Friday, June 2, 2023

The SSPX priests and faithful at their chapel in Rome interpret Vatican Council II irrationally. Why should I do the same? The Council can be interpreted rationally and honestly.


The priests and laity at the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) chapel in Rome are not affirming the Catholic Faith in public in order to maintain their status, reputation, and worldly interests.

They are not affirming the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) and the Council of Florence (1442) which did not mention any exceptions.

Neither are they affirming Vatican Council II with LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, Gs 22 etc, as referring to hypothetical and visible cases, which are not objective exceptions for the dogma EENS.

The situation is the same at the Novus Ordo Mass in the rest of the churches and chapels in Rome. This is a denial of the Catholic Faith by even the Auxiliary bishops at the Rome Vicariate.

So the Nicene Creed has been changed and all the Catechisms contradicting each other.

The Oath of Office of the bishop is modernist at the Latin Mass and the Mass in the vernacular. Since the bishop interprets Magisterial Documents with the false premise i.e. invisible people are visible in the present times.

There are two Profession of faith, depending upon which of the two interpretations of Vatican Council II are chosen.

The SSPX is still selling books with Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally. This is unethical. It is the same at the Vatican offices for ecumenism etc.

The SSPX which expelled Fr. Florien Abrahamowich  for political reasons, is now also not affirming the Catholic faith on Vatican Council II , the Creeds etc, for political reasons.

The SSPX priest and faithful at their chapel in Rome interpret Vatican Council II irrationally. Why should I do the same?

The Council can be interpreted rationally and honestly.- Lionel Andrades

Roberto dei Mattei is still selling his books with Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally


                                                                                                                                                                                                   - Lionel Andrades

Everywhere spirits were locked in what looked like fights ot the death, writhing punching, gouging. Even more hideous than the bites and kicks they exchanged were the sexual abuses everyone was performing in feverish pantomime. Perversions I had never dreamed of were being vainly attempted all around us.- George Ritchie ( nine minutes in Hell)


JUNE 1, 2023

To Hell and Back — Forward Boldly

Time on the video 12.51.

Everywhere spirits were locked in what looked like fights ot the death, writhing punching, gouging. Even more hideous than the bites and kicks they exchanged were the sexual abuses everyone was performing in feverish pantomime. Perversions I had never dreamed of were being vainly attempted all around us.- George Ritchie

I went into some tunnels heading downward. At first, they had light and looked like bee hives. There were lots of people. But I started descending and light became scarce and I started roaming some tunnels in pitch darkness. That darkness has no comparison. The darkest darkness on earth is like noontime sunlight compared to it. That darkness causes pain, horror, and shame. And it smells very bad. I finished descending down those tunnels and landed desperately on a flat spot. I used to claim I had an iron will, that nothing was too much for me. But that was useless now, because I wanted to climb up and I couldn’t. At that point I saw a huge mouth opening up on the floor and I felt immense emptiness in my body, a bottomless abyss. The most horrifying thing about that hole was that not even a bit of God’s love was felt in it, not a drop of hope. The hole sucked me in and I felt terrified.


I knew that if I went in there, my soul would die. In the midst of that horror, as I was being pulled in, I was grabbed by my feet. My body was inside that hole, but my feet were being pulled from the top. It was a very painful and horrifying moment.  My atheism fell to the wayside. I started clamoring for the souls in purgatory to help me out of there. As I was shouting I felt intense pain because I realized that thousands and thousands of people are there, mostly young people. Very painfully, I heard the gnashing of teeth, horrible screams and moans that shook me to the core. It took me several years to assimilate this because I would cry every time that I remembered their suffering. I realized that’s where people who commit suicide in an instant of desperation end, finding themselves surrounded by those horrors. But the most terrible torment there is the absence of God. God couldn’t be felt there.- Dr. Gloria Polo, dentist from Bogota, Colombia.



Cinemas and stadiums have exits but this place has no exit


MAY 30, 2018