Monday, September 10, 2012


I e-mailed the Superior General of a religious congregation in Rome the blog post, which asked if all religious communities could hold the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus along with implicit baptism of desire and invincible ignorance.

I then met him a few times after Mass.

He seems uncomfortable talking about the issue.

He probably knows that implicit baptism of desire etc does not contradict the literal interpretation of the dogma.

If the baptism of desire was explicit and known to us then it would run foul of the centuries old interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

If he agrees that the baptism of desire is implicit always then it would mean all religious communities can affirm the dogma in its literal interpretation.

It would not conflict with Vatican Council II since Lumen Gentium 16 (invincible ignorance and a good conscience) would be implicit. We would not know of any non Catholic saved in 2012 with the baptism of desire.Affirming the baptism of desire would not be contrary to the Principle of Non Contradiction.

For him to affirm the dogma in public however would require a lot of confidence and may be also courage.-Lionel Andrades

Religious Superiors


George Brenner said...

Lionel said:

" For him to affirm the dogma( No Salvation Outside the Catholic Church) in public however would require a lot of confidence and may be also courage "
This would also require a deep faith and conviction in teaching and defending the TRUTH. This issue is at the very epicenter of the Crisis of Faith. It will take the leadership and hands on direction of the Holy Father as spiritually aided by the Holy Ghost, to remedy this breach of centuries of true Catholic teaching on Salvation. If not the Holy Father, some great Saint for our time will be necessary to lead the charge. Why is everyone so afraid to address and make right this modernist error that has overtaken our Church? It is because of a sense of helplessness and weakness in the spirit of many. Even the confused and troubled are waiting for someone else to say ' Enough' The case against Father Feeney must be re opened. Heaven cries out for justice and truth.

George Brenner said...

Modernist Priest explaining Invincible Ignorance to a group of Catholics and Non Catholics gathered together..... Well folks there is no reason to explain 'No Salvation Outside the Catholic Church'. Out of Charity we do not teach that any longer. We do not want to offend anyone. Let me just say that if you are Catholic we are glad that you are here. And to you folks that are not Catholic, well you have options, including Invincible Ignorance and who am I to ruin that possibility for you. Really, that is what it has come down to. Go forth and teach all nations in what I have commanded you expired some time ago in the teaching mission of all but a few.

Catholic Mission said...

George Brenner said...
Go forth and teach all nations in what I have commanded you expired some time ago in the teaching mission of all but a few.

In June 2012 the pope was to speak on the theme go forth into the whole world and proclaim the Good News...he delivered his talk without talking on theme.

Since there are threats from the Left.

Even religious superiors do not want to affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

TodaI received an email from a religious superior he is busy with some conference . He could not answer if the dead are visible to us on earth.

Neither will be able to answer it for the rest of this month.

The Vatican has said in public that there is no mission to non Catholics.

Catholic Mission said...

George Brenner said...
Go forth and teach all nations in what I have commanded you expired some time ago in the teaching mission of all but a few.

In June 2012 the pope was to speak on the theme go forth into the whole world and proclaim the Good News...he delivered his talk without talking on theme.

Since there are threats from the Left.

Even religious superiors do not want to affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

TodaI received an email from a religious superior he is busy with some conference . He could not answer if the dead are visible to us on earth.

Neither will be able to answer it for the rest of this month.

The Vatican has said in public that there is no mission to non Catholics.

George Brenner said...

Conscience is defined as an aptitude, faculty, intuition or judgment of the intellect that distinguishes right from wrong. Moral judgment may derive from values or norms ... and most importantly, TRUTH.

Those that delay, postpone and refuse to answer the questions posed to them are, in my humble opinion, bothered by their conscience. That is a very good situation. Some are scared, some do not know, some have forgot and some believe in safety in numbers. How many Saints believed that the whole Church was against them? My prayerful advise would be to not be afraid for one,s soul is on the line. We are accountable. How can so many be so wrong for so many years? The answer is because they take comfort in numbers rather than doing the will of God.