Friday, June 18, 2010


A full page coloured advertisement was placed yesterday June 17, 2010 in the Italian Catholic Bishops Conference daily newspaper Avvenire. The advertisement by the Society of St. Paul magazine Famiglia Cristiana were selling Richard Back’s Jonathan Livingstone Seagull.

Famiglia Cristiana is the only ‘Catholic’ magazine available in the leftist-Zionist public libraries in Rome (Comune did Roma, Biblioteche). The magazine promotes immodesty in clothes and encourages all types of television programs.

Jonathan Livingston Seagull expresses the concept of reincarnation. Through the life of a seagull, it relates a human beings evolving over many years to perfection. There is no concept of the Catholic Hell and Heaven.

It expressed the Eastern concept of the avatar and perfected being and beings being pefected over many lives.

Bach was a leader of the Theosophical Society, it is learnt, which is considered a forerunner of the present New Age Movement.

Avvenire a few days back published a lengthy article and its photo by Cardinal Carlo Martini S.j. The Italian cardinal sees other religions also as the ordinary way of salvation. He is in harmony with the New Age and has a regular column in an anti Catholic daily secular newspaper in Italy.

A large part of the coloured advertisement was on The Prophet by Khalil Gibran.

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