Wednesday, February 22, 2023

But if there are exceptions for EENS then the Nicene Creed is saying 1) there are three or more baptisms, 2) they are physically visible for them to be exceptions for EENS, and 3) they exclude the baptism of water and so are practical exceptions for EENS. 4) So EENS is obsolete since there are known exceptions


Anyone who interprets Vatican Council II irrationally is changing the Creeds. Since the False Premise and Inference, creates new doctrines.

The False Premise creates alleged objective exceptions for the Nicene Creed, ‘ I believe in one baptism for the forgiveness of sins’. 

With the False Premise the Nicene Creed is changed to, “ I believe in three or more known and visible baptisms, people seen saved without faith and the baptism of water. They are saved instead with the baptism of desire, invincible ignorance etc”. The baptism of water, which is physically visible, is changed into three or more known baptisms, also physically visible.This is a new doctrine.

They would have to be known baptisms otherwise they could not be exceptions for the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).So officially there are exceptions for EENS.It is now : outside the Catholic Church there is known salvationThis is a new doctrine.Invisible cases cannot be visible and known exceptions for EENS.So it is implied that these are physically visible cases.

Everyone does not need to be a member of the Church for salvation, as it was taught by the missionaries in the 16th century.This is new doctrine.It comes from the 1949 Letter of the Holy Office to the Archbishop of Boston.

This big change comes only when LG 8, !4, and 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc are confused as visible non Catholics saved outside the Catholic Church in the present times (1965-2023). Then there are exceptions for EENS.

But if there are exceptions for EENS then the Nicene Creed is saying 1) there are three or more baptisms, 2) they are physically visible for them to be exceptions for EENS, and 3) they exclude the baptism of water and so are practical exceptions for EENS. 4) So EENS is obsolete since there are known exceptions.- Lionel Andrades


We believe in one God,
the Father, the Almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all that is seen and unseen.
We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,
the only Son of God,
eternally begotten of the Father,
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made, one in Being with the Father.
Through him all things were made.
For us men and for our salvation
he came down from heaven:
by the power of the Holy Spirit
he was born of the Virgin Mary, and became man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate,
he suffered, died, and was buried.
On the third day he rose again
in fulfillment of the Scriptures;
he ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead,
and his kingdom will have no end.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son.
With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified.
He has spoken through the Prophets.
We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.
We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
We look for the resurrection of the dead
and the life of the world to come. Amen.

The Vatican Curia interprets the Nicene Creed with irrational Cushingism : 'I believe in three known baptisms for the forgiveness of sins.'

The Nicene Creed was changed with the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 mistake : it was approved by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger


MARCH 9, 2021

The Creeds are no more a sign of unity in the Catholic Church since there can be two interpretations.


Someone placed copies of the Apostles Creed on the table at the entrance of the church where I went for Holy Mass today in Italian.

The Creeds are no  more a sign of unity in the Church since there can be two interpretations. The line marked in red is now controversial.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints..- Apostles Creed

The confusion came into the Church during the Fr. Leonard Feeney case when unknown cases of the baptism of desire(BOD) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) were considered objective exceptions to the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

So the New Theology said there is salvation outside the Church; known salvation, while the past Magisterium would state over the centuries that outside the Church there is no salvation.

So for me,the the Holy Spirit teaches the Catholic Church today ( Ad Gentes 7, Catechism of the Catholic Church 846 etc) that outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation and all must accept Jesus and his teachings in the Catholic Church to avoid Hell and go to Heaven.

While for other Catholics in church the new teaching is that the Holy Spirit teaches the Church today that outside the Church there is salvation and all do not need to be members of the Church ,to go to Heaven and avoid Hell.

For me being in communion with the saints means affirming the past interpretation of the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance which was rational. It did not contradict the strict interpretation of EENS.

Those who recite the Apostles Creed in the Church today are in a rupture theologically and doctrinally with the Apostles, the Church Fathers, the saints of the Middle Ages and the saints before the 1940s like St. Maximillian Kolbe who held the strict interpretation of EENS and affirmed the Athanasius Creed too.

Most Catholics are in a break with the saints, since today they interpret BOD and I.I as practical exceptions to EENS. Catholics have to choose to believe in BOD and I.I or EENS. So they contradict the past saints.

I can accept both-BOD and I.I and EENS- and I do not have to choose. The BOD and I.I are invisible cases for me in 2021 but the rest of the Church implies that they are visible. So they become practical exceptions to Feeneyite EENS for them.

For me the Letter of the Holy Office 1949(LOHO) made an objective mistake which was overlooked at Vatican Council II. The present two popes and many traditionalists, accept the LOHO with the mistake and do not correct it.

The Nicene Creed affirms the necessity of the baptism of water for the forgiveness of sins and the Athanasius Creed says outside the Church there is no salvation.-Lionel Andrades


FEBRUARY 2, 2020

Cardinal Ratzinger is a Cushingite and has interpreted the Nicene Creed with a false premise and inference which was not the understanding of the past centuries.Ignatius Press has published Credo for Today addressed to Christians and not Catholics. The Nicene Creed can be interpreted with Feeneyism or Cushingism and the conclusion would be different.

Credo for Today
Cardinal Ratzinger is a Cushingite and has interpreted the Nicene Creed with a false premise and inference which was not the understanding of the past centuries.Ignatius Press has published Credo for Today addressed to Christians and not Catholics.
The Nicene Creed can be interpreted with Feeneyism or Cushingism and the conclusion would be different.1

The Vatican Curia interprets the Nicene Creed with irrational Cushingism : 'I believe in three known baptisms for the forgiveness of sins.' 2

When the Creed is interpreted with Cushingism the result is first class heresy in the hierarchy of truth of Pope John Paul II.  3

So there are two interpretations of the Nicene Creed and Pope Benedict and the traditionalists are following the irrational one.4
So now we have two interpretations of the Nicene Creed-mine and that of the Pope Benedict, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the SSPX, F.I, FSSP etc.5

The Ignatius Press, Description of the book Credo for Today indicates the Creed is re-interpreted with the false premise, inference and conclusion.This is a mortal sin of faith. 6

Fundamentals of Catholicism, Vol. 1 The Faith for Beginners
This error would also be there in other books on the Creed like Fundamentals of Catholicism by Fr.Kennet Baker sj(Ignatius Press).There is the book Faith for Beginners, Understanding the Creeds by Rev.Dennis K.Walters, Stephen K.Ray).7
-Lionel Andrades






What do Christians believe? What gives meaning to our life? What is the purpose of life? The Christian answer to these questions is found in the Creed, in the profession of faith. But what do the articles of this confession actually mean? And how to they affect our lives?
Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, takes a fresh look at these timeless questions. This work is a reflection of the profound, personal insights of Benedict XVI, but also of the great foundations of Christianity: faith, hope, and charity.
Ratzinger writes eloquently and persuasively about the importance for followers of Christ to understand well what they believe so one can live as a serious Christian in today's secular world. He talks in depth about the true meaning of faith, hope, and love?the love of God and the love of neighbor. He also discusses the crucial importance of a lived faith, for the believer himself as well as being a witness for our age, and striving to bring faith in line with the present age that has veered off into rampant secularism and materialism.





 MARCH 10, 2021

My interpretation of the Nicene and Apostles Creed is different from yours

 My interpretation of the Nicene and Apostles Creed is different from yours.  - Lionel Andrades

Li i peccato vede senza mascheraTestimonianza di Gloria Polo : There you see sins without a mask :Là tu vois le péché sans masque : Da siehst du die Sünde ohne Maske /Vedi le conseguenze del peccato : You see the consequences of sin : Tu vois les conséquences du péché : Du siehst die Folgen der Sünde

The Testimony of Gloria Polo

There is less prayer than ever before, more sin than ever before, even worse, indìfference as if sin no longer exists, and so we have given much greater power to “the father of lies”, Satan (Jn 8:44). In particular Satan has more power to “disguise himself as an angel of light” (2Cor 11:14), to offer his very deadly beautiful lies as if they were the “truth that sets us free” (Jn 8:32)!
Thus it is very important in these times of great confusion, when even Catholic bishops are no longer in agreement about the fundamentals of our faith and morals, to not only pray much and to study the Catechism of the Catholic Church for adults, but to keep our eyes open so as not to fall into the beautiful lies of Satan presented as if they were the Truth!
For very important updates on some of these fundamental, hidden, and disguised deceptions of the ancient serpent, visit one of my index web sites to see the more important, latest articles,

Father Joseph Dwight


Pray! I saw that the gravest faults which stained my soul, and that drew more curses in my life, was to speak evil about the priests!

Pray For The Priests

We condemn ourselves, with promiscuity, because it is to live as if we were animals: mice, dogs… here and there…

The Seventh Commandment: Do Not Steal

The Loss of Virginity - What Abortion Is
Gloria Polo died after being terribly burned by a lightning bolt on May 5, 1995 in Bogotá, Colombia; she was judged, and then came back to life. This is her testimony.I am publishing this copy of the testimony of Gloria Polo so that it might arrive to as many people as possible. The title of this booklet is: “From Illusion to the Truth”. There are many people, like Gloria Polo, that are under the illusion to be OK according to their own conscience formed by their own personal criteria, or according to the criteria of the world and those around them, o according to the criteria of the devil, BUT NOT ACCORDING TO THE CRITERIA OF GOD, that is, according to THE TRUTH! This is the fundamental deception of Satan from the beginning of humanity and always (Gen 3:4-5)! We human beings are truly adept and ingenious in deceiving ourselves, WILLINGLY, and then forgetting about it so easily! Popes Pius XII and John Paul II said that the greatest sin is to believe that there is no sin, to have lost the sense of sin! This is the great trap of today for countless souls. Today few people go to Mass every Sunday and among these, few go to confession regularly. I prefer to know the truth while I am still alive even if the truth is very strong to provoke in me a great uneasiness or to even cause me to enter into crisis (holy!?!?). If God offers me this great gift of the truth while I am alive, even in a brusque way like a shock (a lightning bolt!?!), I am still in time make a good confession and change my life. After death one cannot change anything for all eternity, just as for the angels one instant after their creation and eternal decision! I think that this testimony is a gift from God precisely for our times so extraordinary. I believe that this testimony will help many people of good will, who are not afraid to confront themselves with the truth, so as to convert themselves to the Truth and begin to live a new and fulfilling life with Jesus Christ. For us Catholics it will help us to make a good examination of conscience and then a good sacramental confession.

There is already translated into English a short testimony that Gloria Polo gave to Radio Maria in Colombia ( The following testimony, instead, was given on May 5, 2005 in Caracas, Venezuela. It is much more complete than the one given to Radio Maria in Colombia and so one is able to enter into and to understand better this special experience of Gloria Polo, which I believe is a true gift from God for so many people today who, like Gloria Polo before her unpleasant incident, have fallen into the fundamental trap of Satan to believe they are good and holy, according to their freely embraced illusion and criteria from themselves, the world or Satan, but not according to the truth. Perhaps one could summarize this trap with the words of Pope Benedict XVI: “The tyranny of relativism.”If you would like to read “An Open Letter to a Fellow Priest” that I sent to a priest who forbid me to offer to the people, in his parish church (in Italy, 2009), printed copies of the Testimony of Gloria Polo when I substituted for him at a few Sunday Masses, see below, or visit: (
Father Joseph Dwight

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If you would like to DOWNLOAD this document, visit:
For further clarification, visit the web site on the Internet with the information, in various languages: (many languages) (Spanish) 
If you would like to see a video clip of Gloria Polo with English subtitles, visit: Gloria Polo's testimony 1 (; Gloria Polo's testimony 2 (
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This is the live testimony of Gloria Polo, medical dentist, in a church in Caracas, Venezuela, May 5, 2005.

“I was at the gates of heaven and of hell”

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 After the abrogation of canons 1399 and 2318 of the Canon Law, by Pope Paul VI in AAS 58 (1966), ecclesiastical permission is not required for the publication of revelations, visions, miracles or for the frequenting of non-recognized places of apparitions. Of course these publications must not put in danger Faith or Morals: this is the general rule which every Catholic must follow in all his actions, even journalists, especially journalists.

In compliance with the decree of Pope Urban VIII, we declare that, to the facts narrated and presented, no supernatural value is given officially, until the Ecclesiastical Authorities might express their judgment.

With the publication of this testimony, it is not intended in anyway to anticipate the definitive judgment of the Church, thus all is fully subject to the Church’s official decisions.

Furthermore, canon 623 #1 of the current Code remains in force:
“The Pastors of the Church have the right to demand that writings to be published by the Christian faithful, which touch upon faith or morals, be submitted to their judgment”.

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From the preface of the Portuguese edition:
This testimony of Gloria Polo fell into my hands by way of a friend, of whom I am a good friend. When I read this story, I felt the obligation to put it in writing: the realities of faith which one finds here recounted, were already part of my knowledge. But I did not want to let fall so much truth, and so I decide to ask the protagonist of the story permission to write this experience.

The booklet that you are about to read does not contain anything more, or nothing less, than that which one finds in Sacred Scriptures: but, given the fact that many do not succeed in seeing the truth of after death, God causes someone to experience and to live this “more”, of which the Bible speaks. This someone is Gloria Polo, who returning in this life became like a light of a reality which regards everyone.

I hope that this testimony of Gloria Polo might help you in your search for the Truth.

This booklet wants to simply show you a live reality that you might ignore, even though you might know about it, at least in part, if in some way you might practice the Word of Truth called the BIBLE. (…).

Father Macedo, SCJ

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If someone might doubt, or think that God does not exist, that life beyond is something from the films, or that with death all ends, do yourself a favor and read this testimony! But read it from the beginning to the end! Surely your opinion, perhaps the most skeptical, will change! We are dealing here with something that really occurred! Gloria Polo is a woman that “died”, she passed to the other world and returned precisely to give her testimony to the incredulous. God gives us many proofs, but we always deny His existence.

Gloria Polo actually lives in Colombia, she continues to exercise the same profession that she had before this event. She remained with enormous scars, but she has a normal life; this difference is that now she is a woman with great faith! She travels a lot, in order to give her testimony to thousands of people, fulfilling the mission that God confided to her (she has the authorization from the part of the Church for this).

This is a transcription of one of her testimonies, given in a church in Caracas (Venezuela), May 5, 2005, and it is translated from the Spanish original version. It is authentic! IT IS NOT A FAKE!

Padre Leone Orlando

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This English version was translated from the Italian translation of Padre Orlando, with the acknowledgement and encouragement of Gloria Polo, by Father Joseph Dwight.

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Good morning, brothers. It is wonderful for me to be here, to share with you this gift so beautiful that the Lord gave me.

That which I am about to recount to you happened May 5, 1995 at the National University of Bogotá, starting from 4:30 pm.

I am a dentist. I and my 23-year-old cousin, who is also a dentist, were studying in order to get the specialization. On that day, which was a Friday, about 4:30 pm, we were walking together with my husband toward the Faculty of Dentistry to find some books that we needed. With my cousin I walked under a small umbrella while my husband wore a rain coat and to shelter himself better he was walking near the wall of the General Library. We two were jumping from one side to the other in order to avoid the puddles while staying close to the trees. When we jumped over a rather large puddle we were hit by a lightning bolt which left us both carbonized.

My cousin died immediately. The lightning bolt entered from behind, burning him inside totally, and came out through his feet, leaving him intact externally. Not withstanding his young age, he was a very religious young man. He had a great devotion for Baby Jesus and he always carried around his neck His image, a quartz medal. The authorities said that it was the quartz that attracted the lightning bolt to my cousin, because it entered into the heart burning everything…

Remaining intact externally, he immediately had a cardiac arrest which did not respond to the attempts of reanimation by the doctors, and he died on the spot.

As for me, the lightning bolt entered from my shoulder, burning terribly the whole body, inside and out; in short my flesh disappeared including my breasts, especially the left one, leaving a hole. It caused to disappear the flesh of my abdomen, of my legs, of the ribs; it carbonized the liver, it gravely burned the kidneys, the lungs, the ovaries… and came out through the right foot.

For my contraceptive, I was using a spiral (an intrauterine devise in the form of a T), and because of the material with which it is made (copper) it is a good conductor of electricity; the lightning bolt carbonized and pulverized also the ovaries which became like two raisins.

I remained in cardiac arrest, just about without life, with the body that was jumping due to the electricity that was still present in that place.

This body that you see here, now, this reconstructed body, is the fruit of the mercy of Our Lord.

The Other World 

But this is only the physical part… The good part is that, while my body laid there carbonized, in that same moment I found myself inside a beautiful white tunnel of light, a wonderful light, which made me feel a joy, a peace, a happiness that I do not have words to describe the greatness of that moment. It was a true ecstasy. I looked, and in the end of that tunnel I saw a white light, like a sun, a beautiful light… I say white to tell you a color, but we are talking about colors that cannot be compared to those that exist on the earth. It was a splendid light; I felt from it a source of peace, of love, of light…

When I went up in this tunnel toward the light, I said to myself: “Caramba, I’m dead!”

And so I thought about my children and I sighed: “Woe is me, my God, my little children! What will my children say? This mother so occupied, that she never had time for them…” In fact, I left early every morning, and I did not return before eleven at night.

And so I saw the reality of my life, and I felt much sadness. I had left my home determined to conquer the world, but at what price! … Putting in the second place my home and my children! … In that moment of emptiness due to the absence of my children, without feeling anymore my body, nor the dimension of time or of space, I looked, and I saw something very beautiful: I saw all of the people of my life… In one single moment, in the same moment, all the people, those living and those dead. I was able to embrace my great grandparents, grandparents, parents (who were dead)… everyone! It was a moment of fullness, wonderful. I understood that I had deceived myself with the story of the reincarnation: they had told me that my grandmother had been reincarnated, but without telling me where. Since the information cost me too much money, I let it go and I did not delve into the research in order to know in whom she might have been reincarnated. You know, I defended the theory of reincarnation… And now, there, I had just embraced my grandmother, my great grandmother…

I embraced her well, as I could do with all the people who I knew, living and dead. And all in one single instant. My daughter, when I embraced her, became frightened: she was 9 years old, and she felt my embrace, because I could also embrace the living (only that, normally, we do not feel this embrace).

I almost did not realize the passage of time during that moment so beautiful. And then, now that I no longer had the body, it was stupendous to see the people in a whole new way. Before, in fact, I only knew how to criticize: if one was fat, skinny, ugly, elegant, not elegant, etc.

When I spoke about others, I had to always criticize something. Now no: now I see people from within, and how beautiful it was… While I embraced them, I saw their thoughts, their sentiments…

So I continued to go forward, full of peace, happy; and the more I went up, the more I felt I was about to see something very beautiful. In fact, toward the bottom, I sighted a beautiful lake… yes! I see a stupendous lake, trees so beautiful, but so beautiful, wonderful… And very beautiful flowers, in all colors, with an exquisite perfume, so different from our flowers… Everything was so beautiful in that stupendous garden, so wonderful… Words do not exist that can describe it, all was love.

There were two trees, to the side of something that seemed to be an entrance. It is all so different from what we know down here: you can not find in the world similar colors, up here it is all so beautiful! … It was in that moment that my cousin entered in that wonderful garden.

… I knew! I felt that I must not, I could not enter there..