Sunday, March 17, 2019

I professori Siciliani oggi hanno perso la fede dei martiri cattolici di Sicilia: il nuovo Dizionario Enciclopedico dei Pensatori e dei Teologi di Sicilia introdotto ieri

I professori Siciliani oggi hanno perso la fede dei martiri cattolici di Sicilia: il nuovo Dizionario Enciclopedico dei Pensatori e dei Teologi di Sicilia 
I martiri cattolici di Sicilia sono citati nel nuovo Dizionario Enciclopedico dei Pensatori e dei Teologi di Sicilia che è stato presentato ieri sera. È stato organizzato dall'Arciconfraternita Santa Maria Odigitria dei Siciliani a Roma e la Pontificia Facoltà di Teologia in Sicilia. Si è tenuto nella chiesa di Santa Maria Odigitra nel centro di Roma, con uno schermo che copre Gesù presente nell'Eucaristia.
L'opera enciclopedica è stata coordinata da Francesco Armattea.
I partecipanti all'incontro, molti professori, ho pensato a me stesso, hanno perso la Fede Cattolica dei martiri. Dal punto di vista teologico, interpretano la Fede usando una falsa premessa e l'inferenza, per creare una rottura con gli insegnamenti della Chiesa sulla salvezza nel Medioevo.
Così anche la Pontificia Facoltà di Teologia 'San Giovanni Evangelista' a Palermo, avrebbe interpretato il Concilio Vaticano II con le persone sconosciute salvate al di fuori della Chiesa. Quindi LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 ecc.,sarebbero eccezioni a tutti coloro che hanno bisogno di entrare e rimanere nella Chiesa Cattolica per la salvezza. Tutti in generale e non solo quelli che conoscono Gesù e la Chiesa.
Risultati immagini per Santa Maria Odigitria dei Siciliani a Roma chiesa
Quindi, per le facoltà pontificie in Italia, ci sono presunte eccezioni note nel 2019 alla salvezza esclusiva nella Chiesa Cattolica, come era noto alla Chiesa Cattolica in Sicilia nel corso dei secoli. Questo è un ragionamento irrazionale, ma è la norma oggi ed è ufficiale.
Quindi gli accademici dell'incontro la scorsa notte, che è stato monitorato dalla solita polizia di controllo del pensiero qui, hanno dovuto mantenere l'inganno (i non cattolici invisibili salvati fuori dalla Chiesa sono conosciuti personalmente). In questo modo mantengono il loro lavoro di insegnamento presso le università La Sapienza, Gregoriana, Università degli Studi Roma Tre ecc.
Sarebbe lo stesso per padre Salvatore Vacca, direttore del Centro per lo Studio della Storia e della Cultura Siciliana.
Oggi sappiamo che LG 8, LG 16, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 ecc.non sono eccezioni oggettive al dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) e alla vecchia teologia esclusivista degli scrittori e religiosi cattolici menzionati nel enciclopedia. Questo non fu annunciato 50 anni fa quando il Concilio Vaticano II fu introdotto nel mondo con una narrativa falsa e irrazionale, che era considerata Magistrale.
Le martiri Siciliane proclamarono la fede Cattolica e la sua necessità per la salvezza di tutte le persone, inclusi "i conquistatori dalla Spagna".
Carmeliana Chiara Canta, dell'Università degli Studi di Roma Tre, ha menzionato la storia del Cristianesimo in Sicilia e Luigi Fruda, gli insegnamenti Cattolici Romani che facevano parte dell'antica Sicilia.-Lionel Andrades

 MARCH 17, 2019

Sicilian professors today have lost the Faith of the Catholic martyrs of Sicily : new Dictionary Encylopedia of Thinkers and Theology in Sicily 1which was introduced

Sicilian professors today have lost the Faith of the Catholic martyrs of Sicily : new Dictionary Encylopedia of Thinkers and Theology in Sicily 1which was introduced

The Catholic martyrs of Sicily are mentioned in the new Dictionary Encylopedia of Thinkers and Theology in Sicily 1which was introduced yesterday evening.It was organized by the Arciconfraternita Santa Maria Odigitria dei Siciliani in Rome at the Pontifical Faculty for Theology in Sicily. It was held in the church Santa Maria Odigitra in central Rome, with a screen covering Jesus present in the Eucharist.

The encyclopedic work was coordinated by Francesco Armattea.
The participants at the meeting, many professors, I thought to myself, have lost the Catholic Faith of the martyrs.Since theologically they interpret the Faith using a false premise and inference to create a rupture with the Church teachings on salvation  in the Middle Ages.
So even the Pontifical Faculty of Theology' San Giovanni Evangelista' in Palermo, Italy,would interpret Vatican Council II with unknown people saved outside the Church being known. So LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc would be exceptions to all needing to enter and remain in the Catholic Church for salvation. All in general and not just those who know about Jesus and the Church. 
So for the pontifical faculties in Italy, there are alleged  known exceptions in 2019 to exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church, as it was known to the Catholic Church in Sicily over the centuries.This is irrational reasoning but it is the norm today and it is official.
Risultati immagini per Santa Maria Odigitria dei Siciliani a Roma chiesa
So the academics at the meeting last night, which was monitored by the usual thought control police here, had to maintain the deception ( invisible non Catholics saved outside the Church are personally known).In this way they keep their teaching jobs at the universities La Sapienza, Gregoriana,Universita degle Studi Roma Tre etc.
It would be the same for Father Salvatore Vacca, Director of the Center for the Study of the history and culture of Sicily.
Today we know that LG 8, LG 16, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc are not objective exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) and the old exclusivist theology of the Catholic writers and religious mentioned in the encyclopedia.This was not announced 50 years back  when Vatican Council II was introduced to the world with a false and irrational narrative, which was considered Magisterial.
The Sicilian martys proclaimed the Catholic Faith and its necessity for the salvation of all people,including 'the conquerors from Spain'.
Carmeliana Chiara Canta , from the Universita degli Studi Roma Tre, mentioned the history of Christianity in Sicily and Luigi Fruda , the Roman Catholic teachings which were part of ancient Sicily.-Lionel Andrades

Dizionario Enciclopedico dei Pensatori de dei Teologiin Sicilia

Michigan’s lesbian AG investigating Catholic media org as part of ‘hate group’ crackdown

LANSING, Michigan, March 15, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – Michigan’s lesbian attorney general and the state’s Department of Civil Rights director are investigating organizations the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has deemed “hate groups.” One such group in their state is Catholic news service Church Militant, which reports on clerical sexual misdeeds and advocates adherence to the teachings of the Catholic Church.
The SPLC has labeled Church Militant “anti-LGBT.” The law center lumps pro-life, pro-marriage, and Christian organizations in with neo-Nazis and the KKK as “hate groups.” Its “hate map” inspired a man to attempt a shooting rampage at the Family Research Council’s headquarters in 2012, the first incident of armed domestic terrorism in Washington, D.C.
Attorney General Dana Nessel and Department of Civil Rights Director Agustin V. Arbulu say they are responding to the SPLC’s annual “hate map” report. They claim that the SPLC has documented an increase of “active extremist and hate organizations in Michigan.”  
According to Arbulu, his department is “creating a process to document hate and bias incidents that don’t rise to the level of a crime or civil infraction.” This may mean documenting the groups’ activities and members. Critics fear that the database amounts to a political enemies list.
“Hate cannot continue to flourish in our state,” Nessel said in a February 22 statement. She added that she is creating a hate-crimes unit to “fight against hate crimes and the many hate groups which have been allowed to proliferate in our state.”
In an opinion piece for the Detroit News, Nolan Finley warned that this new effort “has the real potential to morph into thought policing.”
“If what Nessel and Arbulu are targeting are words, thoughts and opinions, this could easily become a weapon to shut down groups they find abhorrent, but are operating within the law,” he wrote.
“The First Amendment guarantees Church Militant the right to express itself on gay marriage and other social issues, and to do so vigorously,” continued Finley. “There's no accusation that the Catholic group has ever broken the law, or committed an act of violence against those whose lifestyles it rejects. Subjecting it to a state interrogation would amount to harassing its members for their religious beliefs.”
The SPLC’s founder was just fired this week. The group’s statement on his termination suggested workplace misconduct.
“Investigating actual acts of hate is one thing. Investigating religious views as ‘hate’ is quite another,” Terence Pell, President of the Center for Individual Rights, told LifeSiteNews via email.