Thursday, October 4, 2018

The present Magisterium is a rupture with the Magisterium of the 16th century. Pope Benedict confirmed this in public in March 2016 (Avvenire). ( The Crossroads at 23rd Street )

From The Defenders of the (Liberal) Faith website, with comments.

Beware of those posing as “Catholics” who speak and publish in opposition to the Teaching Authority of the Church

The name of "Catholic" is the most valuable possession a person can ever hope to obtain. It is something truly unique; identifying the individual who possess it as a cherished and integral part (a member) of the Mystical Body of Christ (i.e. the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church).
Lionel : There is no more unity in the Profession of Faith and the Nicene Creed. The liberal theologians have changed all that after they assumed there were objective and practical exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS)
So who is a Catholic today ? Someone who rejects the Creed, EENS and Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite)? This is the exact position of the writers on this liberal website who are attacking those who follow Catholic Tradition.
To be clear, the name or title of "Catholic” is not an inconsequential gift for there is a price associated with obtaining it. That price is obedience to the laws and governance of the Church. One could say that receiving the title of “Catholic” is a reward (a blessing) that is bestowed upon those stalwart catechumens who embrace the truthfulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ and who enter into Holy Communion with His Church through the water of baptism.
Yet, there is a vast difference between “Cafeteria Catholics”, who pick and choose whom they will trust and what they will believe, and “True” Catholics being those who commit, submit, and subject themselves to the divine will of God as expressed through His the Magisterium (which includes the Pope who is the Vicar of Christ on earth, and the visible head of His Church).
Lionel : The present Magisterium is a rupture with the Magisterium of the 16th century. Pope Benedict confirmed this in public in March 2016 (Avvenire).
“True” Catholics persevere in their faith and will endure to the end in defending the laws and doctrines of the Church against Her enemies … those found within and without ... who oppose the Holy See and seek to sow discord / animus amongst the ranks of the laity (the Christian Faithful).
The bible bears proof that that there is an opposition in all things, a fierce opposition that is orchestrated and ruled over by “the Father of Lies” (Satan). It is not coincidence that for every “TRUE” apostle, prophet, pastor, monk, (etc.) that God commissions and sends out to preach and teach that Lucifer recruits and sends out his own “FALSE” demonic equivalents.
Lionel: The Father of Lies suggests invisible cases of being saved in invincible ignorance are visible exceptions to the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church. This is the position of this liberal website which cites Colin B.Donovan stl..
It should come as no surprise then that many of those whom Satan has commissioned / recruited to conspire against and oppose the Holy See have succeeded in infiltrating the Church; posing as “TRUE” Catholics. Tragically, in some regrettable instances, certain of these imposters have managed to “deceive the elect” (the bishops of the church) and have obtained Holy Orders; allowing themselves entry into the Priesthood.
Such tragic and appalling infiltration by these “False” Catholics into the hierarchy of the Teaching Authority of the Church points an accusing finger directly at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) in Rome (Holy See – Roman Curia) whose duty and responsibility it is to “police” the Church, exposing such frauds / imposters, and “cleansing the temple”, so-to-speak.
Lionel: For political reasons Pope Benedict and Cardinal Liuz Ladaria do not affirm the dogma EENS and are in a schism with the past popes and saints.
But, the CDF is not alone in its culpability of “sleeping on the job” and allowing “ravenous wolves” dressed in “Shepherd’s” clothing to gain unfettered access to Christ’s flock. There are numerous Diocesan Bishops who are equally derelict in their duty to uphold and maintain the sanctity of the Church and act as its first line of defense to ensure the spiritual and physical well-being of the laity.
“The wolf catcheth and scattereth the sheep.” - 1 St John 10:12
As a direct result of the negligence of the Church in keeping itself sane (vigilant) and secure, it is estimated that 11% (143 million) of the approximate 1.3 billion baptized Catholics worldwide have broken ranks with main-stream Catholicism. These “disgruntled” Catholics have set out and established and/or joined with numerous dissenting “fringe groups” opposed to the liturgical changes brought on by the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) and refer to themselves as being “Traditional” Catholics rather than simply Catholic.
Lionel: Vatican Council II can be interpreted with or without a false premise and the conclusion is traditional or non traditional.
Then there is a small but non-negligible number of Ultra-Traditionalist “fringe groups” in existence who declare that due to the events associated with and relating to the Second Vatican Council that the Roman Catholic Church has become “eclipsed”.
Lionel : Liberal extremists also interpret Vatican Council II with irrational Cushingism and reject Vatican Council II , Feeneyite, which would be in harmony with the past ecclesiology of the Church.
These extremists believe that the Church has been infiltrated and taken control over by either “Jews”, “Free Masons”, “Communists” (and/or a combination) but most assuredly by Satan; thus leaving the “Chair of Peter” vacant since the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958. These persons refer to themselves as “Sedevacantists”.
One common point found in these “fringe groups” is that they have openly declared themselves to be “outside” of the governance of the Roman Curia and have established themselves as alternative “authoritative” Catholic religious communities. What they fail to comprehend is that though their outrage over certain scandalous actions of the Church may be justified … dissent within the Church never justifies schism. It has been said on this point that: “One does not abandon Peter because of Judas.” If anything, “TRUE” Catholics, in times of crisis, will simply “gird up their loins”, persevere, and endure to the end; working hard with the Church to bring about a viable and lasting change.
Lionel : They are waiting for the CDF to affirm EENS and Vatican Council II wih Feeneyism.
"And whosoever shall keep the whole law, but offend in one point, is become guilty of all." - St. James 2:10

Lionel: Agreed.
The official Benedictines are not affirming extra ecclesiam nulla salus according to St. Benedict, their founder and neither is this being done by the writers at this liberal website which criticizes the Most Holy Family Monastery.
The blatant apathy of the CDF and the Church’s Archdioceses worldwide, in either formally condemning or reconciling with these “fringe groups”, is scandalous and urgently needs to be resolved.

Lionel: According to the MHFM the CDF doctrinally and theologicall is a 'fringe group' since it rejects the past ecclesiology and does it in public.
As for these “fringe groups” … they simply fail to understand that it is ludicrous to believe, or even entertain the idea, that in Christ's Church there could exist such a thing as "loyal" opposition. Their dissent and opposition to Rome is quite Protestant in nature and form.
Lionel: For them Rome has gone Protestant while they are simply affirming the past ecclesiology of the Church as did the past popes and saints, who should not be called 'fringe groups'.
Depending on the strength of your Faith in the Roman Catholic Church and its relation to these “fringe groups”, Traditionalists may appear as being theological “fence sitters” who lack the moral fortitude to commit to jumping off onto one side or the other of the Catholo-Protestant fence they sit defiantely and mockingly upon.
Those "TRUE" Catholics remain within the Church, despite the controversy surrounding the Second Vatican Council and other more recent Church related scandals, should find solace in the words of the Apostle Paul for their tenacity in the faith:
"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth.” - 2 Timothy 4:3–4

Lionel: Precisely those who write as "Defenders of the Faith Crossroads...", are interpreting Vatican Council II with an irrationality to create a rupture with Tradition. This is innovation.
They assume there are known cases of a St. Emerentiana or the Emperor Valentinian saved outside the Church in 2018 without identifying who these known people are.
I could go on.....
Paul also taught that our Savior: "… gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ: That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;” - Ephesians 4:11–14
Christ, Himself, made it clear to His disciples:
"… Take heed that no man deceive you." - St Matthew 24:4
"… false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many." - St Matthew 24:11
"If anyone says that ... those who have been neither rightly ordained nor sent by ecclesiastical and canonical authority, but come from a different source, are lawful ministers of the word …: let him be anathema [cf. n. 960]." - Denzinger: Sources of Catholic Dogma: 967 Can. 7
Lionel: The Benedictine all over the world have been lawlfully ordained even though they reject Church teachings in public. Even after being informed they do not issue a clarification or correction.
-Lionel Andrades

Beware of those posing as “Catholics” who speak and publish in opposition to the Teaching Authority of the Church

This would be a reference to the 23rd website, Defenders of the Liberal Faith who do not respond to these blog posts.
-Lionel Andrades

Benedictine bishops, like other bishops and cardinals, do not affirm de fide teachings of the Catholic Church. They are denying it in public. This is manifest heresy and a mortal sin ( The Crossroads at 23rd Street )

1917 Code of Canon Law (Can. 146) and the Legitimacy of the MHFM

1917 Code of Canon Law
Book I: General Norms (Can. 1-6)
Title IX: Ecclesiastical Offices (Can. 145-196)
Chapter I: The Provision of Ecclesiastical Office
Can. 146: "An ecclesiastical office cannot be validly obtained without canonical provision".
Canonical Provision: It comprises three distinct acts - the designation of the personcanonical institution, and installation. In various ways a person may be designated to fill a vacant benefice: by election, postulation, presentation, or recommendation, resignation made in one's favor, or approved exchange. In all cases confirmation by the proper ecclesiastical superior of the selection made is required, while letters of appointment, as a rule, must be presented.
Lionel: However the person must affirm the teachings of the Catholic Church, this is also a requirement.I mentioned in a previous post that the 'official Benedictines' reject the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS), they interpret the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) as referring to known people saved outside the Church when practically there are no such known people. They affirm irrational Vatican Council II (Cushingite) which is a rupture with Tradition.It is heretical and schismatic.They do not accept Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) which is in harmony with the past ecclesiology, the Syllabus of Errors, EENS and the Catechisms.
So Michael and Peter Dimond would call the official Benedictines and the other religious communities, 'the Vatican Council II sect 'and consider them anathema. I would call them the 'false church' ,with new doctrines created with a New Theology, within the true Church.
This is also a canonical issue.
Reception of administration by a chapter without such letters brings excommunication reserved to the pope, together with privation of the fruits of the benefice; and the nominee loses “ipso facto” all right to the prelacy. Ordinarily greater benefices are conferred by the pope; minor benefices by the bishop, who as a rule has the power of appointing to all benefices in his diocese. The pope, however, owing to the fullness of his jurisdiction, may appoint to any benefice whatsoever.
Thus, the law is clear ... without legitimacy (canonical provision), without the consecrated authority to act on God’s behalf to establish an ecclesiastical office [a monastery] to preach / teach the scattered flock, even with the best of intentions, it is against the Code of Canon Law bringing with it an “ipso facto” sentence of excommunication.
Lionel: The two popes and the cardinals and bishops assume invisible BOD, BOB and I.I are visible exceptions to the dogma EENS as it was known, for example, to the Magisterium of the 16th century. All those who want to enter religious life have to accept this heresy.This is first class heresy since the Nicene Creed has been changed.
I would not be able to enter a religious community since for me invisible cases of BOD, BOB and I.I are not visible exceptions to EENS. Similarly Michael and Peter would have no chance of joining the Benedictines since they affirm traditional EENS.BOD, BOB and I.I are not exceptions to EENS for them.
This is a canonical issue. 
Next; as found within the 1918 version of The New Canon LawA Commentary and Summary of the New Code of Canon Law; by Rev. Stanislaus Woywod, O.F.M.
The Second Book: Laws Concerning Persons
Part I: Laws Concerning the Clergy
Section II: Clerics Individually
Title VII: The Supreme Authority and Those who by Law Share in it
(146) The Supreme Authority alone can erect ecclesiastical provinces, dioceses, abbeys [monasteries] or prelatures nullius, vicariates apostolic, prefectures apostolic; or change their limits, divide, unite, suppress them.
Lionel: The New Code of Canon Law expects Catholics to say that invisible cases of BOD, BOB and I.I are visible. Then they have to interpret Magisterial documents with this irrationality.
This is an impediment to being a Catholic . A Catholic has to affirm this irrationality, heresy and schism to be in good standing with the Church.
It is a canon law issue.

The FACTs:

  • Joseph Natale (1932-1995), the founder of the “concept” MHFM, was a layman and NEVER was a professed religious.
  • Joseph Natale NEVER received permission from a Benedictine Bishop (delegated by the Supreme Authority) to establish his congregation.
  • The same applies to Frederick “Michael” Dimond.
Thus ... NO Canonical Provision.
Lionel: They do not want Canonical Provision from heretical ecclesiastics who do not recant and corrent themselves  in public even after being informed of the error.
Simply put ... the Dimond Brothers of the MHFM, as laymen, are acting outside the laws of the Church established in 1917 ... long before Vatican II was ever held.
Lionel: The 'Church' today is a rupture with the Church in the pre-1930's since a false premise is used to interpret Vatican Council II. This can be avoided. But the duplicity is continued for political reasons.
The 'Church' needs to correct itself doctrinally and theologically and then invite Peter and Michael Dimond, the SSPX and other traditionalists and sedevacantist, into the Church, with full canonical status.
In the Canon Law Digest, Volume 3, Can. 147 (page 71) it reads: “Excommunication as vitandus is inflicted for accepting office from a lay authority.”; which is exactly the grievous error committed by Bro. Michael when he self-declared himself, as a layman, Superior of the MHFM.
For it is clearly indicated concerning the “official” Benedictine requirements for obtaining the legitimate position of a Superior within a Benedictine monastery:
Lionel: The CDF Prefect, Cardinal Luiz Ladaria Sj at the Placuet Deo Press Conference this year denied the dogma EENS and re-interpreted Vatican Council II with an irrational premise.He also did not affirm Vatican Council II ( without the premise).This was all done in  public.This too would result in automatic excommunication according to the Magisterium of the past.
1910 “Declarations on the Rule of Our Holy Father St. Benedict and Statutes of the American-Cassinese Congregation” / permissu superiorum (by permission of the superiors), approved by the HOLY SEE under Pope Pius X (page 55):
No one, however, can be elected unless he has made solemn vows, is ordained to the priesthood and belongs to our congregation.
Lionel : He must also affirm the dogma EENS according to St.Benedict.
Denzinger: The Sources of Catholic Dogma
967 Can. 7: “If anyone says that ... those who have been neither rightly ordained nor sent by ecclesiastical and canonical authority, but come from a different source, are lawful ministers of the word …: let him be anathema [cf. n. 960].
Lionel : Any one who changes the meaning of the Nicene Creed and rejects the dogma EENS is also anathema.
Anathema is a ban or curse solemnly pronounced by ecclesiastical authority and accompanied by excommunication.

To reiterate the FACTs:

  • Joseph Natale was a layman and NEVER was a professed religious.
  • Joseph Natale NEVER received permission from a Benedictine Bishop (delegated by the Supreme Authority) to establish his congregation.
  • Joseph Natale NEVER received “Holy Orders”, was NEVER ordained to the priesthood, and therefore had NO legitimate claim to the position / title of Superior.
  • The same applies to Frederick “Michael” Dimond.
Thus, once again ... NO Canonical Provision.
Lionel : Benedictine bishops, like all other bishops and cardinals, do not affirm de fide teachings of the Catholic Church. They are denying it in public. This is manifest heresy and a mortal sin.
It is unfortunate, indeed, that there are a multitude of obstinate persons who do not quite, or willfully refuse, to understand that the purpose of this project is NOT an attempt to unjustly defame or denigrate the innocent; but rather it is a continued effort to keep on “sounding the alarm” concerning the fraud being perpetuated upon the “scattered flock” by a narcistic, miscreant by the name of Frederick “Michael” Dimond; posing as an ecclesiastic Superior within his secular “not-for-profit corporation”; disguised as a self-identified Order of St Benedict (OSB) deceitfully called the “Most Holy Family Monastery” (MHFM).
It's still not too late to repent Brother Michael.
Lionel: The unknown, anonymous owner of this website/blog as a Catholic could also respond to these posts.-Lionel Andrades