Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Fuirich Caitligeach

Image result for Pope Francis photo

Tha e cudromach a bhith nad Chaitligeach gus ifrinn a sheachnadh. Mura h-eil thu nad Chaitligeach chan urrainn dhut a bhith air do shàbhaladh. Ann an Nèamh chan eil ann ach Caitligich.
Tha teagasg na h-Eaglaise Caitligich mar an ceudna an-dè, an-diugh agus a-màireach. Chan eil fìrinn amas aig ìre os-nàdarrach ag atharrachadh. Tha Jesus an aon rud an-dè, an-diugh agus a-màireach.
Faodaidh popes tighinn agus falbh. Faodaidh iad teagasg agus mìneachadh atharrachadh. Ach tha teagasg bunaiteach na h-Eaglaise Caitligiche mar an ceudna. Chan urrainnear an atharrachadh. Leis gu bheil traidisean naomh. Bidh e a ’dìon. Tha co-chòrdadh eadar creideamh agus adhbhar.
Mar sin mura h-eil thu nad Chaitligeach bi nad aon. Ma tha thu mar-thà Caitligeach -stay Caitligeach. Taobh a-muigh na h-Eaglaise Caitligiche chan eil fios gu bheil slàinte ann. Cha robh gin riamh roimhe. Chan eil gin ann an-diugh.
Fuirich Caitligeach mo charaid. Is e an aon chreideamh a bheir thu gu Nèamh. Stèidhich Iosa an Eaglais Chaitligeach. Bha na Crìosdaidhean tràtha Caitligeach. Bha iad a ’creidsinn anns an Aifreann. Bha am Buidheachas aca. Bha a ’choimhearsnachd aca leis na teagasg cumanta, a tha air fuireach còmhla rinn gus an latha an-diugh.
Mura h-eil thu nad Chaitligeach dh ’fhaodadh tu creideamh a thaghadh le fìrinnean co-phàirteach ach às aonais lànachd na fìrinn. Tha lànachd na fìrinn ann dìreach anns an Eaglais Chaitligeach. Tha luchd-brathaidh a’ creidsinn ann an Iosa ach a ’ceadachadh gu h-oifigeil casg-gineamhainn agus casg-gineamhainn. Tha iad a’ dol gu ifrinn. Tha easbaigean a ’toirt taic do phòsaidhean gèidh. Tha iad air chall. Chan eil Fianaisean Ieh` obhah a ’creidsinn ann an Ifrinn. Tha iad den bheachd gu bheil Naomh Mìcheal an Archangel agus Iosa mar aon. Tha iad den bheachd gun tèid iad gu Pàrras, dìreach air sgàth gu robh neach-stèidheachaidh an creideimh aca a’ creidsinn. seo.
Tha na h-atheists agus agnostics air chall oir nuair a gheibh iad bàs thig Satan a chruinneachadh an anam. Cuiridh e an cèill am peacaidhean nach deach fhuadach le Ìosa. Bidh e cuideachd ro fhadalach airson a ’mhòr-chuid de dhaoine air an talamh. Feumaidh iad aithreachas gabhail ri Iosa mar an Slànaighear aca agus iarr tròcair, mar bhall den Eaglais Chaitligeach. Bha feum aca air creideamh agus baisteadh san Eaglais Chaitligeach airson a dhol gu Pàrras. Às deidh dhaibh bàsachadh tuigidh iad gu bheil e ro fhadalach. Bhiodh e air feadh. Fad linntean is linntean bidh iad beò le teine ​​is deamhain.
Mura h-eil thu nad Chaitligeach chan eil thu dha-rìribh nad Chrìosdaidh. Feumaidh tu am Buidheachas. Feumaidh tu creideamh agus teagasg moralta na h-Eaglaise. Feumaidh tu na sagartan. Feumaidh tu Sàcramaid a ’Aidmheil. Chan eil e aig a ’mhòr-chuid de dhaoine air an talamh agus tuitidh iad ro bhreugan Shàtain agus na deamhain. Tuitidh iad a-steach do ifrinn nuair a gheibh iad bàs.
Fuirich Caitligeach agus thoir cuireadh do dhaoine eile a-steach don Eaglais Chaitligeach. Mar sin chan eil fios againn, agus chan urrainn dhuinn, eòlas fhaighinn air duine sam bith a chaidh a shàbhaladh taobh a-muigh na h-Eaglaise. Chan urrainn dhuinn eòlas a bhith againn air duine sam bith a chaidh a shàbhaladh an-diugh ann an aineolas do-chreidsinneach no baisteadh miann.No aon. Chan eil cùis mar seo air an talamh aithnichte dhuinn. Chan eil dad ann an Comhairle na Bhatacain II a ’dol an aghaidh saoradh sònraichte san Eaglais Chaitligeach. Chan eil dad. Tha a ’Chomhairle traidiseanta. Na creid na breugan a leugh thu anns na meadhanan. Tha Comhairle na Bhatacain II a ’toirt taic do Naomh Ignatius à Loyola, Naomh Francis Xavier agus miseanaraidhean Jesuit san 16mh linn.Extra ecclesiam nulla salus an-diugh mar a bha e airson am Magisterium ann na Meadhan Aoisean, àm òrail ann an eachdraidh na h-Eaglaise Caitligich.
Mar sin fuirich Caitligeach agus thoir cuireadh dha do charaidean a bhith Caitligeach. A chaochladh thèid an call gu bràth ri teintean Ifrinn.
Fuirich fionnar agus Caitligeach mo charaid. Taobh a-muigh na h-Eaglais tha i teth agus gu bràth. - Lionel Andrades


Stay   Catholic
It is important to be a Catholic to avoid Hell.If you are not a Catholic you cannot be saved. In Heaven there are only Catholics.
The teachings of the Catholic Church are the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.Since  objective reality at the supernatural level, does not change.Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Popes may come and go.They may change doctrine and interpretations. But the fundamental teachings of the Catholic Church remain the same. They cannot be changed. Since Tradition is Sacred. It protects. There is a harmony between faith and reason.
So if you are not a Catholic become one. If you are already a Catholic -stay Catholic.Outside the Catholic Church there is no known salvation.There never was any in the past.Neither is there any today. 
Stay Catholic my friend. It's the only religion which will take you to Heaven. Jesus founded the Catholic Church. The Early Christians were Catholic.They believed in the Mass.They had the Eucharist. They had the community with the common teachings, which have remained with us until  today.
If you are not a Catholic you could chose a religion with partial truths but without the fullness of the truth.The fullness of the truth is there only in the Catholic Church.Protestants believe in Jesus but officially approve of abortion and contraception.They are going to Hell.Episcopalians are support  gay marriages.They  are lost.The Jehovah Witnesses do not believe in Hell.they think St. Michael the Archangel and Jesus are one.They think they will go to Paradise, only because  the founder of their religion believed this.
The atheists and agnostics are lost since when they die Satan will come to collect their soul.He will  point out their sins which have not been cleared by Jesus.It will also be too late for most people on earth.They needed to repent accept Jesus as their Saviour and ask for mercy, as a member of the Catholic Church. They needed faith and baptism in the Catholic Church to go to Paradise.After they die they will realize it is too late.It would be all over. For centuries and centuries they will be  living with fire and demons.
If you are not a Catholic you are not really a Christian. You need the Eucharist.You need the faith and moral teachings of the Church. You need the priests.You need the Sacrament of Confession. Most people on earth do not have it and will fall before the lies of Satan and the demons.They will fall into Hell when they die.
Stay Catholic and invite others into the Catholic Church.Since we do not, and cannot, know any one saved outside the Church.We cannot know any one saved today  in invincible ignorance or the baptism of desire.No one. There is no such case on earth known to us.There is nothing in Vatican Council II to contradict exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church. Nothing.The Council is traditional. Don't believe the lies you read in the media.Vatican Council II supports St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Francis Xavier and the Jesuit missionaries of the 16th century.Extra ecclesiam nulla salus today is the same as it was for the Magisterium in the Middle Ages, a golden period in the history of the Catholic Church.
So stay Catholic and invite your friends to be Catholic. Otherwise they will be lost forever to the fires of Hell.
Stay cool and Catholic my friend. Outside the Church it is hot and forever.-Lionel Andrades

Arhoswch yn Gatholig

Image result for Pope Francis photo
Mae'n bwysig bod yn Babydd i osgoi Uffern. Os nad ydych chi'n Babydd ni allwch gael eich achub. Yn y Nefoedd dim ond Catholigion.
Mae dysgeidiaeth yr Eglwys Gatholig yr un peth ddoe, heddiw ac yfory. Nid yw realiti gwrthrychol ar y lefel goruwchnaturiol yn newid. Mae Jesus yr un peth ddoe, heddiw ac yfory.
Gall popes fynd a dod. Gallant newid athrawiaeth a dehongliadau. Ond mae dysgeidiaeth sylfaenol yr Eglwys Gatholig yn aros yr un peth. Ni ellir eu newid. Gan fod Traddodiad yn Gysegredig. Mae'n amddiffyn. Mae cytgord rhwng ffydd a rheswm.
Felly os nad ydych chi'n Babydd dewch yn un. Os ydych chi eisoes yn Babydd Catholig. Y tu allan i'r Eglwys Gatholig nid oes iachawdwriaeth hysbys. Nid oedd unrhyw un erioed yn y gorffennol. Nid oes unrhyw un heddiw.
Arhoswch yn Gatholig fy ffrind. Dyma'r unig grefydd a fydd yn mynd â chi i'r Nefoedd. Sefydlodd Iesu yr Eglwys Gatholig. Roedd y Cristnogion Cynnar yn Babyddion. Roedden nhw'n credu yn yr Offeren. Roedd ganddyn nhw'r Cymun. Roedd ganddyn nhw'r gymuned gyda'r ddysgeidiaeth gyffredin, sydd wedi aros gyda ni tan heddiw.
Os nad ydych chi'n Babydd, fe allech chi ddewis crefydd â gwirioneddau rhannol ond heb gyflawnder y gwir. Dim ond yn yr Eglwys Gatholig y mae cyflawnder y gwir. Mae protestwyr yn credu yn Iesu ond yn cymeradwyo erthyliad ac atal cenhedlu yn swyddogol. Maen nhw'n mynd i Uffern. Mae esgobion yn cefnogi priodasau hoyw. Maen nhw ar goll. Nid yw Tystion Jehofa yn credu yn Uffern. Maen nhw'n meddwl bod Sant Mihangel yr Archangel a Iesu yn un. Maen nhw'n meddwl y byddan nhw'n mynd i Baradwys, dim ond oherwydd bod sylfaenydd eu crefydd yn credu. hyn.
Mae'r anffyddwyr a'r agnostigion ar goll ers pan fyddant yn marw bydd Satan yn dod i nôl eu henaid. Bydd yn tynnu sylw at eu pechodau nad ydyn nhw wedi'u clirio gan Iesu. Bydd hefyd yn rhy hwyr i'r mwyafrif o bobl ar y ddaear. Roedd angen iddyn nhw edifarhau derbyn Iesu fel eu Gwaredwr a gofyn am drugaredd, fel aelod o'r Eglwys Gatholig. Roedd angen ffydd a bedydd arnyn nhw yn yr Eglwys Gatholig i fynd i Baradwys. Ar ôl iddyn nhw farw, byddan nhw'n sylweddoli ei bod hi'n rhy hwyr. Byddai hi ar ben. Am ganrifoedd a chanrifoedd byddant yn byw gyda thân a chythreuliaid.
Os nad ydych chi'n Babydd nid ydych chi'n Gristion mewn gwirionedd. Mae angen y Cymun arnoch chi. Mae angen ffydd a dysgeidiaeth foesol yr Eglwys arnoch chi. Mae angen yr offeiriaid arnoch chi. Mae angen Sacrament y Gyffes arnoch chi. Nid oes gan y mwyafrif o bobl ar y ddaear a byddan nhw'n cwympo cyn celwyddau Satan a'r cythreuliaid. Byddan nhw'n cwympo i Uffern pan fyddan nhw'n marw.
Arhoswch yn Gatholig a gwahoddwch eraill i'r Eglwys Gatholig. Oherwydd nad ydym, ac ni allwn, adnabod unrhyw un a achubwyd y tu allan i'r Eglwys. Ni allwn adnabod unrhyw un a achubwyd heddiw mewn anwybodaeth anorchfygol neu fedydd awydd. Dim un. Nid oes achos o'r fath ar y ddaear yn hysbys i ni. Nid oes unrhyw beth yng Nghyngor y Fatican II i wrth-ddweud iachawdwriaeth unigryw yn yr Eglwys Gatholig. Dim byd. Mae'r Cyngor yn draddodiadol. Peidiwch â chredu'r celwyddau rydych chi'n eu darllen yn y cyfryngau. Mae Cyngor y Fatican II yn cefnogi Sant Ignatius o Loyola, Sant Ffransis Xavier a chenhadon Jeswit yr 16eg ganrif. Mae extra ecclesiam nulla salus heddiw yr un fath ag yr oedd i'r Magisterium yn yr Oesoedd Canol, cyfnod euraidd yn hanes yr Eglwys Gatholig.
Felly arhoswch yn Gatholig a gwahoddwch eich ffrindiau i fod yn Gatholig. Fel arall byddant ar goll am byth oherwydd tanau Uffern.
Arhoswch yn cŵl a Chatholig fy ffrind. Y tu allan i’r Eglwys mae’n boeth ac am byth.-Lionel Andrades


Stay   Catholic
It is important to be a Catholic to avoid Hell.If you are not a Catholic you cannot be saved. In Heaven there are only Catholics.
The teachings of the Catholic Church are the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.Since  objective reality at the supernatural level, does not change.Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Popes may come and go.They may change doctrine and interpretations. But the fundamental teachings of the Catholic Church remain the same. They cannot be changed. Since Tradition is Sacred. It protects. There is a harmony between faith and reason.
So if you are not a Catholic become one. If you are already a Catholic -stay Catholic.Outside the Catholic Church there is no known salvation.There never was any in the past.Neither is there any today. 
Stay Catholic my friend. It's the only religion which will take you to Heaven. Jesus founded the Catholic Church. The Early Christians were Catholic.They believed in the Mass.They had the Eucharist. They had the community with the common teachings, which have remained with us until  today.
If you are not a Catholic you could chose a religion with partial truths but without the fullness of the truth.The fullness of the truth is there only in the Catholic Church.Protestants believe in Jesus but officially approve of abortion and contraception.They are going to Hell.Episcopalians are support  gay marriages.They  are lost.The Jehovah Witnesses do not believe in Hell.they think St. Michael the Archangel and Jesus are one.They think they will go to Paradise, only because  the founder of their religion believed this.
The atheists and agnostics are lost since when they die Satan will come to collect their soul.He will  point out their sins which have not been cleared by Jesus.It will also be too late for most people on earth.They needed to repent accept Jesus as their Saviour and ask for mercy, as a member of the Catholic Church. They needed faith and baptism in the Catholic Church to go to Paradise.After they die they will realize it is too late.It would be all over. For centuries and centuries they will be  living with fire and demons.
If you are not a Catholic you are not really a Christian. You need the Eucharist.You need the faith and moral teachings of the Church. You need the priests.You need the Sacrament of Confession. Most people on earth do not have it and will fall before the lies of Satan and the demons.They will fall into Hell when they die.
Stay Catholic and invite others into the Catholic Church.Since we do not, and cannot, know any one saved outside the Church.We cannot know any one saved today  in invincible ignorance or the baptism of desire.No one. There is no such case on earth known to us.There is nothing in Vatican Council II to contradict exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church. Nothing.The Council is traditional. Don't believe the lies you read in the media.Vatican Council II supports St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Francis Xavier and the Jesuit missionaries of the 16th century.Extra ecclesiam nulla salus today is the same as it was for the Magisterium in the Middle Ages, a golden period in the history of the Catholic Church.
So stay Catholic and invite your friends to be Catholic. Otherwise they will be lost forever to the fires of Hell.
Stay cool and Catholic my friend. Outside the Church it is hot and forever.-Lionel Andrades

Restez catholique

Image result for Pope Francis photo
Il est important d'être catholique pour éviter l'enfer. Si vous n'êtes pas catholique, vous ne pouvez pas être sauvé. Au ciel, il n'y a que des catholiques.
Les enseignements de l'Église catholique sont les mêmes hier, aujourd'hui et demain. Depuis la réalité objective au niveau surnaturel, ne change pas. Jésus est le même hier, aujourd'hui et demain.
Les papes peuvent aller et venir, ils peuvent changer la doctrine et les interprétations. Mais les enseignements fondamentaux de l'Église catholique restent les mêmes. Ils ne peuvent pas être modifiés. Puisque la tradition est sacrée. Il protège. Il y a une harmonie entre la foi et la raison.
Donc, si vous n'êtes pas catholique, devenez-en un. Si vous êtes déjà catholique, restez catholique, en dehors de l'Église catholique, il n'y a pas de salut connu, il n'y en a jamais eu dans le passé, il n'y en a plus aujourd'hui.
Restez catholique mon ami. C'est la seule religion qui vous emmènera au paradis. Jésus a fondé l'Église catholique. Les premiers chrétiens étaient catholiques, ils croyaient à la messe, ils avaient l'Eucharistie. Ils avaient la communauté avec les enseignements communs, qui sont restés avec nous jusqu'à aujourd'hui.
Si vous n'êtes pas catholique, vous pouvez choisir une religion avec des vérités partielles mais sans la plénitude de la vérité.La plénitude de la vérité n'est là que dans l'Église catholique.Les protestants croient en Jésus mais approuvent officiellement l'avortement et la contraception.Ils vont en enfer.Les épiscopaux soutiennent les mariages homosexuels.Ils sont perdus.Les Témoins de Jéhovah ne croient pas en l'enfer.Ils pensent que saint Michel Archange et Jésus ne font qu'un.Ils pensent qu'ils iront au paradis, uniquement parce que le fondateur de leur religion a cru cette.
Les athées et les agnostiques sont perdus car quand ils mourront, Satan viendra récupérer leur âme, il soulignera leurs péchés qui n'ont pas été effacés par Jésus, il sera également trop tard pour la plupart des gens sur terre, ils devaient se repentir, accepter Jésus comme leur Sauveur et demander grâce, en tant que membre de l'Église catholique. Ils avaient besoin de foi et de baptême dans l'Église catholique pour aller au paradis. Après leur mort, ils se rendront compte qu'il est trop tard. Pendant des siècles et des siècles, ils vivront avec le feu et les démons.
Si vous n'êtes pas catholique, vous n'êtes pas vraiment chrétien. Vous avez besoin de l'Eucharistie, vous avez besoin de la foi et des enseignements moraux de l'Église. Vous avez besoin des prêtres, vous avez besoin du sacrement de la confession. La plupart des gens sur terre ne l'ont pas et tomberont devant les mensonges de Satan et des démons. Ils tomberont en enfer à leur mort.
Restez catholique et invitez les autres dans l'Église catholique, puisque nous ne connaissons et ne pouvons connaître personne sauvé en dehors de l'Église. Nous ne pouvons connaître personne sauvé aujourd'hui dans une ignorance invincible ou le baptême du désir. Nous ne connaissons aucun cas de ce genre sur la terre, et rien dans le Concile Vatican II ne contredit le salut exclusif dans l'Église catholique. Rien. Le Conseil est traditionnel. Ne croyez pas les mensonges que vous lisez dans les médias.Le Concile Vatican II soutient saint Ignace de Loyola, saint François Xavier et les missionnaires jésuites du XVIe siècle.Extra ecclesiam nulla salus aujourd'hui est le même que pour le Magistère de le Moyen Âge, une période dorée de l'histoire de l'Église catholique.
Alors restez catholique et invitez vos amis à être catholiques. Sinon, ils seront perdus à jamais sous les feux de l'enfer.
Restez cool et catholique mon ami. En dehors de l'église, il fait chaud et pour toujours.-Lionel Andrades


Stay   Catholic
It is important to be a Catholic to avoid Hell.If you are not a Catholic you cannot be saved. In Heaven there are only Catholics.
The teachings of the Catholic Church are the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.Since  objective reality at the supernatural level, does not change.Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Popes may come and go.They may change doctrine and interpretations. But the fundamental teachings of the Catholic Church remain the same. They cannot be changed. Since Tradition is Sacred. It protects. There is a harmony between faith and reason.
So if you are not a Catholic become one. If you are already a Catholic -stay Catholic.Outside the Catholic Church there is no known salvation.There never was any in the past.Neither is there any today. 
Stay Catholic my friend. It's the only religion which will take you to Heaven. Jesus founded the Catholic Church. The Early Christians were Catholic.They believed in the Mass.They had the Eucharist. They had the community with the common teachings, which have remained with us until  today.
If you are not a Catholic you could chose a religion with partial truths but without the fullness of the truth.The fullness of the truth is there only in the Catholic Church.Protestants believe in Jesus but officially approve of abortion and contraception.They are going to Hell.Episcopalians are support  gay marriages.They  are lost.The Jehovah Witnesses do not believe in Hell.they think St. Michael the Archangel and Jesus are one.They think they will go to Paradise, only because  the founder of their religion believed this.
The atheists and agnostics are lost since when they die Satan will come to collect their soul.He will  point out their sins which have not been cleared by Jesus.It will also be too late for most people on earth.They needed to repent accept Jesus as their Saviour and ask for mercy, as a member of the Catholic Church. They needed faith and baptism in the Catholic Church to go to Paradise.After they die they will realize it is too late.It would be all over. For centuries and centuries they will be  living with fire and demons.
If you are not a Catholic you are not really a Christian. You need the Eucharist.You need the faith and moral teachings of the Church. You need the priests.You need the Sacrament of Confession. Most people on earth do not have it and will fall before the lies of Satan and the demons.They will fall into Hell when they die.
Stay Catholic and invite others into the Catholic Church.Since we do not, and cannot, know any one saved outside the Church.We cannot know any one saved today  in invincible ignorance or the baptism of desire.No one. There is no such case on earth known to us.There is nothing in Vatican Council II to contradict exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church. Nothing.The Council is traditional. Don't believe the lies you read in the media.Vatican Council II supports St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Francis Xavier and the Jesuit missionaries of the 16th century.Extra ecclesiam nulla salus today is the same as it was for the Magisterium in the Middle Ages, a golden period in the history of the Catholic Church.
So stay Catholic and invite your friends to be Catholic. Otherwise they will be lost forever to the fires of Hell.
Stay cool and Catholic my friend. Outside the Church it is hot and forever.-Lionel Andrades

Manatiling Katoliko

Image result for Pope Francis photo

Mahalagang maging isang Katoliko upang maiwasan ang Hell.Kung hindi ka Katoliko hindi ka mai-save. Sa Langit ay mayroon lamang mga Katoliko.
Ang mga turo ng Simbahang Katoliko ay pareho kahapon, ngayon at bukas .Kung ang layunin ng katotohanan sa supernatural level, ay hindi nagbabago.Jesus ay pareho kahapon, ngayon at bukas.
Maaaring lumapit ang mga papa.Maaaring magbago ang doktrina at pagpapakahulugan. Ngunit ang pangunahing mga turo ng Simbahang Katoliko ay nananatiling pareho. Hindi sila mababago. Dahil ang Tradisyon ay Sagrado. Pinoprotektahan nito. Mayroong pagkakaisa sa pagitan ng pananampalataya at dahilan.
Kaya kung hindi ka isang Katoliko ay maging isa. Kung ikaw ay isang Katoliko na -stay na Katoliko.May tabi ng Simbahang Katoliko ay walang nalalaman na kaligtasan.Walang kahit kailan ay mayroon nang nakaraan.Walang anuman na ngayon.
Manatiling Katoliko ang aking kaibigan. Ito lamang ang relihiyon na dadalhin ka sa Langit. Itinatag ni Jesus ang Simbahang Katoliko. Ang mga Paunang Kristiyano ay Katoliko.Maniniwala sila sa Misa.May mga Eukaristiya. Nagkaroon sila ng pamayanan kasama ng mga karaniwang turo, na nanatili sa amin hanggang ngayon.
Kung hindi ka isang Katoliko maaari kang pumili ng isang relihiyon na may bahagyang katotohanan ngunit nang walang ganap na katotohanan.Ang pagiging buo ng katotohanan ay mayroon lamang sa Simbahang Katoliko.Protestants ay naniniwala kay Jesus ngunit opisyal na aprubahan ang pagpapalaglag at pagpipigil sa pagbubuntis. sa Hell.Episcopalians ay sumusuporta sa mga gay kasal.Ang mga ito ay nawala.Ang mga Saksi ni Jehova ay hindi naniniwala sa Hell.they think St Michael the Archangel and Jesus is one .Iisip nila na pupunta sila sa Paraiso, dahil lamang sa paniniwala ng tagapagtatag ng kanilang relihiyon. ito.
Ang mga ateyista at agnostiko ay nawala mula noong mamatay sila ay darating si Satanas upang mangolekta ng kanilang kaluluwa. Ituturo niya ang kanilang mga kasalanan na hindi pa na-clear ni Jesus.Ito rin ay huli na para sa karamihan sa mga tao sa mundo.Ito ay kailangang magsisi na tanggapin si Jesus bilang kanilang Tagapagligtas at humihingi ng awa, bilang isang miyembro ng Simbahang Katoliko. Kinakailangan nila ang pananampalataya at binyag sa Simbahang Katoliko upang pumunta sa Paraiso.Pagpapatay sila ay malalaman nila na huli na.Matapos na ang lahat. Sa loob ng maraming siglo at siglo sila ay mabubuhay na may apoy at mga demonyo.
Kung hindi ka Katoliko hindi ka talaga isang Kristiyano. Kailangan mo ang Eukaristiya. Kailangan mo ng pananampalataya at moral na mga turo ng Simbahan. Kailangan mo ang mga pari. Kailangan mo ang Sakramento ng Pag-amin. Karamihan sa mga tao sa mundo ay wala ito at mahuhulog sa harap ng mga kasinungalingan ni Satanas at ng mga demonyo. Sila ay mahuhulog sa Impiyerno kapag sila ay namatay.
Manatiling Katoliko at anyayahan ang iba pa sa Simbahang Katoliko.Siguro hindi namin, at hindi, makakaalam ng sinuman na nai-save sa labas ng Simbahan. Hindi namin malalaman ang sinuman na naligtas ngayon sa hindi nalalaman na kamangmangan o ang bautismo ng pagnanasa. Walang ganoong kaso sa mundo na kilala sa amin. Walang anuman sa Vatican Council II na sumasalungat sa eksklusibong kaligtasan sa Simbahang Katoliko. Wala.Ang Konseho ay tradisyonal. Huwag naniniwala sa mga kasinungalingan na nabasa mo sa media.Vatican Council II ay sumusuporta sa St. Ignatius ng Loyola, San Francis Xavier at mga misyonerong Jesuit noong ika-16 na siglo. ang Middle Ages, isang gintong panahon sa kasaysayan ng Simbahang Katoliko.
Kaya manatiling Katoliko at anyayahan ang iyong mga kaibigan na maging Katoliko. Kung hindi, mawawala sila magpakailanman sa mga apoy ng Impiyerno.
Manatiling cool at Katoliko ang aking kaibigan. Sa labas ng Simbahan ay mainit at magpakailanman.-Lionel Andrades


Stay   Catholic
It is important to be a Catholic to avoid Hell.If you are not a Catholic you cannot be saved. In Heaven there are only Catholics.
The teachings of the Catholic Church are the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.Since  objective reality at the supernatural level, does not change.Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Popes may come and go.They may change doctrine and interpretations. But the fundamental teachings of the Catholic Church remain the same. They cannot be changed. Since Tradition is Sacred. It protects. There is a harmony between faith and reason.
So if you are not a Catholic become one. If you are already a Catholic -stay Catholic.Outside the Catholic Church there is no known salvation.There never was any in the past.Neither is there any today. 
Stay Catholic my friend. It's the only religion which will take you to Heaven. Jesus founded the Catholic Church. The Early Christians were Catholic.They believed in the Mass.They had the Eucharist. They had the community with the common teachings, which have remained with us until  today.
If you are not a Catholic you could chose a religion with partial truths but without the fullness of the truth.The fullness of the truth is there only in the Catholic Church.Protestants believe in Jesus but officially approve of abortion and contraception.They are going to Hell.Episcopalians are support  gay marriages.They  are lost.The Jehovah Witnesses do not believe in Hell.they think St. Michael the Archangel and Jesus are one.They think they will go to Paradise, only because  the founder of their religion believed this.
The atheists and agnostics are lost since when they die Satan will come to collect their soul.He will  point out their sins which have not been cleared by Jesus.It will also be too late for most people on earth.They needed to repent accept Jesus as their Saviour and ask for mercy, as a member of the Catholic Church. They needed faith and baptism in the Catholic Church to go to Paradise.After they die they will realize it is too late.It would be all over. For centuries and centuries they will be  living with fire and demons.
If you are not a Catholic you are not really a Christian. You need the Eucharist.You need the faith and moral teachings of the Church. You need the priests.You need the Sacrament of Confession. Most people on earth do not have it and will fall before the lies of Satan and the demons.They will fall into Hell when they die.
Stay Catholic and invite others into the Catholic Church.Since we do not, and cannot, know any one saved outside the Church.We cannot know any one saved today  in invincible ignorance or the baptism of desire.No one. There is no such case on earth known to us.There is nothing in Vatican Council II to contradict exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church. Nothing.The Council is traditional. Don't believe the lies you read in the media.Vatican Council II supports St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Francis Xavier and the Jesuit missionaries of the 16th century.Extra ecclesiam nulla salus today is the same as it was for the Magisterium in the Middle Ages, a golden period in the history of the Catholic Church.
So stay Catholic and invite your friends to be Catholic. Otherwise they will be lost forever to the fires of Hell.
Stay cool and Catholic my friend. Outside the Church it is hot and forever.-Lionel Andrades

Ostanite katolički

Image result for Pope Francis photo
Važno je biti katolik kako bi izbjegao pakao. Ako niste katolik, ne možete se spasiti. Na Nebu postoje samo katolici.
Učenja Katoličke crkve ista su i juče, danas i sutra. S obzirom da se objektivna stvarnost na nadnaravnoj razini ne mijenja. Isus je isti jučer, danas i sutra.
Pape mogu dolaziti i odlaziti. Oni mogu mijenjati nauk i tumačenja. Ali temeljna učenja Katoličke crkve ostaju ista. One se ne mogu promijeniti. Budući da je tradicija sveta. Štiti. Između vjere i razuma postoji sklad.
Pa ako niste katolik postanite to. Ako ste već katolik, ostanite katolik. Izvan Katoličke crkve nema spasenja. Nikad ih u prošlosti nije bilo. Ni danas ih nema.
Ostanite katolički moj prijatelju. To je jedina religija koja će vas odvesti na Nebo. Isus je osnovao Katoličku crkvu. Rani kršćani bili su katolici. Vjerovali su u misu. Imali su euharistiju. Imali su zajednicu sa zajedničkim učenjima, koja su ostala s nama do danas.
Ako niste katolik, mogli ste odabrati religiju s djelomičnim istinama, ali bez punoće istine. Potpunost istine postoji samo u Katoličkoj crkvi. Protestnici vjeruju u Isusa, ali službeno odobravaju pobačaj i kontracepciju. Oni idu u pakao. Episkopali podržavaju gay brakove. Izgubljeni su. Jehovini svjedoci ne vjeruju u pakao. Misle da su Sveti Mihael Arkanđeo i Isus jedno. Oni misle da će otići u raj, samo zato što je utemeljitelj njihove religije vjerovao ovaj.
Ateisti i agnostici izgubljeni su jer kada Sotona umre, doći će prikupiti svoju dušu. Ukazat će na njihove grijehe koje Isus nije očistio. Također će biti prekasno za većinu ljudi na zemlji. Trebali su pokajati se da prihvate Isusa kao svog Spasitelja i traže milost, kao člana Katoličke crkve. Bila im je potrebna vjera i krštenje u Katoličkoj crkvi da bi otišli u raj. Nakon što umru, shvatit će da je prekasno. Bilo bi gotovo. Stoljećima i stoljećima oni će živjeti s vatrom i demonima.
Ako niste katolik niste ni kršćanin. Potrebna vam je Euharistija. Trebate vjera i moralna učenja Crkve. Trebaju vam svećenici. Potreban vam je sakrament ispovijedi. Većina ljudi na zemlji ga nema i pali će prije laži Sotone i demona. Oni će pasti u pakao kada umru.
Ostanite katolički i pozovite druge u katoličku crkvu. Budući da nikoga spasljenog izvan Crkve ne možemo i ne možemo znati, ne možemo nikoga spasiti danas u nepobjedivom neznanju ili u krštenju želja. Niti jedan takav slučaj na zemlji nije nam poznat. U Vatikanskom saboru II nema ništa što bi bilo u suprotnosti s isključivim spasenjem u Katoličkoj Crkvi. Ništa. Vijeće je tradicionalno. Ne vjerujte lažima o kojima čitate u medijima. Vatikanski sabor II podržava svetog Ignacija Loyola, svetog Franje Xaviera i jezuitske misionare 16. stoljeća. Ekstra ecclesiam nulla salus danas je ista kao i za Magisterium u srednjem vijeku, zlatno razdoblje u povijesti Katoličke crkve.
Zato ostanite katolički i pozovite svoje prijatelje da budu katolici. U protivnom će zauvijek izgubiti vatre iz Pakla.
Ostani cool i katolički moj prijatelj. Izvan Crkve vruće je i zauvijek.-Lionel Andrades


Stay   Catholic
It is important to be a Catholic to avoid Hell.If you are not a Catholic you cannot be saved. In Heaven there are only Catholics.
The teachings of the Catholic Church are the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.Since  objective reality at the supernatural level, does not change.Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Popes may come and go.They may change doctrine and interpretations. But the fundamental teachings of the Catholic Church remain the same. They cannot be changed. Since Tradition is Sacred. It protects. There is a harmony between faith and reason.
So if you are not a Catholic become one. If you are already a Catholic -stay Catholic.Outside the Catholic Church there is no known salvation.There never was any in the past.Neither is there any today. 
Stay Catholic my friend. It's the only religion which will take you to Heaven. Jesus founded the Catholic Church. The Early Christians were Catholic.They believed in the Mass.They had the Eucharist. They had the community with the common teachings, which have remained with us until  today.
If you are not a Catholic you could chose a religion with partial truths but without the fullness of the truth.The fullness of the truth is there only in the Catholic Church.Protestants believe in Jesus but officially approve of abortion and contraception.They are going to Hell.Episcopalians are support  gay marriages.They  are lost.The Jehovah Witnesses do not believe in Hell.they think St. Michael the Archangel and Jesus are one.They think they will go to Paradise, only because  the founder of their religion believed this.
The atheists and agnostics are lost since when they die Satan will come to collect their soul.He will  point out their sins which have not been cleared by Jesus.It will also be too late for most people on earth.They needed to repent accept Jesus as their Saviour and ask for mercy, as a member of the Catholic Church. They needed faith and baptism in the Catholic Church to go to Paradise.After they die they will realize it is too late.It would be all over. For centuries and centuries they will be  living with fire and demons.
If you are not a Catholic you are not really a Christian. You need the Eucharist.You need the faith and moral teachings of the Church. You need the priests.You need the Sacrament of Confession. Most people on earth do not have it and will fall before the lies of Satan and the demons.They will fall into Hell when they die.
Stay Catholic and invite others into the Catholic Church.Since we do not, and cannot, know any one saved outside the Church.We cannot know any one saved today  in invincible ignorance or the baptism of desire.No one. There is no such case on earth known to us.There is nothing in Vatican Council II to contradict exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church. Nothing.The Council is traditional. Don't believe the lies you read in the media.Vatican Council II supports St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Francis Xavier and the Jesuit missionaries of the 16th century.Extra ecclesiam nulla salus today is the same as it was for the Magisterium in the Middle Ages, a golden period in the history of the Catholic Church.
So stay Catholic and invite your friends to be Catholic. Otherwise they will be lost forever to the fires of Hell.
Stay cool and Catholic my friend. Outside the Church it is hot and forever.-Lionel Andrades

Fan Caitliceach

Image result for Pope Francis photo
Tá sé tábhachtach a bheith ina Chaitliceach chun Hell a sheachaint. Mura bhfuil tú Caitliceach ní féidir leat a shábháil. Ní bhíonn ach Caitlicigh ar neamh.
Tá teagasc na hEaglaise Caitlicí mar an gcéanna inné, inniu agus amárach. De bharr réaltacht oibiachtúil ag an leibhéal osnádúrtha, ní athraíonn sé.
Is féidir go dtiocfaidh agus go dtiocfaidh na píopaí. Féadfaidh siad teagasc agus léirmhínithe a athrú. Ach fanann teagasc bunúsach na hEaglaise Caitlicí mar an gcéanna. Ní féidir iad a athrú. Ós rud é go bhfuil an Traidisiún Ró-Naofa. Cosnaíonn sé. Tá comhchuibheas idir creideamh agus cúis.
Mar sin, mura bhfuil tú i do Chaitliceach, déan ceann. Má tá tú i do Chaitliceach Caitliceach cheana féin. Taobh amuigh den Eaglais Chaitliceach níl aon slánú ann. Ní raibh aon sárú riamh ann.
Fan Caitliceach mo chara. Is é an t-aon reiligiún a thabharfaidh tú go flaithis. Bhunaigh Íosa an Eaglais Chaitliceach. Bhí na Críostaithe Luath Caitliceach. Chreid siad sa Aifreann. Bhí an Eocairist acu. Bhí an pobal acu leis an ngnáth theagasc, a d'fhan linn go dtí an lá atá inniu ann.
Mura Caitliceach thú, d'fhéadfá creidimh a roghnú le fírinní páirteacha ach gan an fhírinne a bheith ann. Ní bhíonn ach an fhírinne ann san Eaglais Chaitliceach amháin. Tá Hell.Episcopalians tacú le póstaí aeracha. Tá siad caillte. Ní chreideann Finnéithe Jehovah i Hell.they cheapann go bhfuil Naomh Mícheál an Archangel agus Íosa amháin. seo.
Tá na hantóirí agus na hainmhitheoirí caillte ón uair a fhaigheann siad bás Satan a bhailiú a n-anam. Cuirfidh sé a bpeacaí nach bhfuil glanta ag Íosa in iúl. Beidh sé ró-dhéanach don chuid is mó daoine ar domhan. mar a Slánaitheoir agus iarrann siad trócaire, mar bhall den Eaglais Chaitliceach. Bhí creideamh agus baisteadh ag teastáil uathu san Eaglais Chaitliceach chun dul go Paradise.After go bhfaigheann siad bás, tuigfidh siad go bhfuil sé ró-dhéanach. Ar feadh na gcéadta bliain agus na gcéadta bliain beidh siad ag maireachtáil le tine agus le deamhain.
Mura Caitliceach thú, ní Críostaí tú i ndáiríre. Teastaíonn an Eocairist uait. Tá creideamh agus teagasc morálta na hEaglaise de dhíth ort. Teastaíonn na sagairt uait. Tá Sacraimint an Fhaoistin de dhíth ort. Ní bhíonn an chuid is mó de na daoine ar domhan agus tiocfaidh siad faoi luí Satan agus na deamhain. Tiocfaidh siad isteach in ifreann nuair a fhaigheann siad bás.
Fan Caitliceach agus tabhair cuireadh do dhaoine eile isteach san Eaglais Chaitliceach. Ó tharla nach bhfuil, agus nach féidir, aithne a chur ar aon duine a shábháltar lasmuigh den Eaglais. Níl aon chás den sórt sin ar domhan ar eol dúinn. Níl aon rud i gComhairle II na Vatacáine chun saoirse eisiach san Eaglais Chaitliceach a shárú. Níl an Chomhairle traidisiúnta. Ná creidim na luí a léigh tú sna meáin. Tacaíonn Comhairle na Vatacáine II le Naomh Ignatius de Loyola, le Naomh Proinsias Xavier agus le misinéirí na nÍosánach sa 16ú haois. sna Meánaoiseanna, tréimhse órga i stair na hEaglaise Caitlicí.
Mar sin, fan Caitliceach agus iarr ar do chairde a bheith Caitliceach. Seachas sin caillfear go deo iad ar thinte Ifrinn.
Fan fionnuar agus Caitliceach mo chara. Lasmuigh den Eaglais tá sé te agus go deo. -Lionel Andrades


Stay   Catholic
It is important to be a Catholic to avoid Hell.If you are not a Catholic you cannot be saved. In Heaven there are only Catholics.
The teachings of the Catholic Church are the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.Since  objective reality at the supernatural level, does not change.Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Popes may come and go.They may change doctrine and interpretations. But the fundamental teachings of the Catholic Church remain the same. They cannot be changed. Since Tradition is Sacred. It protects. There is a harmony between faith and reason.
So if you are not a Catholic become one. If you are already a Catholic -stay Catholic.Outside the Catholic Church there is no known salvation.There never was any in the past.Neither is there any today. 
Stay Catholic my friend. It's the only religion which will take you to Heaven. Jesus founded the Catholic Church. The Early Christians were Catholic.They believed in the Mass.They had the Eucharist. They had the community with the common teachings, which have remained with us until  today.
If you are not a Catholic you could chose a religion with partial truths but without the fullness of the truth.The fullness of the truth is there only in the Catholic Church.Protestants believe in Jesus but officially approve of abortion and contraception.They are going to Hell.Episcopalians are support  gay marriages.They  are lost.The Jehovah Witnesses do not believe in Hell.they think St. Michael the Archangel and Jesus are one.They think they will go to Paradise, only because  the founder of their religion believed this.
The atheists and agnostics are lost since when they die Satan will come to collect their soul.He will  point out their sins which have not been cleared by Jesus.It will also be too late for most people on earth.They needed to repent accept Jesus as their Saviour and ask for mercy, as a member of the Catholic Church. They needed faith and baptism in the Catholic Church to go to Paradise.After they die they will realize it is too late.It would be all over. For centuries and centuries they will be  living with fire and demons.
If you are not a Catholic you are not really a Christian. You need the Eucharist.You need the faith and moral teachings of the Church. You need the priests.You need the Sacrament of Confession. Most people on earth do not have it and will fall before the lies of Satan and the demons.They will fall into Hell when they die.
Stay Catholic and invite others into the Catholic Church.Since we do not, and cannot, know any one saved outside the Church.We cannot know any one saved today  in invincible ignorance or the baptism of desire.No one. There is no such case on earth known to us.There is nothing in Vatican Council II to contradict exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church. Nothing.The Council is traditional. Don't believe the lies you read in the media.Vatican Council II supports St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Francis Xavier and the Jesuit missionaries of the 16th century.Extra ecclesiam nulla salus today is the same as it was for the Magisterium in the Middle Ages, a golden period in the history of the Catholic Church.
So stay Catholic and invite your friends to be Catholic. Otherwise they will be lost forever to the fires of Hell.
Stay cool and Catholic my friend. Outside the Church it is hot and forever.-Lionel Andrades

Pozostań katolikiem

Image result for Pope Francis photo

Ważne jest, aby być katolikiem, aby uniknąć piekła. Jeśli nie jesteś katolikiem, nie możesz zostać zbawiony. W Niebie są tylko katolicy.
Nauki Kościoła katolickiego są takie same wczoraj, dziś i jutro. Ponieważ obiektywna rzeczywistość na poziomie nadprzyrodzonym się nie zmienia, Jezus jest taki sam wczoraj, dziś i jutro.
Papieże mogą przychodzić i odchodzić, mogą zmieniać doktrynę i interpretacje. Ale podstawowe nauki Kościoła katolickiego pozostają takie same. Nie można ich zmienić. Ponieważ tradycja jest święta. Chroni. Istnieje harmonia między wiarą a rozumem.
Więc jeśli nie jesteś katolikiem, stań się jednym. Jeśli jesteś już katolikiem - pozostań katolikiem. Poza Kościołem katolickim nie ma znanego zbawienia. Nigdy w przeszłości nie było żadnego zbawienia. Nigdzie też nie ma.
Zostań katolikiem, przyjacielu. To jedyna religia, która zabierze cię do Nieba. Jezus założył Kościół katolicki. Pierwsi chrześcijanie byli katolikami, wierzyli we Mszę, mieli Eucharystię. Mieli wspólnotę ze wspólnymi naukami, które pozostały z nami do dziś.
Jeśli nie jesteś katolikiem, możesz wybrać religię z częściowymi prawdami, ale bez pełni prawdy. Pełnia prawdy istnieje tylko w Kościele katolickim. Protestanci wierzą w Jezusa, ale oficjalnie aprobują aborcję i antykoncepcję. do piekła. Episkopalni popierają małżeństwa homoseksualne. Są zgubieni. Świadkowie Jehowy nie wierzą w piekło. myślą, że św. Michał Archanioł i Jezus są jednym. Myślą, że pójdą do Raju tylko dlatego, że wierzył założyciel ich religii to.
Ateiści i agnostycy są zagubieni, ponieważ kiedy umrą, szatan przyjdzie po ich dusze, wskaże ich grzechy, które nie zostały oczyszczone przez Jezusa, i będzie za późno dla większości ludzi na ziemi. Musieli pokutować, przyjmując Jezusa jako ich Zbawiciel i proś o litość, jako członek Kościoła katolickiego. Potrzebowali wiary i chrztu w Kościele katolickim, aby udać się do Raju, a po śmierci zdadzą sobie sprawę, że jest już za późno. Przez wieki i wieki będą żyć z ogniem i demonami.
Jeśli nie jesteś katolikiem, tak naprawdę nie jesteś chrześcijaninem. Potrzebujesz Eucharystii, potrzebujesz wiary i nauk moralnych Kościoła. Potrzebujesz kapłanów, potrzebujesz sakramentu spowiedzi. Większość ludzi na ziemi go nie ma i upadnie przed kłamstwami szatana i demonów, gdy umrą, wpadną do piekła.
Pozostańcie katolikami i zapraszajcie innych do Kościoła katolickiego, ponieważ nie znamy i nie możemy poznać nikogo zbawionego poza Kościołem. Nie możemy dziś poznać nikogo ocalonego w niezwyciężonej ignorancji lub chrzcie pożądania. Nikt. Nie znamy żadnego takiego przypadku na ziemi. W Soborze Watykańskim II nie ma nic, co sprzeciwiałoby się wyłącznemu zbawieniu w Kościele katolickim. Nic. Rada jest tradycyjna. Nie wierzcie kłamstwom, które czytacie w mediach. Sobór Watykański II popiera św. Ignacego Loyolę, św. Franciszka Ksawerego i jezuickich misjonarzy z XVI wieku. średniowiecze, złoty okres w historii Kościoła katolickiego.
Pozostań więc katolikiem i zaproś przyjaciół, aby byli katolikami. W przeciwnym razie zostaną zgubieni na zawsze w ogniu piekielnym.
Zachowaj spokój i katolik, mój przyjacielu. Poza Kościołem jest gorąco i na zawsze.-Lionel Andrades


Stay   Catholic
It is important to be a Catholic to avoid Hell.If you are not a Catholic you cannot be saved. In Heaven there are only Catholics.
The teachings of the Catholic Church are the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.Since  objective reality at the supernatural level, does not change.Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Popes may come and go.They may change doctrine and interpretations. But the fundamental teachings of the Catholic Church remain the same. They cannot be changed. Since Tradition is Sacred. It protects. There is a harmony between faith and reason.
So if you are not a Catholic become one. If you are already a Catholic -stay Catholic.Outside the Catholic Church there is no known salvation.There never was any in the past.Neither is there any today. 
Stay Catholic my friend. It's the only religion which will take you to Heaven. Jesus founded the Catholic Church. The Early Christians were Catholic.They believed in the Mass.They had the Eucharist. They had the community with the common teachings, which have remained with us until  today.
If you are not a Catholic you could chose a religion with partial truths but without the fullness of the truth.The fullness of the truth is there only in the Catholic Church.Protestants believe in Jesus but officially approve of abortion and contraception.They are going to Hell.Episcopalians are support  gay marriages.They  are lost.The Jehovah Witnesses do not believe in Hell.they think St. Michael the Archangel and Jesus are one.They think they will go to Paradise, only because  the founder of their religion believed this.
The atheists and agnostics are lost since when they die Satan will come to collect their soul.He will  point out their sins which have not been cleared by Jesus.It will also be too late for most people on earth.They needed to repent accept Jesus as their Saviour and ask for mercy, as a member of the Catholic Church. They needed faith and baptism in the Catholic Church to go to Paradise.After they die they will realize it is too late.It would be all over. For centuries and centuries they will be  living with fire and demons.
If you are not a Catholic you are not really a Christian. You need the Eucharist.You need the faith and moral teachings of the Church. You need the priests.You need the Sacrament of Confession. Most people on earth do not have it and will fall before the lies of Satan and the demons.They will fall into Hell when they die.
Stay Catholic and invite others into the Catholic Church.Since we do not, and cannot, know any one saved outside the Church.We cannot know any one saved today  in invincible ignorance or the baptism of desire.No one. There is no such case on earth known to us.There is nothing in Vatican Council II to contradict exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church. Nothing.The Council is traditional. Don't believe the lies you read in the media.Vatican Council II supports St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Francis Xavier and the Jesuit missionaries of the 16th century.Extra ecclesiam nulla salus today is the same as it was for the Magisterium in the Middle Ages, a golden period in the history of the Catholic Church.
So stay Catholic and invite your friends to be Catholic. Otherwise they will be lost forever to the fires of Hell.
Stay cool and Catholic my friend. Outside the Church it is hot and forever.-Lionel Andrades