego ekumenizmu, nowej eklezjologii, nowej ewangelizacji itp.
Od wielu lat działam w Focolares, Charyzmatycznej Odnowie, Neokatechumenalnej Drodze Kiko Arguello i Legionie Maryi.
Organizowałem spotkania międzyreligijne wraz z franciszkańskim przyjacielem i księdzem, ks. Rasheed.
Dzisiaj takie spotkania byłyby dla mnie częścią misji i okazją do głoszenia wiary, tolerowałbym poglądy innych. Byłoby to głoszenie, ponieważ lubię głosić Ewangelię. Niekoniecznie oczekuję nawrócenia, które zależy od osoby i Boga.
Urodziłem się w katolickiej rodzinie i zostałem ochrzczony jako niemowlę. Jestem fanem Teresy z Avili. -Lionel Andrades

 NOVEMBER 30, 2019

I affirm the Athanasius Creed and Vatican Council II

I am a Catholic in Rome peacefully living my Catholic beliefs. I do not force them on anyone.So I would expect others to be tolerant of me as I am of them. I affirm Vatican Council II, interpreted  without the common false premise. I also affirm extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS), without the common irrationality, as did the Magisterium in the 16th century and the Church Fathers.
I accept hypothetical cases of the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB)and being saved in invincible ignorance, as being just hypothetical. They are not objective and personally known people in the present times(2019). So they are not objective examples of salvation outside the Church.Invisible people cannnot be visible examples of salvation outside the Church.
So I do not project BOD,BOB and I.I as objective exceptions to Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II, which says all need faith and baptism for salvation. All.
The norm for salvation, for me, is faith and the baptism of water, in the Catholic Church.This is the teaching of the Catholic Church in Vatican Council II(AG 7), Catechism of the Catholic Church(845,846,1257) and other magisterial documents, which I interpret without confusing what is invisible as being visible, implicit as being explicit, subjective as being objective.
For me the Church indicates in its magisterial documents, including Vatican Council II, that all who are outside the Church are on the way to Hell.This includes those who know or do not know about Jesus and the Church and the necessity of membership for salvation.
For me LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc are not practical exceptions to EENS or AG 7.
If anyone is saved they would only be known to God. We cannot judge a particular person on earth and claim he or she will be saved , as an exception, to exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.
So for me, most people on earth are oriented to Hell.Since they die without faith and the baptism of water(AG 7, LG 14).
Ad Gentes 7 is quoted in the Catechism of the Catholic Church under the sub-title Outside the Church there is no salvation.All who are saved are saved through Jesus and the Church.This does not contradict the teaching on all needing to be members of the Catholic Church for salvation (AG 7).The Church is the Sacrament of salvation.All need to become members with faith and baptism, for salvation and there are no exceptions in the present times.
Other religions have good and holy things(NA 2) but they also have inefficiencies, superstition and errors ( Dominus Iesus). They cannot be considered equal paths to salvation with the Catholic Church.Their members are oriented to the Church and are all called to become a part of the Catholic Church.(CDF, Notification,Fr.Jacques Dupuis,2001)
Vatican Council II is in harmony with the concept of exclusive salvation, as held by St. Maximilian Kolbe, Alphonse Ratisbonne, St.Francis of Assisi, St. Catherine of Sienna, Padre Pio and numerous other saints.The Bible tells us that the Catholic Church is the Mystical Body of Jesus.Outside of the Catholic Church there is no salvation( John 3:5, Mark 16:16 etc).
I affirm the Nicene and Apostles Creed interpreted with hypothetical cases just being hypothetical.I would be ready to make a Profession of Faith.I affirm the Athanasius Creed which  says outside the Church there is no salvation.
I am not in schism with the past popes on EENS( Cantate Domino, Council of Florence 1441),an ecumenism of return( which I affirm with Unitatis Redintigratio, Vatican Council II interpreted rationally) and an exclusivist ecclesiology( supported by Lumen Gentium interpreted rationally , without the false premise).
I am not a sedevacantist and nor am I a traditionalist who only attends the Latin Mass. The ecclesiology of the Mass, for me, in all rites, is the same before and after Vatican Council II. I attend Mass in the vernacular with the ecclesiology of the missionaries of the Middle Ages, which was a golden period in the history of the Catholic Church.
Since there is no known salvation outside the Church and there are no known exceptions to the strict interpretation of EENS, for me, there are only Catholics in Heaven.They are there with faith and the baptism of water and without mortal sins on their soul.
With there being no personally known cases, of non Catholics saved outside the Church, there is no theological basis, for the New Theology, New Ecumenism, New Ecclesiology, New Evangelisation etc.
I have been active , for many years, with the Focolares, Charismatic Renewal, Neo Catechumenal Way of Kiko Arguello and the Legion of Mary.
I have organized inter faith meetings along with a Franciscan friend and priest, Fr. Rasheed.
 Today such meetings would be a part of mission, for me, and an opportunity to proclaim the faith.I would tolerate the views of others. It would be a proclamation since I like to proclaim the  Gospel.Not necessarily expecting a conversion, which  depends upon the person and God.
I was born in a Catholic family and was baptised as an infant. I am a fan of Teresa of Avila.  -Lionel Andrades

Potvrdzujem Athanasiovo vyznanie a Vatikánsky koncil II

30. novembra 2019
Potvrdzujem Athanasiovo vyznanie a Vatikánsky koncil II
Ja som katolík v Ríme pokojne žijúci svoje katolícke presvedčenie. Nenúťte ich na nikoho. Preto by som očakával, že ostatní budú voči mne tolerantní ako ja k nim. Potvrdzujem II. Vatikánsky koncil, vykladaný bez spoločného falošného predpokladu. Potvrdzujem tiež extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) bez bežnej iracionality, ako to bolo v prípade Magistéria v 16. storočia a cirkevných otcov.
Hypotetické prípady krstu túžby (BOD), krstu krvi (BOB) a spasenia v neporaziteľnej nevedomosti akceptujem ako hypotetický. V súčasnosti nie sú objektívnymi a osobne známymi ľuďmi (2019). Nejde teda o objektívne príklady spasenia mimo cirkvi. Neviditeľní ľudia nemôžu byť viditeľnými príkladmi spasenia mimo cirkvi.
Nebudem teda premietať BOD, BOB a I.I ako objektívne výnimky z Ad gentes 7, Vatikánskeho koncilu II. All.
Norma pre spasenie je pre mňa viera a krst vodou v katolíckej cirkvi. Ide o učenie katolíckej cirkvi vo vatikánskom koncile II (AG 7), katechizmus katolíckej cirkvi (845,846,1257) a ďalších. magisterské dokumenty, ktoré interpretujem bez toho, aby som si zamieňal to, čo je neviditeľné, za viditeľné, implicitné ako explicitné, subjektívne ako objektívne.
Pre mňa Cirkev vo svojich magisterských dokumentoch, vrátane Vatikánskeho koncilu II, uvádza, že všetci, ktorí sú mimo Cirkvi, sú na ceste do pekla. Patria sem tí, ktorí vedia alebo nevedia o Ježišovi a Cirkvi a o potrebe členstva na spasenie. ,
Pre mňa LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 atď. Nie sú pre EENS alebo AG 7 praktické výnimky.
Keby niekto bol spasený, bolo by to známe iba Bohu. Nemôžeme súdiť konkrétnu osobu na Zemi a tvrdiť, že bude ako výnimka spasená v katolíckej cirkvi.
Takže pre mňa je väčšina ľudí na Zemi zameraná na peklo. Pretože zomierajú bez viery a krstu vodou (AG 7, LG 14).
Ad Gentes 7 je citovaný v Katechizme katolíckej cirkvi pod podtitulom Mimo Cirkvi neexistuje spasenie. Všetci spasení sú spasení skrze Ježiša a Cirkev. To nie je v rozpore s učením o všetkom, ktorí musia byť členmi katolícka cirkev pre spasenie (AG 7). Cirkev je sviatosťou spásy. Všetci sa musia stať členmi viery a krstu, aby boli spasení, av súčasnosti nie sú žiadne výnimky.
Iné náboženstvá majú dobré a sväté veci (NA 2), ale majú tiež neefektívnosť, povery a chyby (Dominus Iesus). Nemožno ich považovať za rovnocenné cesty k spáse s katolíckou cirkvou. Ich členovia sú orientovaní na Cirkev a všetci sú povolaní stať sa súčasťou katolíckej cirkvi. (CDF, ​​Notification, Fr. Jacques Dupuis, 2001)
Druhý vatikánsky koncil je v súlade s konceptom výlučnej spásy, ktorý konajú sv. Maximilián Kolbe, Alfonza Ratisbonne, sv. František z Assisi, sv. Katarína Sienna, Padre Pio a mnoho ďalších svätých. Biblia nám hovorí, že katolík Cirkev je mystické telo Ježiša. Okrem katolíckej cirkvi nie je spasenie (Ján 3: 5, Marek 16:16 atď.).
Potvrdzujem, že Nicene a Apoštoli Creed sú interpretovaní tak, že hypotetické prípady sú len hypotetické. Bol by som pripravený urobiť Profesiu viery.
Nie som v rozkole s minulými pápežmi o EENS (Cantate Domino, Rada Florencie 1441), s ekumenizmom návratu (čo potvrdzujem s Unitatis Redintigratio, Vatikánska rada II racionálne interpretovaná) a exkluzivistickou ekleziológiou (podporovanou Lumen Gentium racionálne interpretovaným) , bez nepravdivých predpokladov).
Nie som sedevacantista a nie som ani tradicionalista, ktorý navštevuje iba latinskú omšu. Ekleziológia omše je pre mňa vo všetkých obradoch rovnaká pred a po Druhom vatikánskom koncile. Navštevujem omšu v ľudovej cirkvi s ekleziológiou misionárov stredoveku, čo bolo v histórii katolíckej cirkvi zlaté obdobie.
Pretože mimo cirkvi nie je známe spasenie a nie sú známe žiadne výnimky z prísneho výkladu EENS, pre mňa sú v nebi iba katolíci. Sú tam s vierou a krstom vody a bez smrteľných hriechov na svojej duši.
Keďže neexistujú žiadne osobné prípady, nekatolíci zachránení mimo Cirkvi, neexistuje teologický základ pre novú teológiu, nový ekumenizmus, novú ekleziológiu, novú evanjelizáciu atď.
Dlhé roky som aktívny s fokoláre, charizmatickou obnovou, neokatechumenálnou cestou Kiko Arguella a légiou Márie.
Zorganizoval som medzináboženské stretnutia spolu s františkánskym priateľom a kňazom, pánom Fr. Rasheed.
Takéto stretnutia by pre mňa dnes boli súčasťou misie a príležitosť hlásať vieru. Tolerovala by som názory ostatných. Bolo by to ohlasovanie, pretože by som rád ohlasoval evanjelium. Nie nevyhnutne očakávajúce obrátenie, ktoré závisí od osoby a od Boha.
Narodil som sa v katolíckej rodine a bol som pokrstený ako dieťa. Som fanúšik Terezy z Avily. -Lionel Andrades

 NOVEMBER 30, 2019

I affirm the Athanasius Creed and Vatican Council II

I am a Catholic in Rome peacefully living my Catholic beliefs. I do not force them on anyone.So I would expect others to be tolerant of me as I am of them. I affirm Vatican Council II, interpreted  without the common false premise. I also affirm extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS), without the common irrationality, as did the Magisterium in the 16th century and the Church Fathers.
I accept hypothetical cases of the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB)and being saved in invincible ignorance, as being just hypothetical. They are not objective and personally known people in the present times(2019). So they are not objective examples of salvation outside the Church.Invisible people cannnot be visible examples of salvation outside the Church.
So I do not project BOD,BOB and I.I as objective exceptions to Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II, which says all need faith and baptism for salvation. All.
The norm for salvation, for me, is faith and the baptism of water, in the Catholic Church.This is the teaching of the Catholic Church in Vatican Council II(AG 7), Catechism of the Catholic Church(845,846,1257) and other magisterial documents, which I interpret without confusing what is invisible as being visible, implicit as being explicit, subjective as being objective.
For me the Church indicates in its magisterial documents, including Vatican Council II, that all who are outside the Church are on the way to Hell.This includes those who know or do not know about Jesus and the Church and the necessity of membership for salvation.
For me LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc are not practical exceptions to EENS or AG 7.
If anyone is saved they would only be known to God. We cannot judge a particular person on earth and claim he or she will be saved , as an exception, to exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.
So for me, most people on earth are oriented to Hell.Since they die without faith and the baptism of water(AG 7, LG 14).
Ad Gentes 7 is quoted in the Catechism of the Catholic Church under the sub-title Outside the Church there is no salvation.All who are saved are saved through Jesus and the Church.This does not contradict the teaching on all needing to be members of the Catholic Church for salvation (AG 7).The Church is the Sacrament of salvation.All need to become members with faith and baptism, for salvation and there are no exceptions in the present times.
Other religions have good and holy things(NA 2) but they also have inefficiencies, superstition and errors ( Dominus Iesus). They cannot be considered equal paths to salvation with the Catholic Church.Their members are oriented to the Church and are all called to become a part of the Catholic Church.(CDF, Notification,Fr.Jacques Dupuis,2001)
Vatican Council II is in harmony with the concept of exclusive salvation, as held by St. Maximilian Kolbe, Alphonse Ratisbonne, St.Francis of Assisi, St. Catherine of Sienna, Padre Pio and numerous other saints.The Bible tells us that the Catholic Church is the Mystical Body of Jesus.Outside of the Catholic Church there is no salvation( John 3:5, Mark 16:16 etc).
I affirm the Nicene and Apostles Creed interpreted with hypothetical cases just being hypothetical.I would be ready to make a Profession of Faith.I affirm the Athanasius Creed which  says outside the Church there is no salvation.
I am not in schism with the past popes on EENS( Cantate Domino, Council of Florence 1441),an ecumenism of return( which I affirm with Unitatis Redintigratio, Vatican Council II interpreted rationally) and an exclusivist ecclesiology( supported by Lumen Gentium interpreted rationally , without the false premise).
I am not a sedevacantist and nor am I a traditionalist who only attends the Latin Mass. The ecclesiology of the Mass, for me, in all rites, is the same before and after Vatican Council II. I attend Mass in the vernacular with the ecclesiology of the missionaries of the Middle Ages, which was a golden period in the history of the Catholic Church.
Since there is no known salvation outside the Church and there are no known exceptions to the strict interpretation of EENS, for me, there are only Catholics in Heaven.They are there with faith and the baptism of water and without mortal sins on their soul.
With there being no personally known cases, of non Catholics saved outside the Church, there is no theological basis, for the New Theology, New Ecumenism, New Ecclesiology, New Evangelisation etc.
I have been active , for many years, with the Focolares, Charismatic Renewal, Neo Catechumenal Way of Kiko Arguello and the Legion of Mary.
I have organized inter faith meetings along with a Franciscan friend and priest, Fr. Rasheed.
 Today such meetings would be a part of mission, for me, and an opportunity to proclaim the faith.I would tolerate the views of others. It would be a proclamation since I like to proclaim the  Gospel.Not necessarily expecting a conversion, which  depends upon the person and God.
I was born in a Catholic family and was baptised as an infant. I am a fan of Teresa of Avila.  -Lionel Andrades