Avery Cardinal Dulles, S.J., called Pope Benedict XVI a leader who maintains a great sense of the continuity of tradition within the Catholic church and its original teachings, and who seeks to “preserve and apply” those teachings through his papal role, at a lecture on the “Ecclesiology of Pope Benedict XVI,” held June 2, on the Rose Hill campus.

Avery Cardinal Dulles, S.J. Photo by Chris Taggart
Cardinal Dulles said that Pope Benedict XVI views the church as universal, deriving its spiritual authority, or essence, from Christ’s ascension and the original 12 disciples.
Lionel: This is Christology without the traditional exclusive ecclesiology of the Church. There was no more exclusive salvation in the Church for Cardinal Ratzinger and Pope Paul VI. Since unknown cases of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance were personally known and objective examples of salvation outside the Church. This was their premise. So their inference and conclusion was also non traditional. A rupture was created with the old exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church. So the Nicene Creed was changed, the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus was rejected, the Athanasius Creed was rejected and Vatican Council II and the Catechisms were interpreted with the irrational premise to create a hermeneutic of rupture.This was heresy and schism with the past popes especially the Magisterium of the 16th century. Pope Benedict publically rejected the Magisterium of the 16th century( Avvenire, March 2016).
“[Pope Benedict XIV believes] the church is not a product of human creativity,” Cardinal Dulles said, “She does not become whatever the leaders and members wish to make of her. The church is prior to all human initiative. Ours is not to innovate, but to preserve and apply the church teachings.”
Lionel: But prior to the initiative of Cardinal Ratzinger/Pope Benedict there was no separation of Church and State, there was an exclusivist ecclesiology which made it necessary to proclaim the Social Reign of Christ. There was a rejection of usury.There was mission based upon all non Catholics being oriented to Hell unless they converted into the Catholic Church. Inter faith marriages were adultery. This was all rejected by Pope Benedict.
Cardinal Dulles, who met then Cardinal Ratzinger in 1971 and who has since exchanged writings with him, said that in the last 20 years, the Pope’s view on Vatican II reforms, such as decentralization of the church, has “matured.” Today, the Pope has a “full-orbed” vision of the church derived from the models of People of God, Mystical Body, Sacrament and Communion.
Lionel: For Pope Benedict there is only a hermeneutic of rupture with Vatican Council II since he chooses to interpret the Council with the false premise and inference to change the ecclesiology of the Catholic Church.
On the question of church and state, Cardinal Dulles said that the Pope comes “surprisingly close” to endorsing the American principle of separation of the two bodies.
Lionel: He does not affirm the non separation of Church and State since he interprets Vatican Council II with a false premise and so the conclusion is : there is salvation outside the Church. Since there is salvation outside the Church for him he asks what is the purpose of mission(Avvenire,March 2016) when non Catholics can be saved outside the Church ? Similarly why should there be the proclamation of the Social Reign of Christ the King or the non separation of Church and State for him, when non Catholics are being saved outside the Church ?.This is irrational. Since the Council does not say that there is known salvation outside the Church in 1965 and neither do we know, or can know of a non Catholic in 2019 saved without faith and the baptism of water(Ad Gentes 7,Vatican Council II).
So this error makes him restrict ecclesiology to 'communion', 'mystery' and 'people of God'.He is restricted to Christology.Since his false reasoning does not permit him to accept an exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church like that of the missionaries in the 16th century.
“He does not want the [Catholic] church involved in politics,” he said. “The church depends on the state to keep justice. Consequently, the state cannot inculcate moral training, but depends on religious conviction, which makes people moral and respectful of one another. The church and state complement each other.”
Lionel: He wrote a book which was read before a meeting of members of the Italian Senate. It supported the separation of Church and State. He knows that presently the secular State is Satanic. It promotes immoral values.There must be a separation of secularism and state with over one hundred thousand Italians killed every year through abortion.-Lionel Andrades
Cardinal Dulles’ talk was part of a lecture series, Food For The Mind, sponsored by the Office of Alumni Affairs at Fordham’s Jubilee reunion, held June 1 through 3 on the Rose Hill campus.