Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Bishop Peter Libasci, the Bishop of Manchester, USA replaces Chancellor

 Bishop Peter Libasci, the Bishop of Manchester, USA replaces Diane Quinlin as the Chancellor of the diocese.It is reported on the diocese website that she has retired. Meredith Cook, is the new the Vice Chancellor of the Diocese.

Diane Quinlin signed the Precepts of Prohibition against the St. Benedict Center in the diocese stating that legally they are not Catholics.

Quinlin did not answer when she was asked if invisible cases of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance can be visible exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

Similarly she did not deny that there are no known cases of LG 8, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc which could be exceptions to EENS as it is interpreted by the St. Benedict Center.

So to suggest that there are practical exceptions to EENS is unethical and deceptive for her as a Chancellor and for Merdith Cook as Vice Chancellor.

It is unprofessional for Quinlin and Cook to imply that unknown cases of BOD, BOB and I.I are known and practical exceptions to EENS as it is interpreted by the St. Benedict Center. Similarly it is deceptive to suggest that Vatican Council II contradicts Feeneyite EENS.

There is no denial or clarification from the Chancellors or the Bishops.Also the doctrinal beliefs of the St. Benedict Center are not placed on the website of the diocese.

The Director of Catechesis in the diocese Mary Ellen Mahon agrees that there are no physically visible cases of BOD, BOB and I.I and LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Manchester, for them to be exceptions to 16th century EENS.This is the theological position of Brother Andre Marie MICM and the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary at the St. Benedict Center, New Hampshire.-Lionel Andrades

It is also un-ethical and unprofessional for the lay Chancellor,Diane Quinlin, to indicate that hypothetical cases( BOD, I.I etc) are practical exceptions in 2019 to the SBC position on EENS and so the SBC community members do not have a legal right to call themselves Catholic.
In a court of law this would be seen as deception and subterfuge. This would be a misuse of power.It could be seen as coercion with false information.
This is not being Catholic.
Also Catholics in other  parts of the USA could accuse Bishop Libasci and the CDF Secretaries under secular laws as hiding the truth and then persecuting other Catholics in the diocese.1

-Lionel Andrades





January 16, 2019

Why should the St. Benedict Center be obedient to public heresy,schism and sacrilege from the CDF and the Diocese of Manchester ? 




Repost : Diocesan of Manchester needs to clarify its doctrinal position for Catholics

January 13, 2019

Diocesan of Manchester needs to clarify its doctrinal position for Catholics

The Diocese of Manchester and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) are  asking the St. Benedict Center, in New Hampshire to interpret Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church as a rupture with Ad Gentes 7 which says all need faith and baptism for salvation. This is irrational.
The Diocese which has placed restrictions on the Catholic community in New Hampshire,needs to clarify for all Catholics :-
1 Invisible cases of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance are not physically visible exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus or Vatican Council II and neither to Ad Gentes 7 which says all need faith and baptism for salvation ?
2.Invisible and unknown cases  referenced in  LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3 NA 2, GS 22 etc of Vatican Council II, are not personally known cases in 2019 and so exceptions to the dogma EENS as it is known to the St. Benedict Center and and also to the popes and saints over the centuries ?
The St.Benedict Center has doctrinally clarified their position on this subject.  1
-Lionel Andrades

Letter Explaining Saint Benedict Center’s Doctrinal Stance


JANUARY 13, 2019

Bishop Peter Libasci assumes invisible people are visible : claims that legally this is being 'Catholic'

 JANUARY 12, 2019

There are only Catholics in Heaven according to Vatican Council II (Ad Gentes 7) and they are there with faith and baptism

JANUARY 12, 2019

Brother Andre Marie MICM brings de-railed Catholic theology back on line

JANUARY 11, 2019

New CDF Sec.wants to create schism : supports heresy and sacrilege

 JANUARY 11, 2019

Athanasius Creed not accepted for a Profession of Faith in the Diocese of Manchester

JANUARY 11, 2019

CDF, Diocese of Manchester deception is not Catholic : nor ethical or honest even by secular standards

JANUARY 11, 2019

The CDF wants Catholic religious communities and lay movements to accept heresy and sacrilege otherwise canonical probibitions will be placed upon them

JANUARY 11, 2019

Theological Teaching of the St.Benedict Center unacceptable to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith


 JANUARY 11, 2019

Traditionalist cites Vatican Council II in support of Tradition - the Restoration has begun

 JANUARY 10, 2019

Brother Andre Marie MICM affirms extra ecclesiam nulla salus based on Vatican Council II : query from the CDF

Repost : Legally Archbishop Morandi cannot claim that invisible non Catholics are visible exceptions to EENS (Graphics)

January 14, 2019

Legally Archbishop Morandi cannot claim that invisible non Catholics are visible exceptions to EENS (Graphics)

- Lionel Andrades 

Repost : Catechism of the Catholic Church and Dominus Iesus 'constitutive of Catholic teaching ' do not contradict the strict interpretation of EENS : the CDF made an objective error

January 16, 2019

Catechism of the Catholic Church and Dominus Iesus 'constitutive of Catholic teaching ' do not contradict the strict interpretation of EENS : the CDF made an objective error

The Manchester NH Dionysian sanction of St. Benedict Center in Richmond is based on the October 20, 2016 Vatican letter stating that the Catechism of the Catholic Church is binding and that it and the Vatican document Dominus Jesus are “constitutive of Catholic teaching”.
CCC 846 “Outside the Church there is no salvation” How are we to understand this affirmation often repeated by the Church Fathers? Re-formulated positively, it means that all salvation comes from Christ the Head through the Church which is his Body:
Basing itself on Scripture and Tradition, the Council teaches that the Church, a pilgrim now on earth, is necessary for salvation: the one Christ is the mediator and the way of salvation; he is present to us in his body which is the Church. He himself explicitly asserted the necessity of faith and Baptism, and thereby affirmed at the same time the necessity of the Church which men enter through Baptism as through a door. Hence they could not be saved who, knowing that the Catholic Church was founded as necessary by God through Christ, would refuse either to enter it or to remain in it.
Dominus Jesus21. With respect to the way in which the salvific grace of God — which is always given by means of Christ in the Spirit and has a mysterious relationship to the Church — comes to individual non-Christians, the Second Vatican Council limited itself to the statement that God bestows it “in ways known to himself”. Theologians are seeking to understand this question more fully.Their work is to be encouraged, since it is certainly useful for understanding better God's salvific plan and the ways in which it is accomplished. However, from what has been stated above about the mediation of Jesus Christ and the “unique and special relationship” which the Church has with the kingdom of God among men — which in substance is the universal kingdom of Christ the Saviour — it is clear that it would be contrary to the faith to consider the Church as one way of salvation alongside those constituted by the other religions, seen as complementary to the Church or substantially equivalent to her, even if these are said to be converging with the Church toward the eschatological kingdom of God.
' Catechism of the Catholic Church is binding and along with Dominus Jesus is “constitutive of Catholic teaching” and there is no reference in them to an objective person in the present times (1994-2019 for example) saved outside the Church. So there is no  practical exception to the strict interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus mentioned in these Magisterial documents.
This is indicated in the Letter on Doctrine which Brother Andre Marie MICM sent the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. It can be read on their website.
So why did the CDF Ad junct Secretary mention these references from the Catechism of the Catholic Church ? He mentioned it since for him and Cardinal Luiz Ladaria, they are references to objective non Catholics saved outside the Church.
This is irrational. Yet upon this irrationality is based their New Theology which they want the St. Benedict to accept.
-Lionel Andrades

Repost : CDF Secretaries pretend that there are exceptions to EENS

January 17, 2019

CDF Secretaries pretend that there are exceptions to EENS

At Vatican Council II some of the Council Fathers mixed up what it invisible ( salvation in invincible ignorance) as being visible, what is implicit as being explicit and this was a mistake. Now the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) says there is no strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) since implicit cases of being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I), the baptism of desire(BOD) and the baptism of blood(BOB) are explicit exceptions to traditional EENS.
So for the CDF there are known Catholics saved outside the Church and so the St. Benedict Center is not allowed to say that there are only Catholics in Heaven.It is as if  the ecclesiastics at the CDF can judge how Jesus would judge and who are the present day exceptions.

At Vatican Council II there was pressure at least on some of the Council Fathers , to change Catholic theology and doctrine on exclusive salvation.The  same pressure is there on the two Secretaries and the Prefect of the CDF.
So the only way they could make the change at Vatican Council II and earlier in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949, was by pretending  that invisible and unknown people saved with BOD, BOB and I.I were known non Catholics saved outside the Church.
So they pretended that there was a real exception of known salvation outside the Church as if we humans, could know of an exception in Heaven.
The Lefebvrists fell for the ruse and were projecting St.Emerentiana, St. Victor and St.Ambrose's friend the Emperor Valentinian, as examples of salvation outside the Church, as if someone on earth saw them in Heaven without the baptism of water.
So for Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger it was normal to wrongly assume that hypothetical cases of being saved in invincible ignorance (LG 16) were objective examples of salvation outside the Church.
Similarly LG 8, LG 14 etc were projected as examples of exceptions to EENS and the past ecclesiogy , when they really were not exceptions.

Since for an exception to be an exception( to the understanding on all needing to be members of the Catholic Church for salvation) there would have to be a real person on earth saved outside the Church.There are none. When a person is saved he is in Heaven and is known to God only and those who see him in Heaven.
Now the Secretaries of the CDF are pretending that can know of exceptions to EENS and they want the St. Benedict Center to say the same.

Similarly in 1949 Fr. Leonard Feeney was saying that there literally are no cases of the baptism of desire etc while the Holy Office and the Archbishop of Boston disagreed with him. They placed sanctions on him like they have done today on the St. Benedict Center.

Brother Andre Marie MICM has to say that he can see non Catholics saved outside the Catholic Church. This is also what the political Left want.So they created laws, Anti-Semitism etc  which would prohibit Catholics from affirming the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS. 
They have now decided to implement severe laws, with the cooperation   of Pope Francis.
They will assume that those who affirm the strict intepretation of EENS  are not Catholic but belong to a sect or cult, and then destroy them financially and the CDF is cooperating with them.
The SBC  has to inform the Internal Revenue Service that they are not Catholic.They are not allowed to teach the Catechism of the Catholic Church and will largely be treated as an organization which is a danger to people.
For those who created this evil situation , the only way out for the SBC , is like the CDF, to say hypothetical and unknown cases of the BOD, BOB and I.I are known exceptions to the traditional Feeneyite interpretation of EENS. 
They have to lie.
They have to say like the Society of St. Pius X(SSPX) and the sedevacantists, that there are seen-in-the-flesh cases in 2019 of non Catholics saved according to LG 8 etc, who are practical exceptions to EENS.
So there is no more a strict interpretation of EENS and THEN for them there are no more only Catholics in Heaven.

Fr. Leonard Feeney and the popes and saints of the past were wrong . The Magisterium in the past was also wrong for today's CDF.The Holy Spirit had made a mistake.
It is Magisterial to now say that invisible cases of the BOD, BOB are visible exceptions to EENS . Even the Franciscans of the Immaculate have to claim the same. Then these religious communities will not be destroyed but allowed to remain legally, by Satan and the Left.
Today they have to accept mortal sins of faith and heresy to be legal.Tomorrow it will be mortal sins of morals ( gay marriage etc). They will be isolated. Since Pope Francis and Pope Benedict and the CDF are supporting the Enemy.-Lionel Andrades 


Repost : No cardinal or bishop supports the St. Benedict Center. No one is saying that unknown cases of invincible ignorance cannot be objective exceptions to the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).

February 7, 2019

No cardinal or bishop supports the St. Benedict Center. No one is saying that unknown cases of invincible ignorance cannot be objective exceptions to the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).

When Diane Montagna refers to the possibility of being saved in invincible ignorance she means it in a general abstract way only.Since it can only be general and abstract for me.It cannot be a concrete, known case.
Similarly it could be said that there are no cases of non Catholics saved in invincible ignorance.There were none this year and none last year. This too is a possibility.
So just referring to a possibility is meaningless since in this case it can only be known to God.
She could have said that all non Catholics need to enter the Church as members with faith and baptism for salvation and there are no exceptions of being saved in invincible ignorance, or the baptism of desire or baptism of blood without the baptism of water.She would be saying all need to enter the Church based on the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Vatican Council II, with 'the red not an exception to the blue'.
This would be thinking rationally.
But if she did say this she would be implying that outside the Church there is no known salvation and there are only Catholics in Heaven.
This is the theological and doctrinal position of the St. Benedict Center,New Hampshire, USA.
The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) and the Diocese of Manchester have told Brother Andre Marie MICM the Prior of the St Benedict Center, that he and the other members of the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, cannot legally be called Catholic.
So Fr. Zuhlsdorf whom Diane Montagne has quoted in her report prudently says that invisible and unknown cases of invincible ignorance, the baptism of desire and the baptism of blood, are objective exceptions to all needing to be Catholic, to avoid Hell.Possibilites here real people in the present times, for him too.
There is no cardinal or bishop supporting the St. Benedict Center. No one is saying that invincible ignorance is not an exception to the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS. They do not want to be called Feeneyite and so they appease the Left.-Lionel Andrades

JANUARY 16, 2019


Injustice being done against the St.Benedict Center

JANUARY 11, 2019

Theological Teaching of the St.Benedict Center unacceptable to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

JANUARY 11, 2019

The CDF wants Catholic religious communities and lay movements to accept heresy and sacrilege otherwise canonical prohibitions will be placed upon them

 JANUARY 11, 2019

CDF, Diocese of Manchester deception is not Catholic : nor ethical or honest even by secular standards

JANUARY 11, 2019

Athanasius Creed not accepted for a Profession of Faith in the Diocese of Manchester

JANUARY 11, 2019

New CDF Sec.wants to create schism : supports heresy and sacrilege

JANUARY 12, 2019

There are only Catholics in Heaven according to Vatican Council II (Ad Gentes 7) and they are there with faith and baptism

JANUARY 13, 2019

Bishop Peter Libasci assumes invisible people are visible : claims that legally this is being 'Catholic'

January 13, 2019

False concept of being 'Catholic' legally being forced upon the St. Benedict Center and Catholics in Manchester,USA 


 January 11, 2019

Traditionalist cites Vatican Council II in support of Tradition - the Restoration has begun   https://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2019/01/traditionalist-cites-vatican-council-ii.html

JANUARY 28, 2019

In Dominus Iesus the red is not an exception to the blue, the red does not contradict the blue : there is a hermeneutic of continuity with Tradition ( EENS, Syllabus of Errors, ecumenism of return, past exlcusivist ecclesiology etc) 



JANUARY 28, 2019

So finally I should have a list of magisterial documents with the blue passages affirming Sacred Tradition and the red passages no more being seen as exceptions 



ANUARY 24, 2019

Vatican Council II's Decree on Ecumenism ( Unitatis Redintigratio) supports the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus


ANUARY 26, 2019

Image result for Photo of Catechism of the Catholic Church    Image result for Photo of Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith building

The Catechism of the Catholic Church affirms the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus : CDF makes a mistake


JANUARY 27, 2019

Pope Benedict never said that Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church tell us all need faith and baptism for salvation and so they support the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
