Friday, July 31, 2020

Pope Benedict hid the truth ? The Council never contradicted the Syllabus of Errors

-Lionel Andrades

JULY 31, 2020

Lefebvrists interpret Vatican Council II like the liberals and then put the blame on the Novus Ordo Mass

Bishop Schneider lists problems in Vatican II documents that lead to ‘relativism’

JULY 30, 2020

Bishop Schneider could interpret Vatican Council II like me. It's rational and traditional. It's without the false premise

-Lionel Andrades

Questa รจ una Prova e non un "castigo di Dio"

Lefebvrists interpret Vatican Council II like the liberals and then put the blame on the Novus Ordo Mass

Bishop Schneider lists problems in Vatican II documents that lead to ‘relativism’

‘For me the deepest problem of Vatican II is the relativization of Jesus Christ and the Gospel.’
ASTANA, Kazakhstan, July 28, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) ― The auxiliary bishop of Astana has called for the correction of texts promulgated by the Second Vatican Council that have led to “relativism.” 
“I think that one day the Church should formally correct (expressions in) Lumen Gentium 16, in Nostra Aetate and also (one) in the Ecumenical Decree on Non-Christians that (says)  the Holy Ghost is using them as instruments,” Bishop Athanasius Schneider told Dr. Taylor Marshall in an online interview posted Sunday.
Lionel: Could Nostra Aetate be referring to the Creator ? The Creator is one. The one God. There are good things in other religions.But the religions are not paths to salvation ( Ad Gentes 7).
God may use other Christians as instruments of salvation in a hypothetical sense only. There are no physically visible exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). So there cannot be any known exceptions to the past ecumenism of return.UR 3 ( Decree on Ecumenism) only refers to hypothetical cases. It cannot be any thing else. If someone is saved outside the Church it would only be known to God.

So Nostra Aetate, Unitatis Redintigatio and Lumen Gentium no where contradicts the strict interpretation of EENS which Schneider, Mattei, Weston and Mattei will not affirm.
Schneider, 59, also discussed problematic phrases in Dignitatus Humanae and in Sacrosanctum Concilium, the Second Vatican Council’s document on the liturgy. 
Marshall introduced the theme of the Second Vatican Council by saying both priests and laity are becoming aware that the current crisis in the Church relates to “problem passages” in the Council’s documents. Marshall listed such issues as syncretism, false ecumenism, and adulatory descriptions of Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism. 
Lionel: This is the typical Lefebvrist approach with the false premise, inference and conclusion which is the same as that of the liberals. 
There are good thngs in other religions but the religions are false paths to salvation. Ad Gentes 7 tells us that all need faith and baptism for salvation. All.This is never affirmed in the prudent interviews.
Schneider said the majority of the texts of the Second Vatican Council are good, and those that are ambiguous can be interpreted within the tradition of the Church “in a benevolent way.” However, the bishop also pinpointed a few expressions in the documents that have had “very bad consequences.” 
Lionel: This is the typical Lefebvrist approach.For me there are not just good and benevolent passages , the Council affirms the strict interpretation of EENS . It is Feeneyite.
This is why for me the petition of 'the 50 scholars' thanking Vigano and Schneider and then these interviews of Marshall are Lefebvrist propaganda. These traditionalists need the hermeneutic of rupture. This is approved by the liberals.
All is well for them as long as they do not affirm Vatican Council II without their common false premise.
So every year we keep getting the same Lefebvrist propaganda.
“The greatest problem with these (problematic) texts can be reduced to one topic: relativism,” Schneider said. 
Lionel: When Schneider, Marshall and Mattei cannot affirm the strict interpretation of EENS then relativism is the result.They mention the hermeneutic of rupture but they will not affirm the Council in harmony with St Ignatious of Loyola and the Jesuits of his time.They did not use the false premise to interpret EENS in the Middle Ages.
The bishop said that these few “expressions” relativize the Lord Jesus Christ, the Gospel, the incarnation, the work of redemption, and the Catholic Church. 
“All these expressions that you mentioned ultimately have their roots in relativism,” he told Marshall. 
The Problem in Lumen Gentium 16  
Schneider pointed first to a phrase in Lumen Gentium that incorrectly erases an important distinction between Christian and Muslim worship of God. In the sentence, “In the first place amongst these there are the Muslims, who, professing to hold the faith of Abraham, along with us adore the one and merciful God, who on the last day will judge mankind”, the bishop took strong issue with the phrase “with us,” “nobiscum” in Latin. 
Lionel. Could Nostra Aetate be referring to the Creator ? The Creator is one. 
Are forms of worship are different, our concepts are different and there is a Hell afte we die, but the Creator is one.God is one.
However Hell exists and there is true and false worship.Other religions are false paths of salvation even though they have good things in them. The Holy Spirit can also act outside the visible boundaries of the Catholic Church even though salvation is restricted to only membership in the Catholic Church.
“This is wrong,” Schneider said firmly. 
He explained that Lumen Gentium 16 errs in suggesting that Christians and Muslims participate together in the same act of adoration. It errs because Muslims worship on a natural level, at the same level of anyone who adores God with the “natural light of reason,” whereas Christians adore God on a supernatural level as His adopted children “in the truth of Christ and in the Holy Spirit.” 
“This is a substantial difference,” Schneider observed. He explained that the use of the phrase “with us” represents a relativization of the act of adoration of God and also of Christians’ “sonship.” 
The Problem in Dignitatis Humanae
The bishop then cited a problem in a statement about religious freedom in Vatican II’s Dignitatis Humanae. Schneider praised the document for observing that nobody can be forced to believe, but then he critiqued its statement that human beings should not be constrained from worshipping according to their conscience. 
Lionel: Dignitatis Humanae is here referring to a secular state. It is mentioned in the foot notes.
It is not referring to a Catholic state which affirms the strict interpretation of EENS and so there is no separation of Church and state.
Bishop Schneider needs to make the distinction between a secular and Catholic State.
Schneider said that this was equating the right to worship idols to a right stemming from human nature, i.e. believing or not believing.   
“When something is a right of human nature, it is positively willed by God,” he explained. 
“If you say it is a right of your nature, you are saying that it is positively willed by God that no one should be hindered to practice and to spread, let us say, idolatry.”  
Lionel : This is an opinion. This is not the way other traditionalists interpret DH.
Schneider observed that many people are “convinced in their conscience” that they must practise idolatry and that this is opposed to divine revelation. He noted also that the problematic phrase is “substantially the same as the phrase of the Abu Dhabi document which says that the plurality or diversity of religions (...) is the wise will of God.” 
“We have to be sincere and intellectually honest: this is not acceptable” the bishop said.
Lionel: For me LG 16 refers to an implicit and hypothetical case so it is not an exception to EENS, the Syllabus and the Athanasius Creed.But for Pope Francis LG 16 is an exception to Tradition. It is the same for Bishop Schneider.
Since LG 16 refers to salvation outside the Church for Pope Francis he says that God wills a plurality of religions for salvaton.
Similarly since there was salvation outside the Church for Pope Benedict; known salvation in personal cases, he would say that Jews do not have to convert into the the Catholic Church. Bishop Robert Barron extends it further and says we have a reasonable hope that most men will be saved.LG 16, LG 8, UR 3, GS 22 are exceptions to EENS for all of them.
If Bishop Schneider announces that LG 16 is not an exception to the Syllabus of Errors then he could question Pope Francis and Pope Benedict's irrationality and liberalism.Now he is part of the problem like the other Lefebvrists.
“And these two phrases, in Lumen Gentium and in Dignitatis Humanae, too, are the root from which stemmed and developed all the relativism which we experienced in the last five decades in the life of the Church.”
Lionel. I interpret them (LG and DH) in harmony with the dogma EENS and so there is no relativism. Bp Schneider interprets EENS as having exceptions. This is the root of the relativism. So we read Vatican Council II differently. 
We cannot put the blame on Vatican Council II when it is possible to interpret the Council in harmony with EENS, the Syllabus and the Athanasius Creed.
Schneider recalled the controversial World Day of Prayer convoked by St. John Paul II in Assisi in 1986 and the veneration of the “Pachamama idol” in St. Peter’s Basilica during last October’s Synod on the Amazon. He pointed out that the logic of not hindering the conscientious worship of idols applies to the worship of Pachamama ― even within Vatican City itself. 
“If it is the positive will of God that a group of Amazonian Indians ― pagans, I mean ― who venerate Pachamama not be hindered in spreading their cult, then the pope (must say) ‘I cannot hinder them because it is a right of human nature, and when it is a right of human nature, it is the positive will of God. And when God positively wills that the Amazonian Indians venerate their idol Pachamama, I cannot prohibit them because this is their right that God gave them. I can admit them even to St. Peter’s’,” Schneider explained. 
Lionel: Bishop Schneider has never stated that all the pagan Amazonians are oriented to Hell outside the Church.
He has never stated that all the non Catholics in his diocese are oriented to Hell without 'faith and baptism'.
He has never said that all Protestants are oriented to Hell since they are outside the Church. His theology is Christocentric and not ecclesiocentric. This is another root to relativism.
He cannot affirm orthodoxy  since there are exceptions to EENS for him. This is using the false premise.
There are exceptions of LG 16 etc in Vatican Council for EENS for him. Again this is using the false premise unlike me.This is all relativism.
Schneider criticized texts suggesting that Buddhists and Hindus can attain illumination on their own, without “the grace of Christ,” as a heresy. 
“It’s Pelagianism and relativism (saying) that Christ is not the only source,” he said. 
Lionel: It is also relativism when the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance are considered to be exceptions to EENS as it was known to St. Ignatius of Loyola, whose feast day it is today.
It is also relativism to project Lumen Gentium, Nostra Aetate, Unitatis Redintigratio texts as being exceptions to EENS. This is using the false premise.
“So you see these texts cannot be accepted as they are.” 
Lionel: We can interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise as did Archbishop Lefebvre or we an interpret the Council as I do.
The interviews of Schneider and Marshall and the petitions of Mattei-Weston are the same propaganda. They use a false premise and then are disappointed with the result which contradicts Tradition.
They are speaking in two ways. They affirm the Syllabus of Errors and they also affirm exceptions to the Syllabus. They affirm EENS and they also affirm exceptions to EENS. This is relativism.It is supported by the present two popes and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican.
For me there are no known exceptions to EENS and the Syllabus of Errors mentioned in Vatican Council II.
Regarding Sacrosanctum Concilium, Schneider praised it for its defense of traditional liturgy, to which the Novus Ordo and the “ad populum” celebration of Mass are a “plain contraction,” he said. He believes that it, too, has problematic sections, saying it weakened the theology of specific sacraments by asking that their rites be reviewed. However, the bishop also believes that the current “Ordinary Form” of the Mass should be reformed according to the principles laid out by Sacrosanctum Concilium.
Lionel:Lefebvrists are a scandal. They interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise and reject the Syllabus of Errors, in reality.
They interpret the Catechism of Pope Pius X with the false premise and then contradict the Athanasius Creed.
They interpret EENS with a false premise, create artificial exceptions, and then criticize Fr.Leonard Feeney and the St. Benedict Center.
They interpret Vatican Council II like the liberals and then put the blame on the Novus Ordo Mass.-Lionel Andrades

Ora siamo in alto mare e bisogna nuotare, senza perdere la Fede e la Spe...

Adorazione Eucaristica - Medjugorje 30 luglio 2020

Sant'Ignazio di Loyola, da cavaliere a pellegrino

Thursday, July 30, 2020

LG 16 is an exception to EENS, Syllabus etc for Pope Francis.So God wills a plurality of religions for salvation for him

-Lionel Andrades

JULY 30, 2020

Bishop Schneider could interpret Vatican Council II like me. It's rational and traditional. It's without the false premise

Catholic Herald, U.K and Judician Vicar, Diocese of Manchester, USA in an interview interpreted Magisterial documents with a false premise

-Lionel Andrades

I do not interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise and so the Council is in harmony with EENS. Syllabus etc.

-Lionel Andrades

The Archbishop of Palermo and Fr. Alessandro Minutella interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise.

-Lionel Andrades

The Chancellor in the Diocese of Manchester, USA and the Judicial Vicar use a false premise to interpret Magisterial documents. This is not professional.

-Lionel Andrades

La veggente Marija con Padre Livio commentano il messaggio del 25 luglio...

Ora siamo in alto mare e bisogna nuotare, senza perdere la Fede e la Spe...

Bishop Schneider interprets the Creeds with the false premise and then offers Holy Mass. He does not end the scandal.

-Lionel Andrades

Preghiera di Guarigione - Medjugorje 29 luglio 2020

Bishop Schneider could interpret Vatican Council II like me. It's rational and traditional. It's without the false premise

-Lionel Andrades

If you consider LG16 explicit and I consider it implicit our interpretation of Vatican Council II will be different.

-Lionel Andrades

Ci vuole sia il lavoro che la preghiera, motivati dall'amore- OMELIA 29 ...

Perchรจ la Madonna รจ venuta come Regina della PACE a Medjugorje

Medjugorje. Raffaella, 16 anni, vede il sole pulsare e roteare e guarisce al suo occhio cieco

Raffaella Mazzocchi
Medjugorje. Raffaella, 16 anni, vede il sole pulsare e roteare e guarisce al suo occhio cieco

In Medjugorje, She Was Healed From Blindness

La Madonna sta cercando in mille modi di avvicinarci a suo Figlio

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Repost : Once Vigano and Schneider interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise it will be Michael Sean Winters and the liberals who will have to reject Vatican Council II and turn schismatic

JULY 27, 2020

Once Vigano and Schneider interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise it will be Michael Sean Winters and the liberals who will have to reject Vatican Council II and turn schismatic

This would mean the main line Church- the lay movements for example, have an opportunity to be traditional, conservative and Feeneyite without rejecting the Council.

Once the mainstream Church interprets Vatican Council II without the false premise the Church would return to exclusive salvation.This would put some of the liberal groups in the minority, or may be in some countries, the fringe category.


Who still stands with Viganรฒ?  Jul 27, 2020 

Now, at long last, most conservatives have come to view Viganรฒ as a liability, not an asset, and they are throwing him under the bus. In his blog "Settimo Cielo," Sandro Magister, the conservative Vaticanista, took on Viganรฒ last week over the archbishop's criticisms of the Second Vatican Council. Magister is not exactly friendly to Francis, but he saw Viganรฒ's wholesale rejection of Vatican II as beyond the pale. "If this rejection by Viganรฒ of the whole of Vatican Council II is not a schismatic act, it is undoubtedly on the brink," Magister wrote. "But who among the bishops and cardinals will want to follow him? Probably no one."
Lionel: But if Vigano interpreted Vatican Council II without the false premise there would be a crisis for Sandro Magister.Since when cardinals and bishops are informed why would they choose to interpret Vatican Council II irrationally ?
Schneider has also called for corrections in certain documents of Vatican II, specifically those that can be seen as the texts that corrected the Syllabus of Errors: Dignitatis humanae and Nostra aetate
Lionel: There are no texts in Vatican Council II which contradict the Syllabus of Errors. The Syllabus of Errors is only contradicted when LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 are interpreted as exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). Yes they would be an exception to the Syllabus of Errors. But this would also be a false premise.
It would be presuming that LG 8 etc refer to known people saved outside the Church for them to be exceptions to EENS.Who among us has see or met an exception to EENS in 2020 ? No one. So the false premise is what is invisible is visible. Then further conclusions are made. A new theology is created.
So only by confusing what is invisible as being visible can Michael Sean Winters like Sandro Magister and Bishop Schneider project exceptions to the Syllabus of Errors.

These were the texts that caused Archbishop Michel Lefebvre to go into schism, and they continue to cause consternation for those who are dipping their toes into the schismatic waters. (For more on this issue, see my two-part review of Jesuit Fr. Jared Wicks' book Investigating Vatican II here and here.) 
Lionel: Archbishop Lefebvre interpreted Vatican Council II with the false premise and so there was a rupture with Tradition.He then rejected the Council. This is schismatic for Winters.
But I interpret Vatican Council II without the common false premise. So there is no rupture with Tradition. So I am not schismatic. I accept the Council.
Bishop Schneider could do the same as me.So could  
Archbishop  Carlo Vigano.
This would be a correction of the writings of Fr.Jared Wicks sj who interpreted the Council with the false premise and created a non traditional conclusion.
Once Vigano and Schneider interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise it will be Michael Sean Winters and the liberals who will have to reject Vatican Council II and so dip their toes into schismatic waters.

 Magister cites a letter written by Cardinal Walter Brandmรผller — a church historian by training and one of the four cardinals who had signed the "dubia" challenging Francis on the issue of Communion for divorced and remarried Catholics — disputing Schneider and exposing his errors. Magister also wonders why Cardinal Gerhard Mรผller, ex-prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, has sat on the sidelines in the debate about Vatican II. When you are a conservative and one of the dubia cardinals criticizes you, it is time to recalibrate.
Lionel: What if Brandmuller and Muller interpreted Vatican Council II and other Magisterial documents without the common false premise ? This would be a crisis for Winters and the rest at the National Catholic Reporter. It would mean Catholics in general could accept Vatican Council II in harmony with the Syllabus of Errors. This would mean the main line Church- the lay movements for example, have an opportunity to be traditional, conservative and Feeneyite without rejecting the Council.
Consider the reaction of the liberals in Germany !

There will always be a fringe element in the church. What is worrisome is when someone tries to mainstream the fringe.
Lionel : Once the mainstream Church interprets Vatican Council II without the false premise the Church would return to exclusive salvation.This would put some of the liberal groups in the minority, or may be in some countries, the fringe category.-Lionel Andrades

Repost : Bishop Schneider could answer one simple question: Does LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2; GS 22 refer to hypothetical cases only in 2020 or are these references to physically visible cases in the present times ?

JULY 27, 2020

Bishop Schneider could answer one simple question: Does LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2; GS 22 refer to hypothetical cases only in 2020 or are these references to physically visible cases in the present times ?

From Gloria TV

Bishop Schneider Lists the Errors in Vatican II

Bishop Athanasius Schneider believes that most of the Vatican II texts are "good," but concedes that some are "ambiguous" but interpretable [in whatever direction one wants], and few downright erroneous as “also Archbishop Lefebvre” (+1991) pointed out.
Lionel: The texts which the bishop considers 'ambiguous' are passages which refer to hyothetical cases.
He has to keep the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) before him. Then he must ask himself if there are any exceptions to EENS. There will be orthodox passages in Vatican Council II which support EENS. Then there will be the 'ambigous' passages. For example there will be orthodox and amgibous passages in Ad Gentes 7. The orthodox passage says all need faith and baptism for salvation. But the 'ambigous' passage refers to those saved in invincible ignorance or the baptism of desire.
Since invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire are exceptions to EENS for Bishop Schneider and Dr. Taylor Marshall these are confusing passages.
But if I.I and BOD are not exceptions to EENS, and the orthodox passages, then these are not ambigous passages. Since they are hypothetical and theoretical only. So they are not exceptions to EENS for me.
So for me there are the orthodox passages which support EENS and there are speculative passages which refer to theoretical and cases only which are not exceptions to Tradition.
Vatican Council II is a rupture with EENS for the bishop. So Bishop Schneider implies that the ambigous passages refer to physically visible non Catholics. Otherwise they would not be exceptions. 
This is irrational. Since there cannot be physically visible cases of non Catholics saved outside the Church. If any one is saved as such , without faith and baptism, it can only be known to God. So there cannot be any exception to EENS mentioned in Vatcan Council II.
LG 16 and NA 2 refer to hypothetical only, always.

He told Taylor Marshall (July 26) that the first part of Sacrosanctum Concilium on the liturgy is “really good,” while the second part calls for a revision of the liturgical books. This implies a condemnation of the rites as they were celebrated for millenniums, Schneider explains, “This is revolutionary.”

He qualifies the statements in Lumen Gentium 16 and Nostra Aetate 3 which claim that Catholics and Muslims “adore” the same God as erroneous.

Schneider explains that Catholics adore God with a supernatural act, in Spirit and Truth which is substantially different from Moslems adoring the one existing God by a natural act.

Finally, Schneider criticises the understanding of religious freedom in Dignitatis Humanae 2 which assumes that there is a natural right – willed by God – to perform idolatry.

This error is for Schneider at the root of John Paul II’s inter-religious Assisi meetings (1986), the Abu Dhabi document (2019), and Francis' Pachamama cult (2019).
Lionel: Yes since this is the way Pope Francis and the liberals interpret Vatican Council II even though they have the same rational choice as all of us.
There is one God, the Creator but there is also Hell and so there is true and false worship.There is only true worship in the Catholic Church and there is nothing for me in LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc to contradict the the traditional teaching on exclusive salvation being there only in the Catholic Church.
This would be the teaching in a Catholic State with the non separation of Church and State.For me there is nothing in Dignitatis Humane to contradict Tradition. This was also the view of the editor at Rorate Caeili and a few other traditionalists.
We have to acknowledge that at least some of the Council Fathers like Archbishop Cushing,used the new theology.ThisI call Cushingite theology, it is based upon the irrational theology of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 (LOHO). So this was an objective error in LOHO. It was repeated later in Vatican Council II. This cannot be Magisterial. It cannot be the work of the Holy Spirit. Since the Holy Spirit cannot make an objective mistake.
So we have to keep this in mind when reading Vatican Council II.
However even with this error in the Council we can still Vatican Council II without mixing up what is invisible as being visible.So then there are no ambiguous passages in the Council.There are the orthodox passages which support 16th century EENS and there are hypothetical passages which do not contradict EENS and the rest of Tradition( Syllabus of Errors, Athanasius Creed etc). They do not contradict the orthodox passages.
Bishop Schneider could answer one simple question: Does LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2; GS 22 refer to hypothetical cases only in 2020 or are these references to  physically visible cases in the present times ?-Lionel Andrades