Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Archbishop Vigano interprets Vatican Council II with the false premise like the Lefebvrists, liberals and present two popes

 He makes it clear that the Tridentine Mass is a superior rite in comparison to the Novus Ordo Mass and says that these two rites represent two different churches, thus negating the idea that there is a continuity between the Church before and after the Second Vatican Council. “Francis has once again disavowed the pious illusion of the hermeneutic of continuity, stating that the coexistence of the Vetus and Novus Ordo is impossible because they are expressions of two irreconcilable doctrinal and ecclesiological approaches,” the Italian prelate states.

Pointing out the differences between these two rites, he adds: “on the one hand there is the Apostolic Mass, the voice of the Church of Christ; on the other there is the Montinian ‘Eucharistic celebration,’ the voice of the conciliar church.”-Maike Hickson


He makes it clear that the Tridentine Mass is a superior rite in comparison to the Novus Ordo Mass and says that these two rites represent two different churches, thus negating the idea that there is a continuity between the Church before and after the Second Vatican Council.

Lionel: He interprets Vatican Council II, the Creeds and Catechisms with a false premise to create a false rupture with Tradition. The traditionalists and Pope Francis do the same.However Pope Francis correctly does not say that one Mass is superior to another.

There is a continuity with the Church before and after Vatican Council II when the false premise is replaced with the rational premise. The Church returns to Tradition. There is no more a hermeneutic of rupture with Tradition.


ointing out the differences between these two rites, he adds: “on the one hand there is the Apostolic Mass, the voice of the Church of Christ; on the other there is the Montinian ‘Eucharistic celebration,’ the voice of the conciliar church.”

Lionel : I attend Mass in Latin and Italian and there is a continuity for me with the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Catholic Church. This is not affirmed by the Lefebvrist traditionalists.

For example, I affirm the dogma EENS with no exceptions, the Syllabus of Errors with no exceptions and the Athanasius Creed with no exceptions.For the Lefebvrists there are exceptions. They assume, for example that unknown cases of the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance are known exceptions to 16th century EENS. This is irrational. It is heretical and schismatic but this is also how the liberals and Pope Francis interpret Magisterial documents.

So the ecclesiology of the Latin Mass which they offer/attend today is the same as the new ecclesiology at the Novus Ordo Mass. In both cases it is created with the false premise.-Lionel Andrades

Archbishop Viganò on what priests should do in light of Traditionis Custodes


In Italy, Matteo Salvini , Georgia Melloni and Stefano Fontana, would affirm the Social Reign of Christ the King but they will interpret Vatican Council II with the fake premise, like Pope Francis and the Lefebvrists. This is welcomed by the Left. Instead they need to appeal to Pope Francis to interpret Vatican Council II without the fake pressure and with the rational choice and permit the Catholic Church to do the same at Mass in all Rites


The political Left controls theology in the Catholic Church by forcing every one to interpret Vatican Council II irrationally instead of the rational choice.With this deception a rupture is created with the historical Catholic Church in Italy.

We cannot proclaim the Social Reign of the Christ the King in all political legislation when Vatican Council II is interpreted with the fake premise since   there will be exceptions for traditional extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS), the Syllabus of Errors and the Athanasius Creed.

So it will be asked by the  Left, “Why proclaim the Social Reign of Christ the King in all politics, when there is salvation outside the Catholic Church according to Vatican Council II?” This is false. Only with the false premise is there salvation outside the Church.

In the same way it will be asked, “Why have traditional mission programs based upon there being exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church with no exceptions when Vatican Council II says outside the Church there is salvation?!” This is false. LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2,GS 22 etc  refer to theoretical and hypothetical cases in 2021.They are not practical exceptions for Feeneyite EENS.

When LG 8 etc are not confused as being physically visible cases  in 1965-2021, there are no objective exceptions for EENS, the Syllabus of Errors and the Athanasius Creed. So it is a different Vatican Council II.

The Council is really saying outside the Church there is no salvation ( AG 7)  and LG 8 etc are not exceptions for the past ecclesiocentrism of the Church upon which was based the Proclamation of the Social Reign of Christ the King in all politics.

So to save souls from going to Hell, it is necessary that the Government be Catholic and there is no separation of the Catholic Church and the Catholic State.

Now in Italy, Matteo Salvini , Georgia Melloni and Stefano Fontana, would affirm the Social Reign of Christ the King  but they will interpret Vatican Council II with the fake premise, like Pope Francis and the Lefebvrists. This is welcomed by the Left.

Instead they need to appeal to Pope Francis to interpret Vatican Council II without the fake premise and with the rational choice and permit the Catholic Church to do the same at Mass in all Rites.-Lionel Andrades

S. Lorenzo, il martire dei poveri che fa lacrimare il cielo: il suo SANGUE misterioso- PREGHIERA

The crisis for the FSSP is that they do not know that Tradition is pegged on the rational interpretation of Vatican Council II and not the Latin Mass.


The crisis for the FSSP is that they do not know that Tradition is pegged on the rational interpretation of Vatican Council II and not the Latin Mass. They must only interpret Vatican Council II with the rational premise and Tradition will take care of itself.

Their catechesis even at the Novus Ordo Mass can be traditional since Vatican Council II would be traditional.

They can also object for example, when the bishop and diocesan priests in Dijone, France offer the Latin and Novus Ordo Mass while interpreting Vatican Council II with an irrational premise.

Only a rational interpretation of Vatican Council II must be permitted. This issue can also be discussed at the citry and municipal Councils. Since the use of a false premise is a secular issue.

It is a political issue and Le Pen in France must be asked to intervene. The bishops are following the interpretation of Vatican Council II approved by the Left.So with the rational premise in the interpretation of Vatican Council II they could offer the Novus Ordo Mass with the traditional ecclesiology which they were always following.-Lionel Andrades