Saturday, August 3, 2019

John Salza and Robert Siscoe wrote their book True or False Pope based on Cushingite theology.This was also Salza's theology when he wrote his other books.Their doctrines and theology are irrational and non traditional. It is part of the common confusion in the Church which promotes heresy which is considered 'magisterial'.

Image result for John Salza's book

John Salza and Robert Siscoe wrote their book True or False Pope ?  based on Cushingite theology.This was also Salza's theology when he wrote his other books.Their doctrines and theology are irrational and non traditional. It is part of the common confusion in the Church which promotes heresy, which is considered 'magisterial'.
John Salza interpreted Vatican Council II as a rupture with Tradition ( EENS ( Feeneyite), Syllabus of Errors, Athanasius Creed etc).So what he writes on sedevacantism and Vatican Council II, in general, is based upon the Cushingite error.
He begins with a false premise.For him, 1.invisible people   are visible.This irrationality is the basis of the New Theology supported by Rahner and Ratzinger and the other liberal theologians.Only since invisible non Catholics saved outside the Church are visible can there be exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
2. Unknown non Catholics are known and so the Athansius Creed is made obsolete. 
3.Seen in the flesh non Catholics saved outside the Catholic Church are visible and so a new ecclesiology emerges which is a break with Tradition.
4.There are literal and known non Catholics saved outside the Church for them. So their conclusions have to be non traditional .The Syllabus of Errors is also made obsolete.
 So in this way Salza and Siscoe avoid affirming Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). They remain in good standing with the SSPX , the Vatican and the Left.
I hope Siscoe and Salza will not write any more books on this subject until they have resolved this issue.
I am not a sedevacantist and neither do I reject the Traditional Latin Mass. I affirm Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) and all the Catechisms interpreted with Feeneyism. I affirm the Athanasius Creed and interpret the other Creeds too with Feenyism.This is all unlike Salza and Siscoe who interpret these magisterial documents with Cushingism.
They reject Feeneyite EENS, which says there are no literal cases of the baptism of desire(BOD),baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance (I.I).For them there are literal cases of BOD, BOB and I.I otherwise they would be called Feeneyite traditionalists.
-Lionel Andrades

The New Immaculata of St.Pius X in Kansas is a Cushingite church of the SSPX

Image result for The Immaculata from Society of St Pius X on Vimeo.
David Domet on his blog says that the church of the New Immaculata of St.Pius X in Kansas,USA is the Church of the future.But this is a Cushingite church : its theology and doctrines are irrational and non traditional. They create a hermeneutic of rupture.The  rupture is artificial and can be avoided.
At the new Immaculate of St. Mary's, they have an Academy and Catechesis in which they interpret BOD, BOB and I.I 1 as exceptions to Feeneyite EENS 2. So BOD, BOB and I. would refer to personally known non Catholics saved outside the Church for the SSPX. Otherwise how could there be exceptions to EENS.This is Cushingism. Cushingism assumes hypothetical cases are objective people in the present times. It assumes theoretical cases are objective examples of salvation outside the Church .It then concludes that outside the Church there is known salvation and so the Athanasius Creed is obsolete, when it says outside the Church there is no salvation.
The SSPX still interprets BOD, BOB and I.I as exceptions to EENS and rejects Feeneyite EENS.They affirm a Cushingite EENS only.
Similarly they proclaim LG 8 etc in Vatican Council II as being known examples of salvation outside the Church. So again EENS( Feeneyite) is rejected. But also rejected are the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church and an ecumenism of return.
With Cushingite EENS they cannot proclaim the Social Reign of Christ the King since there is salvation outside the Church for them.
Being Cushingites the SSPX cannot promote Traditional 
Mission since there is allegedly known salvation outside the Church for them.
This is really a rupture with Tradition.
This is not Catholic Tradition but heresy created with a false premise. There cannot be a Restoration in the future with the SSPX supporting heresy like the liberals and the Left.
With Cushingism the Nicene and Apostles Creed is changed. It has a different meaning.
The Catechism of Pope Pius X would contradict itself.
Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) would be a rupture with the Creeds and Catechisms interpreted with Cushingism. However it would not be a rupture with the Creeds and Catechisms interpreted with Feeneyism.
But the SSPX make it a point to say that they are not Feeneyite. 
So they do not interpret Vatican Council II with Feeneyism and the doctrinal confusion and heresy is the result.
-Lionel Andrades


 BOD(Baptism of Desire), 
, BOB (Baptism of Blood)
Invincible Ignorance (I.I).

EENS(extra ecclesiam nulla salus)

The Holy Spirit still guides Ralph Martin to say invisible cases of LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc are physically visible exceptions to the past exclusivist ecclesiology,an ecumenism of return and Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS)? This is false. How can the Holy Spirit make an objective mistake?

The Holy Spirit still guides Ralph Martin  to say invisible cases of LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc are physically visible exceptions to the past exclusivist ecclesiology,an ecumenism of return and Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS)? 
This is false. How can the Holy Spirit make an objective mistake?

His Renewal Ministries and Catholic Charismatic Renewal links are still told to interpret LG 8 etc as being exceptions to Feeneyite EENS. So he implies that the Holy Spirit teaches that outside the Church there is known salvation for us human beings. There are physically visible cases of non Catholics saved outside the Church. Otherwise how could there be exceptions.
For him possibilities of salvation outside the Church are personally known non Catholics saved without faith and baptism in 2019.
He has been informed that invisible cases of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance are not visible exceptions to EENS as it was known to the missionaries in the 16th century, but he will not teach this to the students at the Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit.He  teaches Cushingite  theology there with the approval of the Archbishop.
In December of 2011 Pope Benedict XVI appointed him as a Consultor to the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization where he recommends evangelisation without affirming the necessity of membership in the Catholic Church for salvation.
 In 2012 Dr. Martin  was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI as an "expert" for the World Synod of Bishops on the New Evangelization.He did not correct Pope Benedict's interpretation of Vatican Council II, EENS and other magisterial documents with an irrational premise to create a rupture, in general , with Tradition.This is what Pope Benedict called the hermeneutic of rupture with Tradition but did not explain how it emerges with his Cushingism.
-Lionel Andrades

Joseph Shaw's new book The Case for Liturgical Restoration is a real bluff.

Joseph Shaw's new book The Case for Liturgical Restoration is a real bluff.He was projecting the Traditional Latin Mass of the 1950's as the same as the one today, as if it had the same ecclesiology.He will not affirm extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) like the Magisterium in the 16th century and the missionary priests of that time, when they offered the Tridentine Rite Mass. 
The Latin Mass today is permitted only with the New Ecclesiology.It is  based on outside the Church there is salvation. The Traditional Latin Mass was based on the Old Theology  and the Old Ecclesiology. Outside the Church there is no salvation
So evangelisation had its foundation on the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.It was only after the Fr. Leonard Feeney case that the New Theology emerged and it was introduced into Vatican Council II.
The traditionalists at the St. Benedict Center, New Hampshire affirm Feeneyite Vatican Council II and EENS while he does not do so. So which traditionalists are being referred to in the book, he edited?
There can be traditionalists today who attend the Latin Mass, and affirm the Feeneyite EENS.
I can attend Mass in the vernacular and affirm the Old Ecclesiology with traditional mission. If the Catholic religious leaders, lay and religious, did the same, there could be a restoration.
Otherwise how can Catholics offer the Latin Mass with Cushingite theology which creates a rupture with the Syllabus of Errors, the Athanasius Creed and the Catechism of Pope Pius X,and then expect a Restoration in the Church ?
How can heresy, officially supported by the cardinal and the bishops in Britain, with the support of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, lead to a Restoration?
-Lionel Andrades

JULY 20, 2019

Joseph Shaw is a liberal.That he goes for the Latin Mass does not change anything

JULY 23, 2019

Will the participants at the Roundtable Discussion on the Eve of the Amazon Synod announce that LG 8 etc refer to only hypothetical cases.So there is no known example of salvation outside the Church. There is no known exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla (EENS-Feeneyite). EENS(Feeneyite) cannot be interpreted with Cushingism to make it EENS ( Cushingite) ?

Featured Image
Pope Francis cited Vatican Council II and so attempted to justify his statement at Abu Dhabi and he will probably do the same at the Amazon Synod.Will the participants at the Roundtable Discussion on the Eve of the Amazon Synod  announce that LG 8 etc refer to only hypothetical cases.So there is no known example of salvation outside the Church. There is no known exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla (EENS-Feeneyite). EENS(Feeneyite) cannot be interpreted with Cushingism to make it EENS ( Cushingite)?
EENS ( Feeneyite) is in harmony with the Magisterium of the 16th century and EENS ( Cushingite) is a rupture. Pope Francis draws on EENS (Cushingite) and Vatican Council II( Cushingite) to create a break with Tradition. Since if there is one known example of salvation outside the Church, he can claim there is salvation in other religions and non Catholics are saved in their religion. Then he says that he has not shifted a centimeter from Vatican Council II and is referring to only Vatican Council II ( Cushingite).
Will the participants at the Roundtable Discussion support in public, EENS ( Feeneyite); EENS according to the missionaries in the 16th century? 
Then Pope Francis can no more cite Vatican Council II to change Church-teaching.
Cardinal Walter Kasper can no more say that if ecclesiology can be changed , with Vatican Council II( he means Cushingite), then why cannot the Eucharist be given to the divorced and re-married.
Similarly Pope Benedict can no more announce that EENS today is no more the same as it was for the missionaries in the 16th centrury(March 2016, Avvenire). Since for him there was 'a development' with Vatican Council II( Cushingite only).
There is no 'development' possible with Vatican Council II( Feeneyite) in which hypothetical cases are just hypothetical and not objective exceptions to EENS.
If the Roundtable Discussion participants would affirm EENS and Vatican Council II with Feeneyism then Cardinal Luiz Ladaria sj., Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, would have to correct the error he made at the Placquet Press Conference (March 1, 2018). 1
-Lionel Andrades



 JULY 27, 2019

Taylor Marshall participates in the Roundtable Discussion on the Eve of the Pan Amazon Synod. He affirmed Vatican Council II while the rest of the faculty at the now defunct Fischer More College rejected it. Then Michael Matt who rejects Vatican Council II is also at the same table

JULY 27, 2019

The Roundtable Discussion on the Eve of the Pan Amazon Synod organised by the Voice of the Family has schismatic participants.They interpret Vatican Council II with heretical and irrational Cushingism

JULY 27, 2019

John Henry Weston and John Smeaton are not announcing that the baptism of desire (BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) refer to only hypothetical cases and are not real people known in 2019 saved outside the Catholic Church. If they would make this announcement their interpretation of magisterial documents would change

JULY 26, 2019

Speakers at the Roundtable Discussion in Rome in October to address issues to be raised at the Amazon Synod are all Cushingites including Michael Voris

The German youth at the Medugorje Youth Festival do not know that Lumen Gentium 8 etc in Vatican Council II refer to only hypothetical cases. If it was explained to them and they understood, what would be the reaction, when they return home and inform their diocesan bishop.

 Image result for Photo German Youth at Medjugorje
The German youth at the Medugorje Youth Festival do not know that Lumen Gentium 8 etc in Vatican Council II refer to only hypothetical cases. If it was explained to them and they understood, what would be the reaction, when they return home and inform their diocesan bishop.
 Image result for Photo German Youth at Medjugorje
Picture the German bishops being told that Vatican Council II supports Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS), when LG 8 etc are not exceptions.They cannot be exceptions to EENS and yet this is how the German bishops and cardinals wrongly interpret the Council. They hide the truth, if they know it, from the youth.
How would the Germans bishops, or the Italian and English bishops, react when young people say that there were no physically visible cases of the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I), in the past.So they choose to re-interpret Vatican Council II in harmony with Feeneyite and not Cushingite EENS, the past exclusivist ecclesiology and an ecumenism of return and still attend Holy Mass in German.
There is no new revelation in Vatican Council II, they discover, contrary to what the German bishops have been proclaiming and teaching  at religions classes.
This would be German youth, re-interpreting Vatican Council II- no more liberal - and still attending the Novus Ordo Mass. There would be no rupture with Tradition for them. The ecclesiology of the Catholic Church would be the same for them before and after Vatican Council II.
They could also attend the Latin Mass but without the new ecclesiology as is being done today by the traditionalists.The Lefbvrist traditionalists attend the Latin Mass with the New Ecclesiology and then call the Mass the Traditional Latin Mass.There is a rupture with Tradition and this is not how the Magisterium interpreted salvation doctrine in the 16th century.
-Lionel Andrades

John Henry Weston attends Holy Mass with mortal sins of faith but in a new video talks about general apostasy and doctrinal confusion, without correcting himself.

 Image result for Photo John Henry Westen Lifesitenews

John Henry Weston attends Holy Mass with mortal sins of faith but in a new video 1 talks about general apostasy and doctrinal confusion, without correcting himself.
He interprets Vatican Council II as a rupture with Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). So he does not support EENS according to the Magisterium of the 16th century EENS. EENS is a de fide teaching. He is not a Feeneyite since the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood (BOB) and beings saved in invincible ignorance (I.I) are exceptions to EENS for him. BOD,BOB and I.I are exceptions to the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church. So theologicall he also rejects an ecumenism of return.
Outside the Church there is salvation for him. So he rejects the Athansasius Creed which says outside the Church there is no salvation. This is heresy.
Since BOD, BOB and I.I refer to visible non Catholics saved outside the Church, otherwise they could not be exceptions to EENS,the Nicene Creed and Apostles Creed is also changed. The Nicene Creed says for him, 'I believe in three or more baptisms for the forgiveness of sins ( desire, blood, ignorance etc) and they exclude the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.'
The Apostles Creeds says ' I believe in the Holy Spirit, which teaches the Catholic Church that outside the Church there is known salvation and all do not need to enter the Catholic Church to avoid Hell.'.This is first class heresy in the hierarchy of truth of Pope John Paul II.
This is expressed in his Profession of Faith and an Oath Against Modernism.But visible- for- him cases of LG 8, LG14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc is modernism.
 Image result for Logo Catholic edition of LifeSites news
In reality these are invisible cases. But invisible cases of LG 8 etc are visible exceptions to Feeneyite EENS for Weston.
He is in a rupture with Tradition and the popes before Pius XII.They affirmed the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS and accepted BOD, BOB and I.I as being hypothetical. They accepted BOD, BOB and I.I since it was mentioned in questions put to them. So they speculated with good will.Of course they did not know of any particular person saved with or without BOD, BOB and I.I.
Heretical John Henry Weston can correct himself by announcing that BOD, BOB and I.I refer to only hypothetical cases and so do not contradict EENS, the Athanasius Creed, the Syllabus of Errors, an ecumenism of return and the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Catholic Church.
The Catholic Edition of LifeSite News is liberal and heretical in what it says and does not say.
-Lionel Andrades


Mass apostasy, doctrinal confusion are sure signs of anti-Christ - 1 of 2 | John-Henry Westen Show

Confessions in Medjugorje Mladifest Youth Festival 2019 people waiting i...


Medjugorje Youth Festival 2019